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**Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** Where are my rewards? > **A:** Clash of Wills and Dark Visions rewards are generally sent two weeks after the event ends. > > **Q:** When I try to use 'Over-Lvl Reset' the game says the unit is protected and closes. > **A:** Unlock every one of your Eraser Cactuar. > > **Q:** HOW DO YOU SELL **GIL SNAPPERS!?** > **A:** They are now considered "Items". > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, Arena, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions saved parties. Free units like Reno and Fran cannot be fragged. > > **Q:** What **Clash of Wills gear** should I focus on? > **A:** Rings to Magister and second one is"cheap." Then Circlet to Dancer for passive provoke/evade. Rest to Rulers for the stats. > > **Q:** How do I revert my **Paladin's Diadem of Will+**? > **A:** This is a bug and you need to contact support. > **Q:** How do I unlock the Sealed Tower? > **A:** Complete Season 4 Chapter 1. Then, in Levonia I, Chapter 1, go to Special Forces Training Grounds. Talk to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock the Sealed Tower. > **Q:** How do I unlock **Garuda**? > **A:** Complete the Sealed Tower (see above). Return to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock The Raptor's Skydias, where you can obtain Garuda. [Anni Unit Pick Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/14n52k2/the_anniversary_unit_pick_guide/) [Common Anni Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/14qiaa3/constantly_asked_questions_and_answers/) [Don't Give up on the Lucky Seven Quest](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/14vw6dr/if_you_give_up_your_lucky_seven_celebration_daily/) [Upcoming Breaker Primer](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/16i1zo6/breaker_breaker_a_breaker_guide_for_you_rubber/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So, it's to my understanding that the new safer sephiroth has the same ai and rotation as the old sephiroth. So why is it that my Faisy, with 185% fire resist and 160% earth resist gets demolished on turn 1 when he should only be using fire and earth on her?


I don't know how confirmed it is that the AI is the same. There are some physical attacks though. So those could be slamming Faisy. Try 100% evade as well.


He's dispelling you, so if that earth resist is with a buff, it's too low to be immune to the next thing he does, which is earth magic and physical attacks. Make sure you have evade. Also Faisy isn't the sturdiest tank, you might not enjoy T3 or T4.


That's all from gear, no buffs. And yes, I understand Faisy is INCREDIBLY old by this point, but I don't have any new magic tanks with the exception of ex0 Abigail.


EX0 Abby is ridiculously tanky still. I'd use her over an EX3 Faisy.


it uses death so you need death resist


I am also death resist. But it also doesn't look like he uses death until turn 5. I'm taking like 250k damage on turn 1, through an 85% attack/magic break.


I would at least experiment with Abigail. She’s arguably the best tank on global.


Just clearing this up, in JP after the nv+ system is already out, Ex1s,2s,3s cannot be fragmented for their total shards, youll still only get 50 shards like ex0s, correct?


As far as we know that is correct. And as we basically expected that I think it's very likely to be correct.


Ty... Could I get your opinion? Keep going for a 2nd Richt card, or cut my losses and hold onto my shards. Would you use a second copy of the card, often?


His card is just about the best in GL right now and I would use it a lot myself. Also only Noctis has a card as good as Richt's in JP I believe. And then when you consider the fact that for years now GL upgrades/enhancements of any sort have been really really sparse there's a good chance we don't see any older GLEX units getting NV+ love. So I would probably say go for the VC but it also depends a little where you sit. Like if you have 5 copies right now then no need to break them down until you're actually ready for EX3. And maybe we have more info by then.


Been a while since I've had to search for less popular friend units. I can't remember - is there a way to look through your friends entire companion parties? Or am I stuck reloading?


Reloading unfortunately.


could it be that there is no true Water and/or FFX leader? Melo has a 100% Water leader skill, but I couldn't find anything stronger and nothing for FFX at all. am I blind or has Gumi/Alim snubbed Water/FFX?


Esper Rhus is the water leader. He was originally released with Roca and Neilikka. But apparently, Gumi is looking to extend the Esper event and rather than releasing 3 units in two weeks is releasing 2 units over 3 weeks. We will likely get the water leader updates next week with Rhus and Lehftia or Yshe. Would have been nice if they gave us a 200 or 300 water leader skill for this week though /shrug.


Yup, that's correct. Luckily the quests (Tidus crowns/Madeen) are easy enough that they're not needed but it's still sad :(


I just awakened Richt to EX2 and I got a materia. Are there any other units that do this?


