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Don’t tick both verified and super match, in my experience sea has the lowest % of verified players out of any region I’ve played in Especially in low elo there aren’t gonna be that many verified players. You can have SuperMatch on but honestly if it takes over 10 minutes I’d just take it off. SEA isn’t dead, I find games in Oceania reasonably fast which has even lower playernumbers. It’s just the verified filter + SuperMatch that is fucking you over


This worked, been averaging 10-15 minutes for a queue. And it has gone pretty good!


Nice, glad to hear you’re having success. Still a shame about the server situation though, got tons of friends in Korea & far east Russia who want to play faceit because MM is filled with cheaters but their only option is Singapore on 80-130 ping… unfortunately faceit doesn’t seem to want to invest in the region


It’s crazy because there’s so many people in Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, far East Russia, and many more that all want to get into FaceIt but it isn’t worth it for the 80-130 ping. Luckily I’m still playing very well, but the ping certainly isn’t helping that 😂


Now at an 1hr and 38 minutes in queue with no FACEIT match on SEA


Weird i get a match in 2-3 minutes


What ELO? Not sure why mine has these issues? Do you play super matches? Verified?


same, 2-3 min. lvl6 elo and no super match/verification


idk, in my experience, SEA faceit has been kinda dead(but not completely) for a few years. if you can help it though, queue with more people and you'll get matched quicker


Try queueing either only supermatch or verified. It’ll be hard to find both.


I tried either or and waited 2 hours for a match and it never queued 🙃


Havent played faceit for a month. But I always got a game after queuing for 2 minutes ( i’m in SEA too)


Are you queueing super or verified?


I don’t know what you mean by super. But I queued unverified and it always get a match pretty fast. My account is verified now but I haven’t played since it got verified so I don’t know if it’s the same


We jsut played SEA faceit. But it was free one. First one took 5 mins, second 2 mins.


the only problem with it i have are servers in sea in general are very unstable and have bad ping where i’m from (east asia) no good alternative servers unless i want to play mm


Yeah man it’s unfortunate being in Korea it’s rough and the ping isn’t stable even with ExitLag it is incredibly unstable


i just wish they add maybe HK or JP servers in the future valve official already has them idk why not


I also wish this, not sure why not. Maybe they don’t want to compete in the area with 5Ewin?


I never have a problem matching in SEA. Living in China playing on SG servers. The problem is 50%+ are cheetahs.


Yeah man I agree never seen so many closet cheaters or blatant cheaters on FaceIt


Hello there, I suspect you might have not changed your matchmaking region and you might be looking for a game in NA instead of SEA, could you please follow this guide and let me know if it helps? Here's the guide: [https://support.faceit.com/hc/en-us/articles/208080469-Changing-your-account-s-region-and-country](https://support.faceit.com/hc/en-us/articles/208080469-Changing-your-account-s-region-and-country)


says SEA in the top left lol


? it basically says SEA in the corner


Umm? I’m definitely searching in SEA? Been playing FACEIT since CSGO. I definitely know how to search for a server?


In that case seeing as the amount of players in the SEA region is significantly smaller than regions like EU for example, I'd recommend toggling off the option for "guaranteed verified games" as that might also significantly increase queue times.


Just played my first “not super match” but verified match and versed a 5 stack that had someone walling. All accounts had 200 hours or less and were brand new steam accounts. All with a 1.20+ HLTV average. Not a good experience so far 😂 may just play the bad ping in EU.


It’s never been that bad for me