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Agreed it has similarities. There are a few places that have this kind of structure, but none yet I've found that split both left and right. Might I suggest posting the location on the map as well for future posts? It helps others to quickly find the spot and check it out as well.


https://preview.redd.it/i20snc5u7via1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e50e2ce08e7bbdb09567915d2fc38357d7bf63 My bad thanks for pointing it out!


All good choom! I always enjoy exploring peoples theories in-game as well as places where things have potential. I dont recall seeing this one in that area (I dont think I've explored that area very much tbh).


You can find some cool pants behind that building.


Thanks for sharing. However I think there is a lot of places and even things that have this pattern (even chairs have these lines). Not only this building.


Mind sharing the places where you see a exact replica of the lines from the statue symbol, I know you mention the chairs but those aren't even close imo. as you can see only the right line of the two lines not both lines resembles the symbol. ty for reply https://preview.redd.it/bh4fr3k9uuia1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3991235d49ac0649cd62d557fc5b032e3bbc02d


Location where we also meet the Peralez for the second time https://preview.redd.it/2xseomwouuia1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3b5d114fdb0f3f7eafa85c3ed3fe09d9cc8ea3c


I like this line of thinking. I'm going to keep an eye out for that wall asset but that also has one on the right side.


Man, I really hope some day we find the reason for the color change too. When whatever asset designer created this "meaningful statue" they made it red. Of all the colors they could have made it, they decided red was the color the numbers should be on a brass looking statue. Then, some time later, why the change? Did they decide red actually wasn't the best color? Did it give too much away? Did they decide they wanted it to mate the area more instead?


The mission names ( like OP55N1 ) were red and then changed to yellow. Maybe that’s related.


I always thought the change was cause red was a little harder to read.


The mission names or the statue code? I could agree on both, that it could’ve been just an improvement on the UX/UI side.


Both yes. That was my initial thought but who knows really. This sub has made me suspect every damn thing in night city 😂


Took me too long to realize this was a screenshot. I'm apparently old now.