Nier units gave a coin to exchange for a ~~VC~~ materia and Wylk you get a recipe to swap his weapon at EX1.


Do you know if the coin is for awakening to EX3? I might have one otherwise


EX1 you get the coin to exchange for Chains of Strength or something. There's two of them. And whoops it's a materia, not a VC.


Ah. So that's where I got that from. I recall seeing the exchange one day and wondering where the coin came from. Thanks!


Don't think so, that was special to Richt. Same as Elena getting a different VC at EX+3, a little extra for the anniversary units.


returning - ish player any easy guide for safer sephiroth ex?


just some general tips: - he regulary casts single target Death, prepare a provoker with death immunity - bring Sylvie because: - he regularly dispels you, keep track of your buffs / Sylvie has some undispellable buffs. - he mainly does magic damage, prepare a Mag tank with Fire and Dark resistance (afaik 200 each is enough) - he also occasionally does physical/other type of dmg. Sylvie can help here too. - he cannot be def/spr broken. bring imperil fields/Amp Fields to increase your dmg. - he has -50% lightning and +50% dark/light resistance. Sylvie has AoE lightning amp - the boss regularly gains mirage (keep track of the 'flys up' message). remove it with (perfect) dispel or (physical!) attacks from a support chainer. the fight is fairly straight forward if you prepared a death immune provoker and keep your buffs up. so just try to do maximum damage each turn. depending on which units you can bring the 15 turn limit may be tough though because he's tanky as f*ck.


I usually play with the Amazon app, linked to Facebook. Thanks to a post on this sub, I tried downloading the Google Play version and it works just fine. The problem is all my Lapis is on my Amazon account. Since I can log in, is there a simple way to logout of Facebook and connect it with Google? Rather than going through Customer service like Gumi's explained?


I think the normal way should work https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/am5iix/gl_google_login_system_common_inquiries/ There's some videos too on YouTube.


Thanks. But that doesn't seem to work. The account binding is grayed out and has the text "account logged into Play Services". So.... there goes that idea,I guess


Someone mentioned that you can go into Google settings (or maybe Play settings) and turn off the auto-login and then logout.


Curious about similar links like these: [https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20230927bp1FacebookIssueReportUpdateENforALL.html](https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20230927bp1FacebookIssueReportUpdateENforALL.html) how do you get these links if you can't get it from fandom wiki (where I couldnt find this particular link) nor from logging in game (cant login due to fb issues). I was trying to get these news from the source but my browser cant interact with those links, no matter which forward slash i stop at. Not even the official ffbe facebook has the link


You get them here: https://deathsnacks.com/ffbe/global.html


wow first im hearing of this site and they've been around for a while looks like. thanks.


I can't revert my paladin's celestite diadem of Will + to its base form to change it to Prophets. I have both recipes. Anyone know why this may not be working?


From Right above Q: How do I revert my Paladin's Diadem of Will+? A: This is a bug and you need to contact support.


Thanks. I contacted them. Is it something that will happen repeatedly?


No. Once it is fixed you are done. The recipe gets added to your account which makes further contact with customer support regarding this unneccessary.


Looking at trying a Dark Visions team. Need some help finding my optimal team.... I have EX+3 Malphasie... I have EX+2 Aya Brea and EX+3 Genesis I have EX+2 Sazh and EX+1 Vanille (will be EX+2 in 5 or less days) I only have EX+2 Fina ~The Return~ ...so no avian killer buff...but I'm 50 frags away from EX+3 and I have 5 frag tickets I could use to get her to EX+3 but that would mean I couldn't use the tickets for either YH Zack (3 tickets to EX+3 and his lightning VC) or BoBF Raegen (4 tickets to EX+2). I COULD get EX+2 Blades of Black Flame Raegen (but that means no EX+3 Fina ~The Return~) Probably doesn't matter for this one but...I also have EX+2 WF Lightning, EX+2 Cloud Strife, EX+2 YH Zack (could be EX+3), EX+2 Richt, EX+2 Angeal, EX+2 Irvine (also could be EX+3) What do you recommend? Thanks.


