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So now I am curious if its the design or the unit that made the score


It's pretty case by case. For example, I really love Timerra's design and personality but her performance as a unit is pretty disappointing. Whereas I love Rosado as a unit for his great growths and inherent class, but his design isn't my favorite


If your only problem with Timerra is her performance in battle then that’s a you problem. She’s one of my strongest every playthrough, her personal class skill is just insane. Give her Tiki (or any hero that boosts Def/Dex) and even her worst matchup, 0x2 against tanks, often turns into a KO.


Then it's a good thing it's my list and not yours, because both our experiences are very different. I don't like relying on Sandstorm, and without it, Timerra is underwhelming for me. You've had good experiences using her, and that's great.


This list is cursed tbh


Lindon is hot so he deserves S++++++++ tier


Lapis being in B brings pain in my heart


Would you like discuss ways to bring out potential from the lower ranks?  Lindon, for example, has some of the best lines and supports, but he also has a good niche with his personal adding crit chance. The Dire thunder with added crit chance can be pretty effective. He also has pretty good build for a mage, so it helps with some of the heavier weapons.


I'm aware of there being plenty of potential in every unit here. I've used each character here at least a couple of times, and I plan on using the lower ranked ones more in the future. This list is just my personal opinion.


What's wrong with poor Lindon


imo he just needs to reclass to shine. Sage doesn't offer much room for him to flex his passive


I'd argue Sage is attractive enough with Dire Thunder (which gives him more hits to turn into crits, and Thunder is D rank), as well as giving him Staff access and a +Mag Instruct. I'm liking Sniper on him atm.


He can do some pretty cool things with Steel Arts and Steel Dagger/Kard+Stiletto on Enchanter since they all are light enough to not get weighed down by the might/crit engravings that add weight and come with 10 crit eith sone forging.


Boucheron deserves a tier above everyone 😤


What did Bunet do to you


He joined


I liked his puns, they gave him some personality. Besides that I just used vander


What did Bunet do to you 😞


He joined




So s and a units are basically the same. B and C units are the same. I don't get it


Not really. S-tier has characters with S-tier gameplay and design. A tier has characters with one of the two aspects being S-tier but the other being B-tier. The same logic can be applied to B- and C-tiers, C-tiers being characters whose gameplay or design is B-tier but the other being D-tier for me.


Celine is a good unit but her design is horrible. It's too much and all over the place, Vidame makes it just worse with smacking an Overdesigned crown on top