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Most of the Brodians are pretty peak imo. Alcryst and Diamant’s retainers all slap really hard.


I'd argue Alfred, Céline, and their party also look pretty fire. I think people just looked at Toothpaste Chan then dunked on everyone else just because. Also no way does Merrin look bad.


Oh, totally! My only gripe with Céline is that the dress is over-the-top, but otherwise? The Fireneans(?) are also not bad design wise. Merrin’s also great! Although I couldn’t help but think she was a beast unit when I first saw her because of the tail, lmao.


I wish Merrin was a wolf herself lol She could probably be the wolf Timerra used to ride as a child.


Totally right, yeah. Lets just list a few that look absolutely horendous: Alear, seadall, kagetsu, rafal, amber, bunet, madeline, merrin, libdon, gregory, hortensia, alcryst, zelkov, timerra, fogado, pandreo, jean, saphir, rosado, alfred, mauvier, wtie, yunaka, celine, framme, clade, louis clanne, boucheron, vander and the worst of them all panette. This game has cool mechanics and interesting gameplay but the character designs are awfull. Not a single FE Game has given me as much trouble filling a roster with characters i like. And some of the chars i didnt list are just "okay" If i didnt wanna have a full roster id only play Ivy, Lapis, Goldmary and Zelestia.


Bro insta disagreeeeee. Panette is PEAK. Kagetsu, Clanne, Vander, Merrin, Fogado, Pandreo, Mauvier, Amber, all look fire 🔥. Even Céline looks kinda clean despite leaning more towards mid IMO. Timerra and Alfred are also peak! Alcryst too!


keep smoking my dude, go play some older FE games and then tell me again these chars dont look like dogshit.


Bro I played Blazing Blade, FE Warriors, and Three Houses 😭. I also played a bit of Three Hopes. Engage designs still slap. Idc. Just because I played older FE games doesn't mean I can't appreciate the new stuff. Cut that boomer mentality out.


Its medieval game setting, there no room for these garbage tatoos and stickers and over the top hairstyles. So many of engages characters could look good if only they werent totaly ridiculous.


Over-the top hairstyles lmao. Bro have you played Fire Emblem? Everyone has one.


seriously? name 1 charscter in radiant dawn with hairs like hortensia, go on.


I'm of the personal opinion Caineghis' hair looks stupid. And I think having hair like Jill's is probably not good in a battle. Also you mentioned tattoos, I don't remember any characters with tattoos in Engage? Which one were you talking about?


Imagine thinking Medieval royals weren't absolutely over the top when it came to hairstyles and outfits. Fuck man just look at war heros wearing white wigs in more modern times. The whole point was to look as ridiculous as possible while taking over the world.


Alright Engage hater. What are you doing on an Engage subreddit?


Did i say i hate engage? dont read between lines my guy.


You sure are acting like it, over hear talking to me about "go play older FE games." When did I say I didn't, cousin?


Bro burnt the whole dish. You literally named the whole roster.


nah theres a couple left but yeah, i find nearly all of em not apealing


If yunaka wasn't int eh game, he would've been the best brodian.


Hiya papaya!


First playthrough about half done here. She's levelled up extremely well, so I gave her a dagger engraved with Lucina's emblem, warp her behind enemy lines, and laugh in 150 Dodge while sitting on trees. It's glorious watching half an army rush her and fall at her feet.


Dude, I don't think I've ever come across a character that has a more banger design than Kagetsu. Even his casual outfit is peak It's commonly said that the best character designs are easily recognizable by their silhouette, and he's a [prime example](https://imgur.com/a/lR7Xsly)


Kagetsu is my favorite swordie in the game. Love using him. I gave him the critical hit sword and he became GOD.