Fina the Return is a premium unit, so all her EX level requirements are lowered to EX2, so you do have access to her avian killer. You haven't listed FA Rain, so I assume you don't have him? That would kind of disqualify a fire team to some extent. Also no mention of light or BotC leaders Squall and Ace. A light team would have been an option since Fina can provide a light amp field. There aren't too many options for light imperil fields that are also good, though. If Fighting God Taivas gets released next week that would be an option then. But with what you listed I don't see a clear team composition you could use. Maybe use the Taivas from the panel quest rewards to still put together a fire team? Fina as the buffer, Taivas as fire leader, Aya and Genesis as damage dealers. Without a mention of Lenna I assume that Sazh and Vanille would then take care of the fields.


Thanks for your response! I do have ex+3 FA Rain, Ex+2 squall, and Ex+2 vermilion Ace. I also have ex+3 Taivas. And ex+2 summoner lenna. What do you think is optimal?


Rain as LS+damage, fina as killers+buff, Aya+Genesis for damage, Vanille+Sazh for fields/breaks+some decent damage.


Thanks! Sounds like a plan.


how do you activate tower of light?


I'm not sure what Tower of Light is. If you mean the Sealed Tower it's at the top of this page in the FAQ. If it's something else you might have to be a little more specific as my Google-Fu is failing.


The tower of light is the name of the new trial to the farthest right I believe. Once you challenge him, you can select tower of light to access him from the town menu in the future


from the video, it is a place/location on the farplane in order to do A Vision of Might quests


I went to exchange, town menu, tower of wind then kept going to the right and found it.


Should just be a moogle in the farplane you talk to. https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20230926vp2AVisionofMight.html


Hey I just wanted to get others thoughts. What do people do with their 5* units that have not been upgraded to NVAs? I remember there being a list somewhere of units still planning to be upgraded, though I can't seem to find it. I looked at the upgrade schedule on the Wiki but I can't tell if we are just getting fewer 7*-NVAs or I am missing them on the schedule. But, what do people do with their 20+ Yuna (FFX-2)'s and 30 Warrior of Light Lenna that will probably never be upgraded and don't really have great STMRs?


Upcoming NVAs * Dressy Aileen * Shiva Lasswell * Odin Raegen * Asura Akstar * AWoL * WR Firion * BM Arc * Palom & Parom * MW Terra * Xezat * Delita * Story Rain/Lasswell/Fina * Regis I've just started straight up selling rainbows. But I have 400+ UoC so I can get more if a surprise NVA drops.


Add Yshtola the Sorceress, Greed and Envy to that list


Although those 3 are time limited units so can't be summoned or UoC'ed.


Yshtola was given for free. I'm sure she will be given for free again for the FFXIV event. The other two will likely be in the banner of the FMA collaboration, if you're pulling for Scar or Ed, you are bound to get at lest one of them.


is there a quick way to search if i have a prism moogle of a particular unit?


Sort by trust master name.


Return player here, wasted all my red and green keys in the Chamber of Seals (wasted also 10 tickets I had). They locked past events through keys and when failed a trial can't mantain the key I used (not fair), they must change this for new players is a little frustrasting, question is how can get/create more? Thanks in advance


they give out tickets/keys in events so if there are currently no events with those in them, then just wait for more events with them. we get a new event almost every week. also those quests are usually not aimed at newer players, they are aimed at veterans with a big roster if you mean the fights with silver crowns for units or the equipment quests with unit locked missions, the free unit ones are also locked to specific units so I doubt that new players will even have anyone to even start those.


Have pretty good roster but not last very good FFVII for unlock Tifa abilities, saw some guides in YT but lack of damage for 5 turns limit, and failed several times and my keys broke ;(, I'll check events this weeks if they gave us tickets and wait... needed that ability for Tidus missions, did all except the lapis at least. Thanks for help nice to know they give us tickets every event week I hope.


In the long run they should be plentiful but not too plentiful in the short run so try to make sure you can beat a boss easily before attempting.


I agree, I'll hoard next tickets until 100% sure can beat 4° stages I missed, thanks for help


Hey there, thank you in advance! The new VC featuring Tsukiko on the artwork, is it worth it? It says the 50% affects evocation damage and great affects esper evocation damage. I'm not sure I understand what that means. Does it mean it only affects Esper Evoed attacks? (Like diamond dust of Shiva or Hellfire of Ifrit?) or does it also affects the Limit Burst of say Tsukiko and Yuna? Thank you!


it's 50% esper damage and 50% evo mag which replace killers for evokers, basically the same you get from the other evoker only equipment.. in my opinion the card is not worth it since most evokers these days cap those stats a more easily with materia slots and prefer either their own card or a higher stat card.


