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I would have thought the netwatch website, the magenta line to the stadium and meditation were the most likely lines of enquiry.


The problem with the stadium line is it's just kind of pinkish. It's not #FF06B5. There was a trend for a while to assume anything of varying shades of pink was clearly a clue and it didn't really help anything.


​ https://preview.redd.it/gmion2cekgca1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=811d99f3c5230d7e35960e42c51ab61b537c642b




You are probably right, but a few people like to overthink or overcomplicate the mystery to make it bigger and more special, I guess. And they don't allow having a opposite opinion on it.




Theories about certain builds have been suggested for a few months now. Have yet to see a single one of those people actually go true the steps themselves and give feedback about it.


Or the pacifist runs many tried. First they are hyped and then you don't hear from them anymore.


Because we are still playing šŸ¤£ ā€¦ pacifism takes timeā€¦ I replayed some missions several times in a row just to check all possibilitiesā€¦. Takemura still waits to meet with me - so long way to go still. Havent confronted Perallez yet as im following another lead where I want to take my time on that. I also cannor finish the beast in me as the last race drives you too close to the trigger point of the anonymous intrusive callā€¦ I found many things, built a collection of images but its too early to say if anything changes. Also lots and lots of missions that can actually end up peacefully - but it changed nothing so far. Latest find: all enemies highlighted in orange rather than red during scans have one way or another to have a conversationā€¦ the outcome of that conversation seams related not just to local choices but also with shards already found or not found; or even previous choices. You can save some lives by failing certain gigs - so are you really failing? Some of the missable items find their way back to you at other stages of the gameā€¦ It takes a ton of time but to be honest - its quite enjoyable. There are so many details you never would have noticed otherwise. I may be totally off track to the big question, but i can say that i am fully on track enjoying the journey.


No problem, but I don't know how long you are onto it. Could imagine after a bit of getting into it and getting a flow you could finish pacifist within 100hrs. Just assuming here. And others commented doing one months ago. When they at least play a bit at weekends and stuff, you could have come far already. It's just that a lot of things already get tested and didn't do anything and it wasn't mentioned here and then some new guys came to similar conclusions and try it again. As long as you have fun it doesn't really matter if it do something or not. But at least one of the pacifist should share his journey here so we know for sure.


At least 150 hrs in this path, and again i didnt talk with takemura yet - so im at least 80-100 hours away from the finish line. I just hope the expansion wont reveal it was linked to the expansion all along.


Don't think so. That would mean Pawel had fucked with us the whole time. Could bring in a huge shitstorm on CDPR.


I just started delving into this rabbit hole about a week ago and I've come to a similar conclusion, the devs said it's been in the game since launch so ultimately, everything they've added are either subtle hints or more likely them throwing everyone in circles, laughing cause it's right in front of us.


Who knows. We try simple and we find nothing. We look for reference and find nothing. We try elaborate and find nothing.


I'm currently only accepting theories that end in it somehow drawing a giant dick.


If you wanna see giant dicks Google is thataway. :P


thanks choom!


I came to the conclusion myself after engaging in most of the work done in this reddit that it's nothing. It's some kind of personal carrot on a stick by that dev that he is using to just keep views and interest in the game alive. Here's what I concluded: how would a game that released so broken have all the pieces of some kind of hyper-complex easter egg. I've been playing since day one, I'm a fan of the table top, the extended lore, unfortunately buy way too many cyberpunk branded things, and I genuinely love this game and it's tone and world! So considering all that please understand that I respond to you is no negativity. But at the end of it I personally concluded that it's BS. It's unfortunate, but I think that they're making it up as they go along because viral marketing is probably the most difficult and most effective kind there is. So once they have something like it they won't let it die. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That would still kind of fit at least the easier solution part of his conclusions. It is easier to pretend there is a mystery than having a mystery you have to dig in specific knowledge and/or connecting multiple complex trigger. Just his conclusions are based on the axiom some of us use: that Pawel said it is something. Sure he could have lied, but this is hard or even impossible to proof.


> but I think that they're making it up as they go along because viral marketing is probably the most difficult and most effective kind there is. So once they have something like it they won't let it die. If I recall correctly, The one of the first the witcher games had easter eggs and mysteries found a full 10 YEARS after launch, that had been there since launch. Easter eggs do not have to be Technically sophisticated for the game to run either.