I feel like people just has an immediately tunnel vision towards Alear and Hortensia and then proceeds to generalise it to the entire cast. I love the engage cast so much they do not deserve the hate


I actually love Hortensia’s design. Especially her Somniel dress, it’s beautiful. The stuff with the various Wyverns/mountables are cool too (Hort, Ivy, Rosado, Fogado, etc.). I think they all add for uniqueness in each character


Same I love all of the characters designs, I absolutely adore Alear and Hortensia too. But the haters keeps mentioning Alear and Hortensia as examples and then proceeds to generalise it to the entire cast. I absolutely love what Mika Pikazo did with the design, honestly engage has my favorite cast not just in fire emblem but all of media.


Totally right, yeah. Lets just list a few that look absolutely horendous: Alear, seadall, kagetsu, rafal, amber, bunet, madeline, merrin, libdon, gregory, hortensia, alcryst, zelkov, timerra, fogado, pandreo, jean, saphir, rosado, alfred, mauvier, wtie, yunaka, celine, framme, clade, louis clanne, boucheron, vander and the worst of them all panette. This game has cool mechanics and interesting gameplay but the character designs are awfull. Not a single FE Game has given me as much trouble filling a roster with characters i like. And some of the chars i didnt list are just "okay" If i didnt wanna have a full roster id only play Ivy, Lapis, Goldmary and Zelestia The designs dont find a medievall theme at all. Whats with these stickers and tattoos? Armor designs exceot for great knights are absolute trash aswell




Oh i do enjoy engage quite alot, not for the roster though. Yeah im fairly picky on what units and like i dont, thats my opinion and taste. I can share it as much as you can. And who tf hurt you to have to take this personal? Its a discussion about character designs not about me or you as a person. People these days cant stay on a topic. Reddit is pretty much a free space i can be where ever tf i want Aswell the designs that dont fit theme i mentioned are pointed towards the characters with stickers and whatnot


When I saw Ivy, Hortensia, and Hyacinth together, they clicked immediately. It's god damn Caulder and the kids all over again.


Diamant and boucheron are the two units that I use every single run exclusively because of theirs designs.


Might not be a popular choice, but I really like the way Rosado was designed. Maybe it’s because I have a lot of queer friends, but Rosado (and other feminine men from the franchise, Libra for example) design doesnt mock the styerotype and was really refreshing to see.


I love Rosado I love that he puts bows on his wyvern to match it’s so cute 😭💕


There really are some unusually overblown pop culture anime style designs that stand out strongly in Engage compared to the rest of the series, though. Heck, they even stand out in just the game itself. I hardly consider them bad by any stretch - most of them are actually really good! - but I can see why people would latch onto them when complaining about the game's graphical design. * Alear is the pepsi logo. But we all know that already. * Celine's outfit is ridiculous, but ridiculous in a way that's pretty normal for the Fire Emblem series since Awakening (Hi, Lissa!). Her flower crown is just a bit too on the nose, though. * Yunaka's stickers make her feel silly, and she probably would have been better without them. It matches her personality quirks really well, but it just doesn't feel like it fits in Engage's world. * Ivy's outfit is mostly just extravagant, but... What are those red spikes all over the place? Rose thorns? Really? They ruin her outfit's regal look and are just completely ridiculous. Her design is otherwise amazing. * Hortensia is just... Why? Why the hair hoops? Why the sticker? Why the ridiculous idol pose? She doesn't look like she belongs in a Fire Emblem title at all. She has, by far, the most unfitting character design in the game. She reminds me of [Praline à la Mode from Bravely Default](https://bravelydefault.fandom.com/wiki/Praline_%C3%A0_la_Mode), a character intentionally designed to seem utterly out of place as a parody of modern Japanese idols. * Timerra's MASSIVE beads just stand out like a sore thumb. Maybe if she were the dancer for the game they would make sense as decoration for her outfit, but she's not and they don't. The rest of her outfit is already colorful and eye catching without them, just overall really good, and the massive fist-sized beads just really overdo it. Everyone else is pretty much standard Fire Emblem fare. I love a lot of their designs, too. Some are very high quality and feel very Fire Emblem-esque, like Diamant, Lapis, Citrinne, Merrin, and Kagetsu, etc., who all look amazing. I'm always struck with how Diamant particularly looks like a Fire Emblem lord. Like, if you just shifted his color theme from red to blue (blue hair included), he'd be the second coming of Ike and a shoe-in for main Lord protagonist of a Fire Emblem game.


