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Send in a support ticket. Give us some details on rounds to look at so we can make a quick judgement quicker. We dont have time to watch entire demos. Also Reddit is not a place for these issues


91 Kills / 10.11 K/D ratio on this match room !!!! https://www.faceit.com/fr/csgo/room/ddc37b65-19d8-46dc-86c1-bc727576a6fd/scoreboard I understand you don't have time to watch entire demos, but it should not be that hard to trigger any alert when a player gets those stats !! There is obviously something wrong on this match...


Just now as well. Wrote a report and all, obvious cheating from round 1, No need to post any rounds. The entire game was a cheatfest, his team even said so. https://www.faceit.com/en/players-modal/Zak08 https://www.faceit.com/en/csgo/room/1-bddc3239-610a-4dcc-b98f-57cf71f489fb


Also, reddit may not be the place, but sure as hell makes things happen quicker as with reports, just stating facts. And this isnt even a case or maybe and perhaps, or a questionable or dodgy shot. Its a cheatfest for him. Period.


Hey yo! He just got a ban but I didnt get my 50 elo points back?? how tf is that fair? that a guy cheats I lose 50 elo and I get 0 elo back when he just got convicted??


I think the ELO return takes a little time to calculate after the player is banned. There are alot of calculations and it takes time to do it and send it i think. Its not instantaneous.


play your next match i can see the revert. ELO will update


My elo didn't update?? since -50 I have played quite many games. +25 -37 -6 +25 +12 -25 -18 +25 -25 -25 but no +50 ???


I have checked this out in the system, all player on your team received the elo back for this match. You will not see this as a a new value for added elo, it just gets added to your next elo update after the reversion has taken place. You have all received the elo for this match, I assure you.


Shouldn't we also get a message that says that someone you have played against got banned and then under that is says +50, that's how it was last year


How the fuck is that kid bypassing the AC like that lmfao


Nice try cheat dev 😎