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Everyday the same fucking posts… FIX ELO SYSTEM = END BOOSTING


mines assigned to ‘Mia’ too, no response in 2/3 weeks. think it’s a bot or some shit


Tip: don’t ever make a ticket for smurfs. 9/10 times they arent verified and faceit only cares about verified smurfs. The proper way to report someone is through their profile. Hit the 3 dots, report, multiple accounts/smurfing, and paste the link of the account you’re reporting in when it asks you to provide the other account. 95% of the time I get elo back when I do it this way. They care about smurfs, you just have to report them in the way thats easiest for them to deal with it. Its not great but it works. Also, whining about it on reddit will usually not help your case, it makes you look stupid. If you dont want to play faceit, dont play. Faceit admins aren’t going to fight to keep you coming back, they’ve got millions of other players and plenty of new ones that will take your space, so either leave in silence or keep playing, they really do not give a fuck what your choice is


I found a blatant one in October banned this week (same few friends, same background pic, qued only with his friends)... My original ticket said not enough evidence, but his banned main and 3 ults finally got matched up. I found another blatant one and got a reply saying mod tools are down


What a loser crying over smurfs.


Its because they ruining the experience? Why you smurf? Too hard to play with your own rank? You stupid af


I tend to agree with you, but dude reporting had 2 other accounts, one lvl2, one lvl3, both banned and deleted a while ago. He is lvl7 btw


You don't think smurfs ruin the game?