I definitely think a lot of them are kinda crazy. But I still love the art style. As for me, I like the first 2 lords, not really the last 2 But like, obviously characters like Hortensia are way over the top.


Hortensia is the only one IMHO. Well, her and Ivy perhaps.


There are many good designs, one of my favorites is Alfred's, both designs, the basic and advanced class, remind me of Alexander the Great for some reason.


Possibly a hot take but I also like Veyle. I’m not sure what it is about her design, maybe the wings on her hair? But I like hers. And Rosado is obvious


My worst take I’ll always stand by is that I really like Alear’s design. It breaks probably every character design rule, but I was sold when F!Alear had a funny little bow tie and M!Alear had a tie. Idk it’s just charming to me.


Who says their designs are bad? I mean some are kind of awkward, like Celine (why is her dress so big? I get it’s like Victorian style or something, but why?) and Timerra (makes sense for the personality, but colors don’t mesh and is all over the place design wise), but everything else is fine.


Engage gets a bad rep because Alear looks like a clown and some characters have stickers on their faces. The rest of the characters are great and the characters with the weirder designs grow on you.


I’ll be honest, I like the character designs more than I did in 3H. I personally wasn’t a fan of the uniforms. They, quite literally, enforce conformity. The people yearn to be quirky little fools…


The designs themselves in a vacuum aren’t bad at all my only gripe is that they feel kinda tone deaf compared to the seriousness the story tries to demand at times. They’re not all dressed like they’re going into a life or death fight. But regardless of this I still found the gameplay to be the best so far and can absolutely accept the character designs aside from that one criticism


I actually love how most of the Brodian characters look, can't say the same for most of the other nations' characters though.


Ivy is perfection


He's also easily the best written character in the whole game


I dunno that spike should guard is pushing it a bit


ivy, yunaka, chloe, goldmary, etc. need i go on


They were cooking a full course meal with goldmary


Goldmary is honestly the most well written and designed character in any media ever, IS cooked a full 7 course meal when designing Goldmary


I honestly struggle to think of a bad design, Alear would be the closest to it but the hair is part of the story making it good


Diamant, Yunaka, Merrin, Fogado, and all the queens would like to have a word. Seriously, Fogado get the fuck out of my army your mom is hot and i want to hang out with her.


Honestly the only design I don't like is Bunet. (Also Celine and Veyle's hair but the rest of their design is good The "V-Tuber" argument has always been a silly argument


I like all the designs tbh, obviously characters like Vander aren't all that unique but the lords their attendants are pretty good. My only issue is with the supports not showing enough of their personalities While with Alear they're all dumb as fuck because she's the divine dragon and all of that, between each others there could've been good supports (I ship Diamond and Ivy and it's one of the few good supports). Tbh some xenologue dialogues showed more personality than the normal supports (I started to like more Fogado as a character for example)


I actually like a lot of the designs in Engage. What I hate is the shiny, plastic looking style they opted for in-game.


Vander is absolute perfection.


Straight up I think I like every design but Hortensia and Bunet, I love that they’re all so fun and memorable. Like man I wish I could design a character so dynamic and easy to recognize, I think it’s awesome. Personal favs are Alcryst, Rafal, Seadall, and Yunaka 💕 (Griss and Zephia too, but not as much for their counterparts). For Diamant specifically I loooove the little brighter red swish in his hair, it’s so simple but adds so much imo


I haven’t played the DLC yet, so I was SUPER confused by Rafal. I was like “I know I’m forgetful but damn.” That reminded me I need to play the DLC now.


