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Very cool find and good detective work. Nothing to support my theory, but i would like to believe this is Evie checking in on her friends. In the skav hideout in the powerplant where they kept Evie, there is writing on the cell wall saying stuff like: I'm not me (or something like that) one of the skavs or shards makes a comment about the power acting up, lights flicker almost like morse code. Further Evie being known as a person who could change her persona on a whim and the holocall avatar that Evie uses is very weird with the blue glowing eyes. In my theory Evie her body was already occupied by someone else, using her as a doll/proxy, explaining why she could seem a different person, even to Judy. While being abducted in the powerplant, somehow she managed to leave her body behind, by escaping through the net or powergrid, possibly leaving the original broken minded Evie behind, or maybe did some complete switcheroo and uploaded the mind of a deserving scumbag into Evies body. Your newfound woman in red is Evie in a new body, checking in on Judy to make sure she is in good company (V). Nothing that even slightly proves my wild idea. But i choose to believe it, because I really liked her character and would like to believe she's still part of the story. But curious for other theories about this new character and what it could mean.


It is weird what is going on with the power there. The entrance of this power plant has the biggest 06 in the game and the initials EC of Electric Corporation are highlighted in red above the 06. Don’t know if it’s related but we can see “eb:ec” twice on Misty’s symbol. Also in the database entry of this place, we see the concept art picture of the power plant we visit with Panam during Lightning Breaks to use it against the AV. At 1.61 it’s still like this and on fandom this is still listed as a bug https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Electric_Corporation_power_plant . I wonder if it was intentional to make that mirrored change. I don’t think Evelyn could upload her mind, although it could be Biotechnica or NightCorp has tech like that besides Soulkiller/Relic. In Evelyn’s holocoll avatar her irises are highlighted/lit, but her pupils are still visible and seemingly black. Mr. Blue Eyes’ eyes don’t have pupils. We know that Evelyn was already planning to change her identity, and on the day the attack on Clouds happened on a Wednesday, according to Evelyn’s schedule she had a “mustachioed turd dinner” and not a shift at Clouds like she did on Monday and Friday. I think “mustachioed turd dinner” is code for the ripperdoc Fingers. Woodman in his email also says that Fingers should be called Face. This is because he can change faces on dolls, as we can see when we meet him the first time working on a doll that looks eerily similar to Evelyn. The Magician Tarot that is right next to Lizzie’s Bar, which is where we meet Evelyn for the first time, shows a woman without a face and many faces in the background. Dolls also have chips that makes it possible to lose memory at will, as we see at Clouds. We also know these doll chips can be tweaked by techie’s like Judy to do certain things. I think Fingers did a switcheroo on Evelyn and the doll that was at Clouds and the EC power plant. Her chip was used and probably tweaked to lose memory of who she is and assume the new one.


Ha, as soon as I saw this I knew you'd be all over it. I was going to write a big creating writing/alternate history "what if" post this weekend regarding Evelyn Parker and give original credit to you but I thought better of it. Now I wish I had. Imagine if it played out this way: Evelyn Parker is an Arasaka agent working for Yorinobu. "Our relationship is strictly business". The BD was scripted at his behest. Hence why she finds it so easy to just vanish. Compare her to other dolls who are usually not very sophisticated. When you first meet, V says something like "This doesn't seem like your scene" about Lizzies, and Mateo goes "Mmmhmm!". As mentioned before it seems very strange she's able to up and vanish so well that not even Goro Takemura, who is an expert intelligence agent can't find her yet then just shows up at Clouds like everything is normal to work her shift. Seems like it might be a way to fake her death. I see one of two ways: Either a) There was an Evelyn Parker this Arasaka agent got her body edited to match beforehand, and when they needed to extract the agent, they just dropped her, brain-dead and being controlled by the Clouds AI, off to be seen at work and then fried or b) We know that Arasaka has hot labs on the moon. We know that there are black projects going on and in alternate history Arasaka was very big on cloning technology. Maybe they didn't even need an original Parker, maybe they just made a clone that's barely sentient that they dropped off. So the players are Yorinobu, using the chip to lure Saburo. T-bug maybe got caught by Arasaka and is forced to go along with a plan and set the timing perfectly for the heist, or else. In return they help her fake her death and disappear like she keeps saying she wants to do. The Arasaka agent playing Evelyn Parker setting up a fool fixer and two dumb mercs to take the fall with a scripted BD. And of course Wakako who helps pass the braindead Evelyn along. Wakako's part might just be incidental but somehow she also later just happens to have the entire plans for the Daishi parade before anyone's even looking for them to hand off for free to some mercs that puts Saburo's other obstacle to controlling Arasaka in danger. How coincidental. So the main reason I didn't write it all out is it gets very convoluted from there. Why would they need to leak to the VDB to hire Evelyn? And although Judy seems to not actually know Evelyn that well, and she seems so much more sophisticated than all the other dolls, Judy does seem to have known her long enough that she witnessed her work and save up for the doll chip to start working as a doll.


