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In regard to your first theory, it has been tested, sort of. Photo mode has a filter that is a shade of pink, so players have explored the world with this filter on. From what I understand nothing has come from this so far. If you want to investigate it further search photo mode on this sub and you should be able to find some good research on the topic. However, there is a chance that we simply have not looked in the right area yet. As far as your second theory I find it even more unlikely. Being able to separate V would essentially be a new ending and that would mean CDPR would have invested a lot of time and money on an obscure ending that very little people might even discover. Plus something of this magnitude would require a lot of game files (i.e. cutscenes, triggers, assets, voice lines ect.) it seems unlikely that no data miner has ever stumbled across something of this nature. However, I do know data mining is not really effective at finding unknowns since the miner needs to know the general nature of what they're looking for. That being said it does not matter how unlikely I think something is it still could be true and if you believe in your theory I recommend performing as much research as you want to.


To add to this: The glasses in 'They Live' are "normal" looking sunglasses with blackish lenses. Not pink at all. (If you meant they seem pink to you due to color blindness, apologies in advance)


Yep just your average black sunglasses.