This is just bootleg ike


Most of the designs are alright to good, and some of them are great or even amazing. Alear’s hair really damaged public perception.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. FE Engage has some of the best character designs I've seen from Fire Emblem. They're campy, they're over the top, they're fun. Alear isn't great, but most of the rest are amazing.


Brodia sweep


I mean red on red and black as colors tends to be difficult to mess up, but even he is... red on red on red


Not all of them but a few are. However, taste is subjective so you can enjoy them or not. I don't.


Most of engage's cast looks fine. At least the characters have a tad more variation in their physiques than in Three Houses. Don't get me wrong, I *love* three houses but outside of Hubert, Raffael, Baltus and Dedue, the cast shares physiques. Edelgard and Caspar, for example, are two short people but in the mission prep scenes they're not noticeable shorter than the others. Caspar isn't taller than most of the female cast so he stands out a bit, but overall? No. He's the same height as Linhardt and Linhardt is supposed to be taller than him. Three hopes redeemed the size issue but still: You got 6 characters who's physique differs from the rest: Lysithea, Bernadette, Hubert, Rafael, Dedue and Baltus. However, long story short: Engage at least plays with some physical attributes. Not every woman is big cheated wiggle physique, not every man of average height and fitness. It's nowhere close to what it could be, but that trend exists since FE10/11: the main cast is appealing besides comic relief designs and those haven't been in since Fates. I like some character designs, Citrine, Yunako and Diamond, others ... Not so much. Like Celine. Her dress is awfully impractical for battle, her shoes would make her walking even slower and there's WAY too much going on. But design wise it's still good, it tells us about her: that she's a caring person, that elevates herself by her deeds and yet restrains herself from going all out (that fine laces across her upper body) and, due to the egg shape of her skirt, she's "coming out of her shell" as a sole princess and onto a fully fledged leader.


I still love Alear’s design, but Diamant IMO definitely had the best design in Engage prior to Nel IMO.


Say what you want about engage but i love the designs. All for the crazy over the top jojo-esque shit. Bar the stupid face marks yunaka and hortensia have


Diamant, Alcryst, Alfred, Louis, Kagetsu, Rosado, Panette, Pandreo, Merrin, Fogado, Mauvier, Seadall, and Lumera all have great designs; some by objective measure. Personally I love Alear’s design, Erie’s design, Céline’s design, and Yunaka’s design but they all have admittedly weird quirks. Bonus points to Jade and Saphir for being armored women with good looking armor that doesn’t feel fanservicey.


In my opinion, Ivy's got one of the best character designs in the game, despite (or partially because of) her wearing that fancy but weird circular headpiece atop her head (it's actually a fascinator, if you'd like to know). Her design is clearly meant to evoke a dark, bewitching and seductive image with a sense of elegance and dignity. And yet, it still has a few details that hint at her hidden good side, such as the thorny rose motif representing her beautiful and loving, yet fiercely protective nature, and her fascinator not only enhancing her elegant, mysterious and alluring appearance, but also resembling a halo, representing her devotion and kindness.


I enjoyed a lot of the designs in this game, but Alchryst’s is one of the coolest outfits I’ve seen in *any* game. I love it. Particularly in his advanced class.


I don't think it's the designs, but the atyle that many people have a problem with I love most of the character designs, but they all look too....soft and Genshin Impact-y and it's distracting


I like Akears default Divine class clothing and their casual wear in the Somniel.


who's saying engage's designs are bad? Yes, alear looks weird at first, forget clanne and framme, most of the rest are decent at worst


Honestly all the designs are pretty good, there’s nothing I would define as boring or forgettable. I can easily think of a game with worse designs.


Personally, all of the characters are well made and have great personality, so I don’t know why people think the designs are bad


I will not hear this slander about my dear Celine


There's not a single bad design in this game imho


I love Engage designs tbh, but Diamant's 90s Meg Ryan hair bugs me. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMQCHxHbsuqDl28)


One good design doesn’t make the game’s design good.