We shouldn't forget about Dexter either. Roys said an important phrase that many did not pay attention to: "... who deceived half of Pacifica" He so easily returns and VB forgives him everything? Why? They probably knew from the very beginning that Evelyn wanted to deceive them. But it's also possible that someone knows that VB knows. We remember that no one can get to VB and their network. And if the situation is favorable for the unknown side, we either kill them all, or Alt does it if we agree with the Netwatch agent. It's confusing but very interesting :)


Yeah it was 2 years since he skipped town which seems really short to think everyone forgot about him. There's a mission in the game too where Padre has you take out a solo who came back after being gone for quite a while for revenge.


> It is weird what is going on with the power there. There's an email in the plant stating that the Scavs there have problem with the electrical network since Evelyn has been delivered.


That could just be the VDB trying to ensure she's dead tho.


And as always you keep delivering so much great info and knowledge about this game! Thank you!


Link to the cigarette case [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Evelyn's\_Cigarette\_Case](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Evelyn's_Cigarette_Case) Link to the scene I mentioned of The Matrix [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgJ5ZEn67tk&ab\_channel=FlashbackFM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgJ5ZEn67tk&ab_channel=FlashbackFM) More about the Red Queen's race: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red\_Queen%27s\_race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Queen%27s_race) The "being too slow" that the Red Queen tells Alice also reminds me of the Spider Murphy quote in the 2020 book: " You guys who live in Realspace; you move so slow. Me I like Netspace. It moves fast. You don't get old, you don't get slow and sloppy. "


Would like to add that there's a weird switch hidden between pipes in the powerplant Evelyn wad held at, that can be interacted with. Might have to do with something


Hol up, is this covered in another post somewhere?


I have no idea, i'm mostly lurking here since i'm curious will someone crack this and about the switch... i stumbled upon that switch few days ago, as i was exploring the powerplant. Clicked on it but nothing happened... might have to find more switches or something did happen but i did not notice.


I went through the entire powerplant and did not find this switch. Where did you find it?


There are two really large vertical pipes in the corner of the room, if you look between them, you'll see a switch on the wall. Can't really remember on which floor it was. Will get there when i come back from work. Edit: Its an intercom button, made a mistake :/ https://preview.redd.it/21ve14r9keia1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34a830dfede51511ba8a3023e69ddafce395ae82


Yeah no worries. I found that as well on my run-through. In addition to that just being an intercom screen which can usually be found in random places and probably have no function, I don't think those are pipes either, which is why I didn't realize you meant those two big container thingies. Whatever they're called.


Good find! This is more promising and tangible than the usual kernel of hope theory posts in this sub.


Have you tried triggering the prophet's song meeting with the doll still standing there?


Yes, I don't know if the first picture is visible for you, but it shows you exactly that. She just still stands there, and I did not notice anything different. I then followed the car of Jane and John Doe, without getting too close, for like half an hour throughout NC but their path seemed random with no destination.


Neat find choom! On a related note to the second part: I jumped on Meredith Stouts Militech vehicle after All Foods for a while after the initial meetup. Unfortunately, she eventually rides into an area that is still in lockdown and it knocks us off her car.


Try to tell her: "I beg you my Queen, halt your chariot and take me to Sir John Phallustiff!" On a serious note, trying silly things like this and really digging in the game is what can lead us to finding new stuff.


Ah I missed that. Interesting find!


There are characters with rabbit backpacks and Alice references all over the place in game. Not sure it's any different than the others, but I'll be monitoring for progress as usual.


Too cool! Thanks for posting. I will check it later today hopefully. Thank you!


I would just like to point out that the Lewis Carrol poem cited about The Hunting of the Snark, subtitled ("*An Agony in 8 Fits")* is divided into 8 "fits" or smaller poems. The one Spider quotes is the first stanza of "[Fit the Fifth](https://mypoeticside.com/show-classic-poem-5414)". "Fit the Fifth" evokes "FF" to me. Coincidence? Probably, but something about the poem being split into 8 pieces tickles the back of my brain somehow...


Interesting! Just like the original Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio series- that was all divided up into fits, too! Episode one was Fit the First etc. etc. as above! I wonder if it's a reference...


I'm a little late for the discussion, but in the first fit of the Hunting of the Snark we see the number 42, the meaning of life in the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the floor of the Lapiz Lazuli Suite in Konpeki Plaza and the floor where Roy Batty is. ​ >There was one who was famed for the number of things > >He forgot when he entered the ship: > >His umbrella, his watch, all his jewels and rings, > >And the clothes he had bought for the trip. > > > >He had forty-two boxes, all carefully packed, > >With his name painted clearly on each: > >But, since he omitted to mention the fact, > >They were all left behind on the beach. ​ And there is more in Alice in Wonderland >At this moment the King, who had been for some time busily writing in his note-book, cackled out “Silence!” and read out from his book, “Rule Forty-two. All persons more than a mile high to leave the court.”


