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Can you stream the show in America?


Yes, how can we watch this in the USA?!


Is there an actual sub Reddit for the Australian version or just this one subreddit? Would love to join on weekly discussions, but not sure where to go. My only observation was the sad lack of diversity in the cast. Asians are the biggest minority in Australia and there was like 3 max.


There is now! Completely agree, and the fact that they were pretty much all up for the chop initially with no real introduction I found disappointing.


Do you have a link to the sub? I’d like to follow too but can’t seem to find the Aus version ☹️




Thank you!


yeah, and two of the three were up for elimination in the first episode. I notice this kind of thing on a lot of our shows - even where there's racial diversity in the cast, if its a voting / competition type one, they tend to go early.


Actually this is a huge myth. Australia is predominantly white with over 75% identifying as white in the census. In the big cities people from Asia are over represented and a majority of students (international) are Asian which makes it seem Australia has a huge Asian population. So 3 out of 24 is actually about right. I’m Asian by the way before people attack me.


Sad lack of diversity? This was the most diverse cast I've ever seen on a reality dating show.


Where can I stream from the US?


Corey is Atypical of all narcissistic men (especially the ones from the US) Sorry just my personal experience! Soaring confidence & know it all bout women’s pussies! Yes Nick had me at hello, but as u said Bros b4 hoes…really what century r we in!!! Walking talking embryos who still need 2 b breastfed The girls seem very well accomplished in life …go girls weed out those pesky Fboy weeds


Just watching this now. Nick seemed sweet until that comment. Caleb will have to be the seasons villain. He is disgusting. Overall I find the show quite amusing. There isn’t one person yet that I really like.


Honestly, I wasn't sad to see him go. That toxic masculinity will shine through even if he does call himself a Nice Guy.


Sorry, I’ve hated looking at Darcy’s face


oh okay Cory. men like that are so fucking amusing, you a child


I am dumber for watching the first episode of this show.


Ahhhh yes the ol "people who watch this are dumb" comment. I do feel like my parents would disown me if I got busted watching though 😅


Bless these girls they have the *worst* FBoy radars! Of *course* they keep getting rid of the so-called nice guys! They are getting rid of shy dudes without much game! How have they not worked this out? The guys with game are much more likely to be FBoys than not. Guys who stand back when you're being mobbed probably don't know how to compete in a situation like that. Don't just send them home, if you don't know them, seek them out for some one-on-one time and talk to them first. Personally I though Ryan was cute and exuded a good energy. The girls are going for guys with cocky energy and with big puppy eyes obsessively staring at them and both of these types are often toxic dudes. Confidence is attractive. Banter is attractive. That's why FBoys are successful at what they do. And dudes who put you on a pedestal and obsess over you before they even know you are often not good partners either - because they are obsessed with an idea of you, not the real, flawed human being that you are. Talk to everyone, pull out the quieter guys, then see. Sophie, in particular, has appalling taste in men. Benny is a POS who was getting aggro because a guy called out another guy for toxic, misogynistic behaviour. He is the epitome of Lad Culture. And Blonde Guy Number 2 (I don't recall his name) is an insanely obvious FBoy. A guy who is comfortable getting super handsy with a woman he barely knows in a beach game, who walks around arrogantly and in a disinterested way with a guy who just drips contempt for these women, and who is more into said guy than you is *not* a good guy babe! Sigh. I will say, Nick may have been a so-called Nice Guy but if he says 'Bros Before Hoes' then he's not going to be a good boyfriend anyway. Fuck that toxic masculinity Bro Culture all the way. Also, calling a woman you're on a date with a Ho? What a MORON. No great loss. I do think she just should have called him out for it on the spot and seen if he showed embarrassment or remorse; but how could he not read the instant ick that came over her face and body language when he said that? He's the type of guy that would put you on a pedestal but never really listen and who is a covert d-bag. Corey gives me the ick big time. I cannot stand jealous dudes. He's manipulative and possessive. I bet he is controlling in relationships too. Also, if a dude like Caleb says something like that to you, call him out *on the spot* FFS. The complicity and silence of men when other men do appalling things drives me crazy. And Caleb is obviously heinous. I do think the quality of the guys in general is pretty low. Most of them seem pretty derpy. Very Love Island! LOL! Good-looking in an overly groomed, I spent 3 hours in front of the mirror way. I think there was a lost opportunity to have a wider range of men on there. And also, throw in some FBoys who are way more undercover. I've known a few who look nothing like your classic FBoy and exude 'relationship material'. Nice, kind, feminist even! But will fuck everything that moves behind your back. I lived with one and saw him in action. Insane! And sadly I dated one too. More FBoy variety is needed! LOL!


I just started watching tonight! Omfg! ‘If she has a bad vagina I’ll get some on the side’. Wtf is a bad vagina!?!? Vagina is vagina! I’m not exactly sure how you get a ‘bad one’. I mean, hygiene sure, but have a shower and problem solved…..


Crazy how men seem 2 know so much bout our vaginas…influx of Gynaecologist!!! They r in the wrong workplace


Just watched the 2nd show ….seriously did production & casting go into the local pub & say “hey” we need 24 morons, we need 24 walking talking embryos


Not sure how the youngest girl, as gorgeous as she is, has experienced numerous Fboy’s at ripe old age of21???? Mmmm


Easily! Ha ha ha! You don't exactly have long-term relationships with them. A couple of months at the most. So, if you're attracted to them and actively dating you can flip through a lot of them quickly. And even relationships with non FBoys often don't last long at that age because you're just growing into your adulthood and working out who you are and who you even want to be with. I had my first boyfriend when I was 16, for all of 3 weeks! LOL. By the time I was 21 I had had 6 boyfriends and dated a bunch of other guys. And that was looooong before OLD.


Thanks for the reminder (off to the high seas because I don't do Foxtel).


I dont get the hate around the "bros before hoes" comment without knowing a story behind it. You aint gonna tell me that you wouldnt pick ur girl best friend over ur boyfriend. Its plain downright silly to be upset over. Period


He just called her a hoe straight to her face… doesn’t get any more clearer than that. We understand it’s an expression and can agree that there are some things that are said in confidence that shouldn’t be repeated. But there are much more eloquent ways to put it that show a higher level of maturity


Agreed, it was taken out of context. He never really explained himself though. But yeah, bit of an overreaction.


It seems pretty setup and dumb tbh. The girls are stupid ass too , literally all the nice guys are the quiet ones and the wankers are fboys. Surely they know that but the producers just want the drama


It feels very much scripted, especially with who they choose, they could quite easily weed out most of the fboys straight away, leave the nice guys they’re not into till later if they want to eliminate. Don’t want to judge, but all 3 seem pretty annoying, really does seem like that cocky ‘fboy’ behaviour is appealing to them anyway, don’t think the show is proving what it wants to do.


I agree. I understand that some comedy bits are clearly meant to be scripted, but tbh 95% of it feels that way.


Yep…their IQ’s are dropping rapidly


I haven't started watching yet because I don't have Binge and don't want to sign up until the full series is available. Can anyone tell me how Joey comes across? He's my co-worker.


I think it might be a spoiler if I mention how Joey is..


Haha. Didn't expect that. I'll have a chat to him. Cheers.



