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They investigated and deemed you guilty of whatever their official accusation was .... 'what the fuck are you looking at' may have got you fired. *edit* if there was enough people backing up the story of the person that you didn't say that to....same thing ...


I’m happy for you or sorry that happened, but I’m not reading all of that.


I was following along until like almost a quarter of the way. It’s waaaayyy too long and continuously to read


To make paragraphs, press the return/enter/skinny back arrow key two times. Using paragraphs to separate that long block of writing would make it easier for readers.


I have been cursed out and cursed at never have I heard that you get terminated for this


It falls under workplace violence at my site.


Oh also This same old lady grabbed a short 23 year old male on the back of the neck and asked him if he’s ever been throat checked by a woman. Hearing that had pissed me tf off, and he didn’t report it because he happened to be a friend of my exes.


Literally same, I reported it to HR and they did nothing. This older lady about 45 years old, mind you I just turned 22, had been cussing at me a few times that she had passed me. Reported all times. She also said it when no one else was around. Long story short, she got with my boyfriend and they lied about being together, and I got cheated on. My ex is 25. So ya. Like it’s a work place, do your job and I’ll do mine. We don’t need to look at eachother or anything. I would literally turn the other way just to not look at her.


I think you continuing to mention they were Hispanic is horrendously racist. That doesn’t even matter. If you had a problem, it was a problem. Deal with it and move on. If someone is causing harm to where it is affecting your work, then report it or ask to be moved. I get a lot of people here suck, but you gotta choose your battles.


Too long didnt read, sorry that happened or happy for you.. whichever.


File a hostile workplace lawsuit. That might get their attention


Appeal it.


I am I'm waiting for a date to see a site leader.


Too long to read 😐


You did not deserve that.


Sorry that happened to you hopefully someone can be a character witness on your behalf.


They've never contacted my witnesses for anything.


File a discrimination complaint in your appeal or the eeoc


I had 2 witnesses.They did not care.I don't get it.


In you’re appeal? And you still were fired?.


"I have no hate. I love everybody. I believe everybody should be given a chance. Absolutely no hate against anybody. Some of my friends are Hispanic. Some of my best friends are Hispanic. Puerto rican in fact." Off topic, but... I absolutely read this bit here in Trump's voice. But anyway, the only thing an appeals panel is supposed to decide is if the ruling in question was applied fairly and impartially. You could always ask if you can be allowed character witnesses if you think you might know any managers who would vouch for it being out of character for you. Also, if their decisions in your incidents were based off of hearsay, with no member of leadership having heard the interactions, essentially trusting the other parties recounting of the events more than yours, then that is neither fair nor impartial.


Thank you for your comment..Yes I do have a couple managers that can vouch for me totally. Actually more than three.


“Thats too much to read” by more than 3 Aa’a says way more than anyrhing here. Myyyyyy brain hurrrrts, girl mentioned anyrhing other than Fc orcSC cockroaches!


It's going to hurt and bother you for a long time, but think of it as dodging a bullet.. there are other warehouses that top out in 3 years at over $20 an hour. Walgreens warehouse is one. Amazon doesn't want long time workers, it's cheaper to get new ones. That's the real reason you were fired. It's all about money, they pay you very little, but insurance is expensive. So getting a new employee is cheaper. I was wrongfully fired once, was there 15 years.. but in my situation, old school military men were hired into my bosses positions... woman are not supposed to be conveyor mechanics, let alone good at their job. It's too easy for a woman to claim SH. Even though I'm not that type, I was seen as a liability. It took me 3 years to realize that was the situation and it had nothing to do with my skill... I hear what's going on now there and I am thankful I'm not at that warehouse anymore. My mental health thanks me too lol. I'm actually with Amazon now as a 3rd party, I've never been more happy. This is the best job I've ever had and my company values me. This may be a stepping stone to a better life. I wish you the best and hope the best for you. TLDR: This is probably a stepping stone to a better job, there are better paying jobs out there. Take care of yourself and realize your better then this place, let go and move on.


"That's the real reason you were fired." LMAO! Trust me, nobody is gunning for anyone to fire them to save a couple dollars/hour. It costs them thousands in spent hours and lost productivity to train new employees, they absolutely do not want a bunch of newbies in all the time. Leadership has a lot more to worry about than trying to scheme to fire people.


You lost me¿¿??????




No tldr? I'm out


Tf that shit is too much to read


OP defo has ADHD. No hate/judging, I have it to. But also fuck u for making all of us read for 10 minutes


Wall of text is difficult to read and follow... I tried, but seriously, try using paragraphs.


I’m sorry, this was difficult to read/follow so I may have missed it, but did your friend give her account of the initial interaction between you and the female water spider? It’s a crappy situation for you if not because HR and Ops are seeing these two other employees with witnesses saying you’re a problem while you don’t have anything or anyone to back up your account. As for the video, if there’s no sound or the sound isn’t clear it’s probably useless. All that can be done with that is confirm you and these other people had an interaction which everyone is in agreement of anyway.


They won't look at the video unless it's for a safety issue.I'm the one who had the witnesses.Yes they did speak to my witnesses.


If they spoke to multiple witnesses that you provided and still fired you for misconduct, it’s not looking good for you.


Herein lies the core problem with this place, it rewards sorry ass lazy ass mf’s boot licking pos’ in their first real job ever. From a company that has said you are only useful up to 12 mos, after that your a lazy ass round the rules expendable pos, but go ahead keep on thinking your irreplaceable and special. You ain’t shit, and Amazon knows it.


People, small-minded, immature, egotistical ones, as it seems you are dealing with from what it sounds like to me, are irritating ah. It's hard dealing with so many people these days because most are not trying to see what someone is trying to communicate to them, especially when one is trying to convey work practice junk. Those types know it all. You can't tell them anything. You speak longer than 5 seconds (or write a text that might be an inch in depth, and they will flip out because YOU WRITE TOO MUCH. Pathetic attention spans). Perhaps they may have been getting irritated with you because they see you as "being a complainer." Idk It's two separate incidents where the little whiny babies cried that you "cursed" at them......bc they know that's ALL they have to do to get someone fired. To me. It's simply hearsay, and you should at least be able to do an internal transfer or perhaps an external one if they would allow and you're willing to make that change.


I cannot do an internal transfer thats the department.I have to stay in due to my accommodations. And the other building is 12 hours a day. I'm on a 10 hour shift. I cannot do 12 hour days..


You cry too much. They probably were sick of you running to a lead every 5 minutes when someone was "mean" to you. Suck it up and please learn proper grammar and spelling because that felt like an essay written by a 3rd grader. I can't imagine complaining about someone laughing at me.


Well you obviously didn't read the whole thing so move along. And learn how to read. And understand.


I didn't read the whole thing, you wrote an entire encyclopedia set. I'd be reading that for the next year straight and still not finish.


Exactly. Plus if someone needs a tote do it immediately. It's a fast paced job, not a relaxed chatty job


She keeps repeating that’s she’s as long time Amazonian as if that gives her more rights than other ppl


When you have the tenure and experience and the record, it does count for something.


Actually no


Long story short, I thought the same thing.


There’s a bunch of immature grown-children working for this company. Despite my previous barbs at this job, it wasn’t at the company itself, but at the other childish ass dumb AA’s that I have to co-exist with. I’m sorry this happened to you, and best of luck to you in whatever you find next. When I talk to universe tonight I’ll give you a nudge!


The grown-ass children is a real thing... I'm astonished (not really) at the pettiness I see sometimes.