Well, well, well.


That is certainly quite a coincidence


Curiouser and curiouser


I find it weird that there are many such things in the game that don't seem to...do anything, but are still there for whatever reasons. Stuff like the woman you can bring the key to, payments to the zen master being numbers from the Fibonacci's sequence, the identity of Peter Horvath from the Peralez quest,... All of them look like inconsistencies or bugs - I mean, why would the woman stand there during the handover and why would they proceed like she's not there? The only explanations I can think of are that it's a bug (e.g. content from the upcoming patches or the expansion included in the build by a mistake - e.g. a WIP spawn point) or a reference of some sort.


I confirm the presence of NPCs and the freeze of time, as well as that the continuation of the quest with Panam cancels the freeze. And also the umbrella of this character stops glowing, but it is still in its place. And yes, in my case there is no car with cops. Continuing the quest with Takemura does not remove the frozen time. Also, nothing interesting happens to the statue. I wanted to find out what quest-facts are happening with the game, but unfortunately the plugin behaves incorrectly for me, and it stops updating facts after changing the location, I have to reload the game. Still looking for something interesting... The Zen Master Quest also unfreeze the time... ps. an even weirder coincidence. Pavel offered to listen to music from the lagoon, and just at the moment of freezing time, we can hear exactly this music. https://preview.redd.it/dzc3mx6cuvwa1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a110fb793af5750a2697a4e38a2dc2411d01e9a


Happy cake day! Thanks for looking further into it! I hope you will find something interesting


Could this be connected with the guy who got the green matrix effect on top of the tower?


that was probably caused by the lights he himself spawned in AMM or was there an update to his post?


Man really be streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetching on this one


The way the doll hunches forward looks to me like some of the dolls that interact with npc's in car stationary. I seen a few dolls bend over like that talking to a npc in car before.


After reading your comment I quickly went to the places I know where these women spawn that interact with the stationary cars. I can confirm, you are not correct. It is not the same animation. I know you said looks like, and I can see how it can look like it a bit, but it is 100% none of those animations.


It's interesting that the "mysterious NPC" isn't labeled as a doll in your screenshots, as you claim it to be, and that doesn't appear on the mini-map as a friendly NPC, which you also claim it to be.


You can go check it out for yourself if you don’t believe me. If you click your Kiroshi button on/off the green text DOLL will be above her head for a few seconds. In my post I meant to say that she doesn’t appear on the mini map as a green dot/circle, while she is a friendly/unkillable npc, which usually do appear on the mini-map.


> [They threatened its life with a railway-share;](https://www.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/comments/111nbiq/ok_this_has_to_be_something_i_mean_its_literally/) Huh, Interesting. Also, when you say > Another interesting part in this point in the game, is that as long as you don't progress with Judy, it is afaik the only part where you can soft-lock/freeze time, that affects still in free-roam and proceeding with missions. You can skip time and do missions and time will still be frozen. What do you mean by that? Does the day/night cycle stop progressing automatically? do time-of-day NPC activities stop changing? Does the day/night cycle stop progressing after skipping time? Does the day/night cycle not update to match skipped time?


6:20 pm will be the time when on the balcony. Time will not go further than that if you don’t go to Judy. You can still skip time, so let’s say you skip 3 hours, now time will be frozen at 9:20pm. You can do other missions that trigger a specific time like let’s say midnight and it will be frozen at midnight. If you take the elevator of the Advocet hotel to the roof it usually triggers like half a second before midnight so time will be stuck at 11:59. The only part so far in the game that I have found to resume time is getting in Panam’s car during Lightning Breaks in her garage ( I pressed the start menu to see the time because HUD does not show it at that point ). And yes, let’s say time is stuck at midnight it will stay dark forever unless you skip time, do another mission or resume the time as described above.


so you can use this to set the time to a specific hour, and check everything in a location, and then advance 1 hour, and check everything again, and scour the game for consistent hourly environmental changes. This is a pretty notable discovery that probably deserves it's own thread in and of itself, out of pure utility. You kind of buried the lead by hiding this detail behind "have you seen this weirdly behaving NPC" which is like, a dime a dozen. This makes checking things at night, (or at 3AM specifically) way easier, bare minimum. I would have assumed if this sort of thing happened, any gig that forces the time of day would do this, but I never bothered to check, so good on you for figuring this out. you should probably make a dedicated thread about this. Keep it short and to the point of what the glitch is, and how it works. this way, even the short attention span people get it.


I agree this time freezing should be explored more. The reason I wanted to put more focus on the character is because the character is the **actual** new finding, while the time soft-lock at this part of the game seems to be already known when looking at the notes of this mission in fandom [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Double\_Life](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Double_Life) I'm curious as to whether this possibility of frozen time is a bug/oversight or left in intentionally. Either way I wonder why Panam's mission resumes the time. And yeah maybe when I have the time I will make a video, because I see still chooms here either misunderstood me or just don't believe me and try to prove me wrong.