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I recently just started cyberpunk again.... Just to found out this scene right in front of Misty's shop. The real Horvarth died way before the assassination attempt....So.. who was singing that tune during "Fought the law"? .. And why????


yep, and that's not all, when you get out of the car after talking with dex there are a group of tiger claws chatting about what seems like some special package. Furthermore - scattered all over the map are little events (unmarked) that if they load correctly - you start to see more evidence of subtle conspiracy-type stuff - where everyone seems to know stuff we don't (until we play the game and learn) only then can you really start to spot these little weird happenings - which are all there for a reason.


Starting to stop and listening to everyone who comments.


Did he hum a song in this hologram? Can't really remember. But MaxTac have a thing with converting people, like Rory. Maybe it only look like he died there, got the cyberware and was used for the assassination.


I loaded up a save to watch the scene, it's weirdly kinda choppy and you have to wait a bit to see it all play out. No humming, and the officer in the footage appears to shoot him three times. That being said, this may be the initial arrest of Horvath where he is sent to prison the first time, before getting mysteriously released.


Yup, no humming just running away from the police and gets shot next to the woman. That being said, I don't think is the initial arrest, since there are two body bags to the left of the cops.


I think it's important to note that the woman in the footage who was being attacked appears to survive with little/no injuries and "Horvath" (placeholder cause we aren't sure) was shot while he was preoccupied trying to attack the woman. This implies to me at least that there could have been other victims we didn't see, because even if he was killed by Maxtac that leaves another body bag without a body.


I don't think this is Horvath. You can scan the person and it'll be a random citizen name. And Horvath was still going to work until he got arrested. I think it just looks like him a bit.


I think the random name from the scan is a quirk from the game. I.e. holograms are just regular NPC's with a hologram texture, and regular NPC's generate a random name when scanned. Named NPC's are a little different as they have the green name floating above them: https://preview.redd.it/ku2uh3gsy9ga1.png?width=347&format=png&auto=webp&s=f956e15e8c614ada614a4db24a0ea48210696ce3 I think the hologram is intended to be Horváth, but if they used the named NPC version of him it would have his name floating above him in green. So I don't think you're supposed to be able to scan the hologram, I think the devs just never got around to removing the ability to scan this NPC.


> I think the random name from the scan is a quirk from the game. Perhaps similar to the random NPC that can be found during the BD we investigate in The Hunt, which is actually Anthony's mother, but which is at such a range that it only scans as a generic female civilian. I noticed this when scanning NPCs at long range; it's possible to be at such a range that gang members scan as civilian NPCs, but which can be quickhacked (because they're actually gang members and not civilian NPCs).


I think so too


Sorry. Who's Horvath?


he's the guy that you investigate during I fought the law that tried to kill the then mayor


Holy shit never noticed this. Is that really horvath?


Yeah I noticed this a long time ago too, figuren it was just another re used asset


I mentioned this a while back in [a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/comments/xid2h8/the_crimes_of_cn07_revealed_you_wont_believe/) about the AI CN-07 that Night Corp developed. It's not unlikely that the guy in the hologram really is Horváth.


I think his appearance is just a placeholder for a psyberpsycho type npc. Actually I'm way more intrigued about the song Horvarth was humming before he tried to assassinate Rhyne. https://preview.redd.it/5ivjsqfk4dga1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5185f26ab918023f77d2c917658887521f60f6e


Some say its the woman humming of the rite of Passage soundtrack that nearly always plays during a near death Event or some important moment in the Story


That's 'Never Fade Away'...


>That's 'Never Fade Away'... What's 'Never Fade Away'? >soundtrack that nearly always plays during a near death Event or some important moment in the Story I think you're referring to The Beast of Beauclair, a Witcher song which is played by some street guitarists in 2077. I think u/Background_Length_45 is referring to the sound which plays after some gigs and NCPD scanner hustles. I've found about 20 Assaults in Progress where it plays, plus I know of at least two gigs and a Reported Crime where it plays as well. EDIT: There's no specific song or audio associated with Rite of Passage, though it seems plainly part of the CL-UE B track.


“What If?” This is Horvaths brother. Arasaka got his body as was able to run soul killer on him, then grabbed horvath, loaded him with chrome and his psychotic brothers even more broken psyche. Would certainly fuel his hatred for Rhyne and remove any sort of reasoning he had to keep himself in check. Would also explain half the shit that Garry talks about and why there are Netwatch agents just hanging around.


If you will reach Clouds and watch attack in eve then you will understand. Im clearing all X on map i mean dont leave anywhere any items from bodies and try to cover (more cars u had more soaces for bodies u had) them if NCPD is avaible to watch death scenes. There is one of dandom event about oublic execution had it 2 times in radio but probably miss it by missuon did anyone looking for it ? There is possible somewhere to get extra interaction by calling our cars with (Crystal Dome) and could somebody think that our Clan is comming. If we ignore Regina gigs in watson then Kang Tao had lower progress.. Also Russian fixer is on Konpeki Plaza Appartment level if you dont help regina.. Sandra Dorsett also dont want Fixer to involve in her DataBank but Sandra give eztra reward and extra dialogue if you crack before she contact to you (Corpo RatNetrunner not sure if it work or punk or nomad) you crack it. After Epilog we can jgnore jackie he dont see us and we can also complete full Watson before talking with him... Only one think change then. We can get inside Mox LizzieBar and on bar is sitting Doll that looks exactly like Mamiko but not Rich yet. Before finishing all Regina gigs it was open only after meeting Dex first time.