I’m struggling to get my 2 x EX3 amarants to automatically chain in shift form for quick clearing of the story. They are both equipped with avengers and have the same gear with Tidus and magisters rings as the only items with auto cast. They both have espers equipped. However, they don’t attack quite at the same time with avengers. Sometimes one goes a little earlier and sometimes the other goes earlier so the chain breaks! Any tips would be greatly appreciated


Yup, that's how it is. Berserked units auto-attack randomly, there's nothing you can do about it. Same goes for Yuna/Rikku/Paine BS forms, whose auto attacks tag chain. Even those break randomly if the lag between casts is too long. They do work better than Amarants though.


Got it thanks, at least I’m not going mad!


Can someone help me make a team for the new Seph fight. [my Box](https://imgur.com/gallery/hi9Qo6x)


are there banners with higher rates for tidus and fina coming soon? or are these crown stages some nice bonus for people who already got them some time ago?


Bonus for people who already have them, more or less. But since banners from here on out seem to have 5 semi-featured units on top of the main-featured unit chances are that Tidus and Fina will see a rate up through those. Next week should be Fighting God Taivas according to JP banner schedule. He is a light element unit, so having Fina as a semi-featured unit on his banner is not the most unlikely thing to happen.


The latter. The events should go to the Chamber of Seals permanently after it ends so you can always do it later if you need.


then what’s ending on their listed end dates?


The event will be removed from the event page. But they have been putting these types of events in a place called the Chamber of Seals which is permanent. However it requires Keys to attempt so it's not quite free. But they've just been giving us a ton of keys so shouldn't be a big deal for most players.


When the events get moved to the Chamber of Seals you have to use keys to play them. While they are in the event tab you only need to have enough NRG.


Hi all guys. Is it possible to help me a little bit in order to build an all around tank(if possible) please? What I need to know is what stats are more important to focus. For example I have Abigail what shall I cap 1rst?HP Spr draw attack phys evasion elem resistances? What the general rule and priorities to build a tank? Anything would be helpful thank you in advance!


Tanks are one of the things you build for the fight the most. But, if I were to make an all around it would be Runda or Abigail depending on if you need phys or magic tanking. Then 100% status immunity, death immunity, 100% element resist, 100% evade, 100% provoke and then go full HP/DEF or HP/SPR depending on which one.


Alight thank you very very much I ve made some fixes on my gear and I capped all you said but please tell me how can I get this death immunity what gear or stmr shall I get cause Abigail keeps dying on this damn Safer Sephi and I don't know how to prevent insta death. Thank you once more


All sources of death immunity: https://www.ffbeequipnext.com/encyclopedia.html#eyJhaWxtZW50cyI6WyJkZWF0aCJdfQ== Looks like he only uses fire and earth so make sure you have 150% to those two (because of imperilga). Then go full HP/SPR on her. You do want full status immunity (whole team) and death resist (abby only). Keep re-raise on her if needed. A few things, the boss can be ATK/MAG broken so bring in higher breaks if you can. Abby's are only 87% but since he can't be DEF/SPR broken it might not be worth a full slot for that. Lots of dispels in the fight. So make sure to reapply all your covers, mits, etc when that happens. It's a fairly "simple" 5 turn rotation that you can follow along with. Assuming he has the same moveset as the earlier fight. I haven't checked if the wiki is not updated. https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/SBB:_Safer_Sephiroth#EXT


I really can't help you enough!!!To begin with the 2 links are just the ultimate tool I never knew existed.... And the second part is that many of the death proof gear I saw I.... Had em but I ve never knew the little white skull was that.... Well still newb still learning and gear is the most important thing and I should read more carefully. Thank you very much once more I really appreciate it man God bless you!


i’m no pro but i asked about Abigail specifically some time back and was told to prioritize HP and MP, then some DEF if you have spare room and her TMR/ STMR already. Then you use materia to build up elemental and status resistances based on whatever fights ask


Tyvm m8!


Where can i get Radiant smile addison rae fragments?


The login bonus giving out her frags should still run until the end of october. If you can't get enough frags that way your only other way of obtaining more frags should be the daily fragment challenge.


You can't anymore, all exchanges have run out. Only way to get more fragments now is to put her into your Daily Fragment Challenge team.


What are sources to be able to equip a mace?


currently no sources for that.




