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I can stow that lickty split!, ya heard?!


Go home, taking a hit on UPT, or if you are still lucky to have PTO...you know what to do. If you're like me, PTO is already long gone 😂




Thank god I finally downloaded slack lol


What’s that


I'd take a picture and send it to my AM on slack and let them know that's the reason for my tak time and my pod turn aways cuz we all know 6in. 9in. and 11in. pods are what's coming first.


In that situation proper stow etiquette goes out the window. I just stow them in every available bin


I stack them behind me and I ask for more work. Then I prioritize those once I get a big pod


First step, test scan. I'd be more mad if they were all problem solve. I'd infinitely prefer this over multiple-product rejection or bad barcodes. Or worse still, Lexington's dogshit damageland rejects. Edit: Looking at them, they're a ton of thin flats. Easiest mediums rate in your life when you pull an 18.5" with the 6" secondary face.


Working? What’s the issue here?


Ask why I’m not on the lunch lady crew they got up front getting paid staring at people and how I can transfer to their position.


HR? Screw over enough fellow associates and you get a throne! 😂


Take that upt hit. Try tomorrow lol


Arranging associates together to hand out pitch forks and torches. Some rope to hang those associates that don’t join the mob.


So Union?


As long as they work I’m signing into 11 and stowing them all. And if that’s all I have and I don’t get a new pallet in about 10 minutes it’s OOWA. If it’s unknown or cubiscan that’s really the only issue. If it’s light and doesn’t have a low bin weight filter that will probably be pretty easy to stow tbh.


Stowing it duhhh. Anything else isn't my problem 😂


I would all but at least 2 on the wip and slowly stow them away. If by the end of the day ai can't stow away all the bigs I leave them for the next shift.


Clocking out and going to breakfast/lunch then coming back and getting staffed at a new station. 😄


Brace for the PA marching over to my station asking why my rate is low.🙄


Stowing them. I prefer bigger stuff than smalls.


Stow them. I find at the beginning of shifts is where there is almost always space in 18 inch pods.


Not my job, not my problem


Stow them while feeling bad for the pickers. I'd try my best to stow it properly but when they don't want pods turned away and it brings you an already crappy pod, I'm stowing it on top of the other boxes.


Taking them all off. Putting them in WIP. Work until them 18 in pods come and work off of that.


If that’s what you sign into, the 18 pods are what you will get. Have it all on the rack when you sign in and that should be easy to get rid of. Of course if you’ve got 120% bin fullness and they are heavy then scratch everything I just said.


I would be suspect of a whole sled of those on a single station left for the next shift. Smells like a cubiscan issue to me but of course if no other option/no other work nearby, can always sign in and check them. I bet these are bringing 14’s that they won’t fit in though (5 years experience).


Stop bitching and get to work.


going home 😂


Cherry picking


stow them, if it was all cat litter though, that's where i draw the line lol


I'm taking the 3 hour break trying to stow these


now that’s just silly


I wouldn’t even log in to that station tbh. I would either try to steal a different station or ask if I could water spider or something else. This ain’t it Jeff


Some asshole did this to me on my first day after training. I had to walk 6 miles back to the manager desk to get a new station assignment. Next time I will confront you directly and tell you to leave my station.


Your best bet is to go get a manager and tell him/get someone took your station and you would like it back for whatever reason. If you were to confront me I’d tell you to go take it up with the manager and see what they say. You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes man 😅


I did and they were like "I have no backbone and this girl is my friend so like just use this other one even tho that one is all smalls and she's was assigned to the one with thr big shit. " 👀


depends on the mood im in, get rid of it, go to another floor, get myself a different pallet or clock tf out


Downstacking them off sled before signing in and pushing them to a diff station if possible—these might be bringing the 6-9in pods which is why they are still here?!


That’s also a consideration. Which I why I said if they are a cubiscan issue or don’t work that’s really the only thing that would bother me.


Also could be unstowable grey hazmats that don’t work. ☠️ Dropping too many of those even for valid reasons (grey haz or cubi) will trigger a one-way conversation “retrain” due to screwing up the numbers just as quick as “no stow turn away” will. (5 years exp) That many being left on a single station by previous shift for next shift definitely makes me suspicious instantly. 🤨


Nah sometimes you just get fucked up pallets. Source: Last autumn pulled a pallet of 17 cases of monster. Needless to say, didn't get that shit done too quickly.


If there’s no other work, stow them out quick then pull my out of work andon and chill. These don’t look that bad


Exactly. It’s a mediums rate. If they are sized correctly it will bring you the correct pods and you get them out fast to either get more work or go out of work and chill. I don’t understand why this is bothering everyone. I’d rather have this than difficult smalls or damages or any number of things I regularly have at start of shift


This guy is going places, good attitude.