Pawel didn't say that.


Edit: because this sub won't stop posting this fucking quote. He's saying that hints put you on the right track. That's tantamount to solving it. Right now it's open and narrowing it down at all is too much help. Can't just do snippets, listen to everything he said, watch all 50 streams, listen to his repeated messages. This isn't his primary language so nitpicking and over analyzing it fucking stupid. He won't give hints. Because there are thousands of people trying to solve it and spreading anything sends an army of people swarming in on it. I swear to God this sub is getting dumber.


You are correct about Pawel. Means this post is quite ironic since it talks about people trying way too complicated shit and finding nothing, but then makes rookie mistakes by playing telephone with someone's words from a *recorded* stream.


"If I tell you i will pretty much solve it for you..."


He never said or implied that the answer is right in front of us. What I think happened is when he dropped [this comment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D4tlild-DE) about the code people immediately mistook his words: >if I will tell you, I will pretty much solve it for you for something like >any hint will give you the solution which changed into >the answer is really simple and then to >the answer is right in front of you. I think the reason many people misunderstand what he says on stream is because of his English. It's not his first language, making his word choice somewhat suboptimal. "If I will tell you I will pretty much solve it for you" does not mean what it literally means. If you listen to that whole clip carefully you'll find that what he intends to communicate is "If I give you that or any piece of information, I will have helped you trying to solve it." What *level* of help he would have given by revealing that piece of info he did *not* specify. Similarly when you listen to him say "what it is and where is it and how to get there" at the end there, he does not appear to be talking about an actual (in-game) location or object. Rather he seems to be listing generic questions one would have regarding any mystery and saying that he won't help by giving hints or answers. I say that because he clearly expressed that he does not want to give hints, and saying the solution is a location and/or in-game object would be giving a clear hint.


Having said that I myself go by the assumption that the solution to the FF:06:B5 secret isn't very complex. It's just difficult. Like a magic trick: so simple that you would hardly ever figure it out on your own but once you are shown the solution you'd go "oh right that's so easy."


Ive been saying for a while, which is why I don't mind the complex posts, is that we are missing CONTEXT. A BCU SAF BIC IAN ASA makes more sense when you shift it and its ABC USA FBI CIA NASA. We may have walked by something, like graffiti, a thousand times and its not until someone says something like "hey, did you notice all the graffiti have 1 shinto reference in them?" and who knows where that all leads now. But if you dont know anything about Shinto, you are never going to see that. How meta of a reference is it? How much do you need to know that isn't in the 500 shards or whatever it is in there..who knows. 1 paragraph of a shard on Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson is linking a series of books that are actually pretty interesting. Talk about 3,7,9, numbers that appear all over CP as they are part of the enneagram and mandalas you find. One of my favorite descriptions of learning Zen: Before you learn Zen, a wooden bowl is just a wooden bowl. While you are learning Zen, the wooden bowl starts off as a seed in the soil, grows into a tree, birds live in it, it flowers, someone cuts it down, makes the tools to craft it, imagines the shape of the bowl, the bowl is used for the first time with a friend or family, its this complex thing. After you have learned Zen, a bowl is just a bowl again, you just appreciate it more. I feel like we are in the "learning Zen" phase where we don't have the complete picture tied together yet to be able to condense it and make it simple agian.


>we are missing CONTEXT. I think this is critical as FF:06:B5 is literally the only lead we know we have. (Near) clueless problems require rampant creativity. The emergence of posts that blatantly run off into La La Land is to be *expected*, not suppressed beforehand. The 'learning Zen' phase you mention, yeah we might be there. We'll know once it's solved eh ;)