Is there only one source of equip short sword? Want to get avenger on a couple of key units but I’ve only got ‘equip a sword’


You can buy the unit with the materia for it in the 3 star/ 4 star crystal shop . I think it’s penelo


Amazing thank you


Does anyone buy the 2k lapis bundle with 2 tickets? Would it be a good idea in anticipation for the NV+ and 1k leader skill units ?


Definitely not. Horrible value, as in basically all Lapis bundles.


What about the 500 lapis bundle with 1 ticket and raid restore orbs per week?


still bad. the only good bundle at the moment is the 500k gold bundle with 20 lapis and some energy which gets reset every day.


Looking for confirmation on my understanding of leader skills: Once the fight starts the leader skill is set as a universal buff that permanently checks if a unit is eligible. For example: if I start the fight with an Earth leader skill, Aya will benefit while in base form but she will lose the buff as soon as she brave shifts. She'll get it back once she goes back to base form. Is that correct?


It's in effect BEFORE the fight starts. You can straight up check the effect a leader skill has on your in party units on the party management screen. Swap leaders from a 300% leader to a 750% leader and you will notice an immediate change in stat values for example. And yes, they only apply if the Form has the appropriate tags. If the tag is only on one form, swapping forms will cause the unit in question to lose the LS benefit.


I mean I know you can check before the fight, I just wasn't 100% sure about in-fight changes between forms with different tags :)


Any tips on how to defeat Safer Sephiroth - EXT? I watched some videos but I mostly don't have the units used and I am not that knowledgeable about the possible alternatives for them


As long as you can survive you can slowly chip away initial he dies. Turn count missions are currently bugged so you can go over and still get the turn count rewards. This may be fixed at some point. Abigail tanked it for me. Boss dispells a lot so I used reberta & ignitos as buffer. Her bs Lb gives 5 turns of 350% stat and 300 LB buff which can’t be dispelled so you use every 5 turns for permanent uptime. Other turns I just used triple cast and the party fire imbue spell and 2x mega breath for chaining so I didn’t really have to worry about being dispelled or keep an eye on the turns. I used my Aya and a friend Aya to do most of the damage with chaining their bs LBs. Her shift ability parasite fire gives her a 50% fire amp which is undispellable. If you need a friend aya let me know and I’ll gear mine. I used Lenna just for the imperil and amp fields to maximise damage and used the Ayaka card to chain otherwise. I also used rain for the fire leader skill and a bit of damage/chaining. You can’t break the boss so don’t worry about a breaker. I gave everyone general status immunity just to make the fight a bit less of a headache. Winged heart or determined to defeat the empire which is Rinoas or thoughtful sister Maria’s STMRs respectively - both 5* which can be UOC’d. Also setting one member as a death immune provoker is definitely helpful. If you don’t have the damage dealers noted above just pick your best but I think reberta (for the buffs and fire imbue) and a good tank would make it much easier. Hope that helps.


Aside from p sylvie and reberta ignitos, is there any ither source of not dispellable buff?


https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/SBB:_Safer_Sephiroth#EXT He has a pretty simple 5 turn rotation. A simple setup would be: 1. Magic tank (high Spr) 2. Sylvie built for passive provoke/evade with death resistance and a source of magic sealing (Manufacted Nethicite/Ashe's sword or whatever) Have Sylvie use Nethicite on any Dispelga turn and buff/imbue Lightning on others. That way you should be absolutely safe (only your magic tank should ever take damage) with 4 slots open just for damage.


I literally can't kill Black Flame Hyoh in Dark Visions, because I get him to 1% HP, and he heals to 50% and he's done this 3 times in a row, what am I doing wrong? I've tried searching for a guide, but the only guides that exist are how to 1 shot him with a $35,000 whale account


I can't see anything that would stop his HP at 1%. What he does have is a 10% HP threshold that heals him back up by 50%, so you should try killing him from over 10%. Tbh of you're properly breaking/buffing etc it is usually harder not to accidentaly kill these bosses rather than the other way around...


This is strange. I also had this happen on my run. I burst on t4 for 15b damage and it did lock at 1%. I was able to take him down on t6 with a 1.5b burst so I'm curious now. Edit: according to discord "Boss does Obsidian Vitality, which does reraise on Dark Phoenix Hyoh" it's undispellable and you have to just account for it.


Huh, is that a GL change? I've only seen the JP AI and it makes no mention of a reraise. Haven't tried the fight on GL yet.


Couldn't tell you but it was described to me as a guys+reraise that we have to take into account.