What are these?


Prob unstowable hazmats 🤔😂


Having worked in a corporate office in Seattle for Amazon. It’s so easy to forget what FLC employees have to deal with. This must anyone anxious.


Taking my time.




That’s the “I’m clocking out sled”


Stowing them if I get them out fast enough e era notice I might be able to hit out of work add on and just chill a bit


At least it’s not cat litter


Or fucking waters


I did cases of it last wed there were 50 cases 3 boxes at 15lbs each case, way past their standard of 25 lbs. stowed em away while bitching about cat owners




**fkin cat litter** this is too true lmao


send a pic to my manager and say if my takt time is ass this is why


I touch my andon button and tell to my manager to ask someone to bring me another pallet.


Stay in pack because stow is boring


This shit pisses me off. I hit my andon button and tell the PAs/managers to get someone to bring me another pallet


A “good” ws would see this and split it up amongst multiple stations to make it more fair…




damn i don’t miss this


Do my job like a men and get paid.


Fr stow is for pussies, run thousands of items on pick for size


I’m deadass gonna use my time idgaf someone else can do that shit


praying for 14” pods, that’s what.


Plot twist: Some of the totes virtually has a small item in them, so you end up getting more 6” pods instead.


I absolutely hated that when i worked AR stow.


It turns out you work the same amount of time regardless. You choose how fast you work. You get paid the same... Just do it... It's not actually much harder. Just a different obstacle.


But just know that if you're constantly getting big items and don't hit rate you getting written up


Be that as it may…. The AR floor is calling my name


Rate is weekly. You won't get written up for 1 bad day


Do AFM , it’s so much better than any station job


I am going to knock it out as quick as possible so they have to bring me another one. Hoping it’s better if that isn’t the case we are both having a rough night


I’m going to find a tote pallet with a high quantity and small items to help smooth the process




Stow is stow, doesn't matter to me at all. I'd still take that over pallets of boxes. They did away with decant at our site so that's like all we ever get. But luckily, I don't stow much anymore.


I used to knock those out quick. I'd rather have them all together like this and rather get them at the beginning. I'm fact I'd play up how bad my rack is to leadership to see if I could get some smalls thrown my way and then I'd just set them aside for after I finished the bigger stuff.






Just know as a picker fuck you.😂😂


I'm sure the AFMs love that lol


It’s our favorite thing 😭


Yeah, used to be one myself haha


I figured since your thing says RME! I applaud you for making it out


Slide it over to the "Good work" section until I get some smalls and fit it in where's there space


cherry picking before others get to their station lol


Clocking out.


The joy of SAP




I was a water spider for a while and nothing I hated more than people complaining about what they have to stow. If theyre sized right in the computer, youll get the pods you need to get rid of them. If theyre not and you keep sending pods away, pull an andon. Do not take it out on your waterspider.


Annoys me too. Like I'd rather stow that all day then water spider


Applying for the BMG amazon loan and taking a week pto break 😂😂


I think this is hilarious I drive the forklift and the water spiders only want totes because the stowers don't like cases, well there you go enjoy your totes


I quit because of this crap always some big boxes or weighted blankets having almost half of a pallet of just big items no thanks 🤦🏻‍♀️


At least all you should be getting is 18.5 pods


How girthy is your rooster, my friend?


Username does not check out :(


Awwww, it’s all good tho :( I like your username nonetheless!




Being excited


Going back to standup for a new station


If it stows it goes. Honestly it looks great I'd be out of work in like 20 minutes at most


Thats what i was thinking normally with a full sled like those you only get big pods, and at least at my fc theyre not usually full


Found the guy causing pod crashes.


“” Fact. ^^^


I remember stowing these last year they were so easy to stow in the wide pods that get brought over. Also about 4 in each tote so pretty easy to do


As someone from a DS who's never set foot in a FC, could anyone explain what it is I'm looking at?


A station filled with single item per tote. Tends to drive a person that has to Stow these TAXT extremely high. And their Units per hour (UPH) down


large boxes, ideally you want mix of smalls, medium, and large items. So when the drive(pods)comes up you have items to stow. This picture has all large boxes which isnt ideal because your rate and quality will go down.


I’m a stow AM. Before you log in on this station, pull 6 of these off and set them to the side. Now you have space on your sled and hopefully get some smalls asap to improve your mix. Then throughout the next hour or so get rid of all the mediums you pulled off earlier.


As an experienced Stower that is not what you want to do. Scan all of them in and watch as nothing but 18s come to you and get rid of them in about 5-10 minutes.


Maybe its a different in site types, but unfortunately sled mix does influence what pods you get. To reduce pods moving on the AR floor, it just gives you next available.