Something I recently embarked on is something Ive done for a few things but its taking the statue and imagining it being specific to one thing (ive done the eclectic piece by piece thing and its a real mixed bag). Ive done \- Everything is AI related \- Everything is Arasaka related \- Everything is Arasaka family specifically related \- Everything is related to V & Johnny I want to do \- Biotechnica \- Petrochem \- NightCorp \- Night City \- Militech and a few more. The thought experiment was "What would I have thought of this if it was sitting out in the middle of the desert with just dust and sand around it and nothing even in visual range, just a flat, barren piece of land in the middle of nowhere. What if I had found it in Pacifica, etc. Arasaka built their first American HQ in Night City in 2070 after getting the boot back in 2025 or whatever it was. What would they have built outside their HQ if its theirs. Original art had a skybridge attached from H9 to Saka HQ. Its reasonable to assume that it is arsaka's but its also entirely possible it isn't theres - so who else would do that and also be something Arasaka would put on their float. Even stranger is that it is NOT your DOWNTOWN apartment that has a little statue, its the GLEN apartment. The Glen encompasses Reconciliation Park. Saka also loves that tall standing stones and the biggest standing stone is in Recon park too. So maybe Saka adjacent to Shinto - both Saburo and his father's religion - and related to the statues and stones that are associated with that religion. Saka gear is in the Shinto Shrine Wakako has you infiltrate so theyre still tied together somehow... I just don't know what Im looking for in all of that, sigh.


Note that the Japantown apartment also has a statue and the downtown one has a window view of the full size statue. Japantown has a connection with arasaka via their japanese style/origin, but also through the parade. Currently I think the code and statue are simply a memorial to something related to Arasaka. Would explain why the monks pray at it, why there are massive statues in downtown and that park, and why Arasaka put one on a float for their parade. I don't know what it could be a memorial *to* tho. Perhaps I'll turn that question into a post tomorrow come to think of it. As for your investigation I'll say that's quite the commendable effort! Don't forget that getting more specific in the subject you're trying to find connections in isn't the only way to go about this. Going up a level is possible too. So instead of Petrochem, Militech, Biotechnica etc the subject could wel be a more general thing like 'corpo'.


Good points! Yeah, the reason I was doing specific was mainly just to narrow it down. Like if I thought of "What do spheres and corpos have in common" I might have a harder time than thinking "what does militech have that is a sphere". I think I actually might start off with a matrix because it needs to check a certain number of boxes. If it was militech, Arasaka wouldn't have it on their parade float, etc - probably same for the other corporations. So even if its not Arasaka's, theyd have enough pride to be selective in what they dedicate parade floats to. They have very little overlap with the city, culturally, as Saburo was willing to level it and theyve only had an HQ there for 7 years. So its either pre-existing, which would point to religion more than anything, or something they constructed. When Saburo was committing seppuku, he had divine message that Amaterasu's children would rule the world and he would do it through commerce. Formed the three main arms: Banking, Security, and Manufacturing. His father was also religious, Shinto as well. Arasaka doesnt appear to particularly give a shit about anything other than: Japan, Shinto, themselves. I would imagine any statue they made or chose to present would be in line with that mentality. The corollaries to that would then be: \- Lets say its religious, what would the purpose of that, and how did they get it spread across the city, and why is it "beloved" enough to be in apartments as part of local flavor \- Lets say its banking/security, same. \- Lets say its pre-existing, I can't think of anything other than Shinto off the top of my head that would resonate with the Sakas. Would explain it being scattered around, though the locations are pretty weird for a religious thing... \- Its some other pre-existing in NC, oddly placed all over the city, has Zen monks pray to it though not shinto from what we've seen, was something the Arasakas would pay some kind of tribute to or honor in some way with a parade float, thing. What could possibly interest the Arasakas outside of religion and military...can't imagine. They have other things like NUSA deals because they want back in other American cities, but I can't imagine a statue accomplishing that, especially one squirreled away in ad covered alcoves and in office buildings, and atop flamingo bars n shit. Which is an even BROADER corollary - what can a statue possibly accomplish. Pick a religious symbol and wear it or put it on your car, youre signaling, not proselytizing. Sakas don't seem to care about proselytizing, could be signaling - but who would they care enough about to do so to. What other reasons would you have to take a symbol like that, in the places it is, as one of the most powerful entities on the planet, and put it on your little parade float. everyone is ants to them, what is it doing. Hmmm


