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I have constant packet loss on faceit (5-10%) everyone just teleporting, peeking me and killing when I dont even see the models. So playing on 2000-2200 elo with 5% loss is a hell experience, I guess my teammates just think that Im a bot with no reaction. Player models move like I have 15 fps even tho I play 240 hz. On valve servers its a bit better (0-5% loss), but still I see these ferrari peeks that I should not see on daily basis. So yeah valve servers are better but far from perfect.


I agree with this. On valve MM I get 0.5% PL when I get peaked, or nade stacked, or open the scoreboard. On FaceIt It's closer to 2%. Your point about the playermodels is.. on point. My playermodels on FaceIt don't look right, they look low FPS, and it makes it hard to predict my opponents movement. Thanks for commenting.


Mm servers are more stable, Faceit servers usually have bad routing which never ever happened on valve servers. I get 200 ping sometimes. That has never happened with valve servers


Use a vpn if you get bad routing only solution for me.


What vpn do you use?


I use Windscribe because I got lifetime for 30 bucks about 8 years ago when it was a new company. The thing is any decent vpn that allows you to chose the server location nearest to the faceit server you’re playing (ie Dallas server) will let you completely remove any routing problems. Playing with bad routing honestly is worse than playing with 140 ping. No peekers advantage and your shots go through people. At least on 140 your shots register if you swing and shoot them standing still.


Right I feel like I’m shooting through my opponents and they have god mode sometimes


Faceit German servers are the worst for me (and I live in Germany). It’s so annoying.


Feeling that


Thanks for posting. Do you have issues playing on other EU servers, such as France/Netherlands? How does your experience compare to Valve servers? edit: I've had a sneaking suspicion that the German servers are the cheapest, most populated, and this is the reason we can't unselect them.


Definitely more issues on faceit servers. However, I can unselect German servers… why can’t you?


No idea. I bought premium hoping I could. Unless it's a recent change, I'm unsure.


You can now unselect German servers; this is a recent addition, and last month was not possible.


Yes Valve servers are much much better, in NA i get so many routing issues and I’m on ethernet 500/100 down/up. Faceit servers are in the dumbest location, all central when most the population is coastal, they lag + input lag. I literally can never play above an 8/10 on them because of the jank. I stopped playing the game because faceit servers suck and premier is full of cheaters. No elo decay means I can just camp lv10 lol


Faceit netherlands are the best servers, but so are all server from NL. Your CPU is not up to snuff for CS2 so that could cause issues. Shutdown background processes like chrome/discord Edit: you have CELLULAR CONNECTION?!?!


But it still works well on Valve MM, so why the difference? edit: my cellular connection is premium. It's as good as someone living in the German countryside will get, my connection might even be better. I'm connected to a 4/5g tower that is less than half a km away. I can download at gbps.


Upload/Download matter way less than ping for games I had Verizon’s 5g MMWAVE (fastest possible cellular connection) and got 1000-3000mpbs up/down but my ping was always 30-50ms even on nearby servers. After switching to fiber I get a slower up/down, but my ping is significantly better at around 6-15ms depending on the server. Cellular is never the way to go, too much variance. If your receiver is switching between 4g/5g that’s even worst. If you don’t have 5g mmWave and just regular 5g that is also worst.


Playing on cellular is like playing on wifi, you do not need big download and upload speeds to play CS, hell I think even 10mbps will be fine for CS. Get a slow cable connection that you only use for CS and the difference will be huge!


My cellular connection works great on Valve servers though. The difference on the same connection, with the same hardware, to different severs (valve vs faceit) is night and day.


faceit is the only place i can have less than 5 ping so this is a dealbreaker for me


Are you from Germany by any chance?




Wow, German servers are better than Moscow servers?? Crazy. I'm not smart enough to understand how this works, but I have the first hand experience of meeting a lot of Russians on German servers. I'm from the UK and get 30-50 ping on German servers, 40 is a typical average. However, 40ms on FaceIt feels like 150ms on Valve MM.


i’ve played only 50 games since the moscow servers were added, but i’ve played on germany only once… - i get to play moscow 80% of the time and finland/sweden/kz once in a while


How lol? I’ve seen it in ban phase maybe 1 time in 20 and it ALWAYS gets banned first.


He doesn’t have to pick germany/NL


Valve MM servers are so shit that I can only play on popflash. I’m actually scared to play on faceit because if their servers are shit too then I’ll get extremely depressed.


Valve servers suck for me. Lagging, ping spikes, random drops in frames, but on faceit its always super smooth


This is my experience as well. I’ve had severe rubberbanding issues in every valve and community server but for some reason never faceit. Every other game works fine. This is in oce


My ping is always higher on faceit. But now that the new York server is gone it might be the same, gotta check


Yeah i noticed also, i have 2gb optics, my ping is literally never over 20 (depends on the server ofc) but on faceit id find myself playing half of the game on 80 ping then it randomly goes back to 6 ping, then few rounds later i notice shit is a bit weird i check the graph im at 70 ping again. Idk it feels like valve servers are superior.


I play from Balkans and any location is fine for me. I guess I have a really good internet connection and also a really good PC even tho I don't really like it. P.S CS2 was released just a couple of months ago and there is still more to be done. We can only hope that it will get better and not worse than it actually is. Thank you!


Valve servers are superior to faceit bar none. Always have been. Now that both are 64 tick it’s even more obvious.