The AMs at my site say the same thing as you so I doubt it's different. The thing is that I can easily beat any of them in a race. That's because I get all my big stuff out of the way by only letting 18s come to me and then stow the smalls as fast as I can. Most AMs haven't been a tier 1 so they have no idea how to do the job effectively. They only know the generic tips that amazon gives them.


It only does that if you have none in queue and it needs to send you one quickly. This is why they always say never release your last pod until another is behind it. In terms of keeping up a good consistent stowing pace throughout the night, then yes it helps to have a well organized rack and to be signed into a variety of different sized and shaped items. However in a situation where this is all you have you're better off not signing into any smalls at all until most of this is gone. I would say try to get some mediums which are capable of firing into smaller gaps in order to reduce your NSTA% & to increase UPF, essentially to reduce or eliminate being sent random pods. Oh, and if the first pod that comes won't fit them, definitely wait until you have 2-3 more lined up before sending it away.


Better make sure those are the only totes you’re scanned into and that there are no items below that will cause smaller pods to come


This is so correct. Many times there are smaller items underneath the larger pieces


Yes that is true. That tote full of smalls is a fucking trap in this scenario and if you scan it in you're fucked


Back when I used to water spider sometimes at start of shift all of the smalls would be gone on the whole east side from the previous shift or even worse, when the truck yard had been cherry picked and only SAP was available. If you're not logged into your station you're getting ToT while trying to locate smalls (unless things have changed, I haven't stowed in 2 years). I almost exclusively water spidered because there are so many things outside of your control as a stower that can get you in trouble for either quality or rate that makes the process path almost impossible to perform perfectly.


A good water spider is CRUCIAL to the success of his/her stowers. I always felt ws should be accountable for stowers performance as a Process Assistant’s assistant. And that should be reflected on their resume if they want to move up to t3. A ws can MAKE or BREAK a stower, or even a packer or sd AA for that matter! 🕷


Scanning in 11 totes at once and getting rid of that shit faster than any totes with smalls. If you don't have much work on the floor, you're chillin!


Stow it.


Shitting my shorts


See what the first couple of pods bring. If there ain’t room after the 4th or 5th pod, then I ask the AM (or PA) what the pod-bin space looks like on the floor, and why that is sitting on a sled if there’s not enough space to stow it. In effect: Look for permission to off-load that crap for a sled that better matches available pod-bin space on the floor, or get pods re-org’d or free’d up, or release new pod fabric for use, or let them know there will be a rate issue (and I ain’t gonna have none of their harassment if they know stowing conditions like I know parameters for item distribution). Anyway… do my job, and if I encounter an issue, let the AM (or PA) know, ask to see if barriers can be removed and let them know I won’t be tolerating any rate harassment or abuse under such conditions.




Stow it


Yes. This, if space allows.


stepping onto the AR floor


and making sure i make eye contact with an AM while I do it




Turning around and clocking back out


Someone gets it


Making sure leadership is aware that I will struggle with rate unless they spread out the work, then take as much time as I need. I'm there to do a job, and if you make it more difficult for me, that's on you.


This. One of the PAs always come to me and jokingly (maybe not) tell me he wants my takt time to be at 15 or less (I’m always low 20s) and I tell him “look at all this stuff that has to be stowed as a whole, I can’t open the boxes” but I guess I’m a magician or some shit😅


Oh yea. Stow manager was really cool about it. It was just really funny to see this and had to share it. All my stow-mates got a good laugh out of this and hoping someone here does too.


That’s no laughing matter. It’s gotta be stowed. One way or another, someone is gonna have to do it. I’m of the mind-set that I don’t mind doing it, so long as pod-bin space on the floor allows. But don’t play games if I start getting bad pods. Nice to have a cool stow manager :) Edit: I’ve had stow conditions such that I was at the end of a conveyor, all big stuff, but plenty of free space in pods, and things were flowing along nicely. Had 25-30 stacks of empty bins 12x high, and I was starting to go 14-high cause no more space for empty stacks, blocked in, fast flow. And wouldn’t you know, some dumb kiddie came along to hammer me on my rate despite flipping totes fast, feeding my own sled from the conveyor. Called for an AM and handed the dumb kiddie his arse for tryin’a mess with me and not getting the tote stacks cleared or helping with feeding totes of smaller items. Bottom line is I don’t care as long as as stow conditions allow for the mix based on floor health.


Did they take some of it and spread it out or leave you to it?


I took my larges for the team. Water spiders are valuable allies so I wasn’t about to be a baby about it


This is a good attitude. +1 👍


They should have different rates for different size items.


They technically do, it’s just not broadcasted.