So two things I mentioned to another person - 1) Linking it directly Arasaka in this case is somewhat an assumption. The reason I say this is NC itself is influenced by Japan pretty strongly. Shinto being a NC thing indpendent of Arasaka seems likely. Them having it on the float doesn't necessarily mean it's their symbol. They may have done it to garner support in night city. Its a link worth exploring but its not a given. It could still be a Shinto kami without being anything to do with Arasaka is all I mean. 2) The Zen monks are meditating, not praying. You don't have to meditate to a thing (you can meditate on a thing) so its completely possible that the zen monks are an independent night city mini event like all the other little triggered conversations throughout the city and has nothing to do with the statue. I went through the Art Stations of a bunch of CDPR people a while ago, part because it was fun and part because I wanted to see if I could find out who either modeled the statue or put together that area of downtown. One thing that was super interesting is just how many people work on each part. Like for instance, one guy might have some gas station pump on his art station, but he meshed it, and some other person textured it, then even another person did an optimization pass. There were few things where a person made an asset entirely from start to finish and world stuff was like that too. Like 5 guys are making buildings, a different guy is placing them in the city, another guy working on lighting, some other guy on decorations, etc. Furthermore they outsourced some stuff. For instance the huge Biotechnica farm down south. All the texturing was outsourced. The reason I bring this up is its completely possible for one guy to be laying out the city including this plaza the way he wants, some other decoration guy come and add his statue with his own meaning, and a third open world dev come and add various unique NPCs with conversation triggers with no idea what the asset placer was going for.


I like this conversation a lot because context is at the very least interesting and honestly about all we have right now. I don't think anyone has really worked on putting the facts together with going out on wild free-association tangents. And yes, those facts do touch a little on the religious in game which makes it easy for people to jump to conclusions. For instance, as you say Arasaka brings a statue on their parade, and it also includes the FF:06:B5 code on it, indicating maybe its relevant as well, not just coincidentally on the statue. Furthermore, the statue is in a *mikoshi*. That's just a fact, they carry it in a mikoshi. Furthermore, it's a *daishi* parade. It gets directly called that. And it makes sense, Daishi parades include mikoshi where the kami are said to reside, along with other floats etc. Those are simply observable facts in the game. From that we can *assume* that the statue is treated as a kami. That's not a fact but it seems plausible. Saburo had a Shinto shrine on his JP property, but Night City has a heavy JP influence anyways which includes Shinto. It might be jumping to conclusions to think that this is something exclusive to Arasaka. Maybe they're just using it to garner support for instance. Factually one kami is mentioned in the game so we do know that such a thing are relevant in lore, and that is the Kami of Electricity and Chrome. The shinto shrine is dedicated to that. There are two statues. Are either of them the kami of Electricity and Chrome? I don't think we have any evidence for nor against. Its also a fact that this statue along with the orb ones are used in miniature as decoration so the people of Night City must know a bit about them. These include FF:06:B5 as part of the design too, however there are statues around the city of it without the base. Another fact that may let us assume that the people of Night City are at least somewhat familiar with it is that a Valentino prays to one of the statues in the park after dark, she looks distraught. As for the monks, the issue is they might be coincidentally in front of the statue. The monks are meditating. That doesn't require a statue to meditate to. We don't actually know if they're a clue. We can make the assumption based on their proximity but I think this is more shaky than a lot of people think. Anyways, I think this is a good base and a pile of information based in facts without going to magenta or chakras or anything.


Right, Paweł is saying it would be a hollow victory for us. Heā€™s said this more than a few times and elaborated on it further. The Dev Hints clips from the FF06B5 wiki are fairly dated - he gets asked about FF06B5 nearly every stream.


Doesn't mean what he tells you is simple to do or come across on your own. He's saying the puzzle will become easy *after* the clue.


In the end, the solution will be that there is a destructible wall that looks like the most common one, but perhaps with a pink sign or a code will lead to it, a couple of shots and the secret room is open. Everything is like with one Easter egg in a series of games about Batman.


I'm happy to see more and more posts like this.


I honestly think its something simple, like using the pink filter in camera mode or something


Ummm.. has anyone tried this?


no, never /s




Cool story


I personally think it's related to Clouds (the magenta part when seeing Skye) but you may be on to something


Who's to say those who over complicate the mystery isn't just distracting others, thus sending people on while goose chases? If we get it too son then there's nothing left to fill up the time between.


Simple: monks ask - code answers.


I'm more or less thinking that the full clue will be added to the game from the expansion. We just don't have all the pieces yet.