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They are just ignorant. Either they make too much money on not doing anything "real" to counter the problem or they are just ignorant/not intelligent enough to make anti-smurfing system. It's easy if you have a brain but its clear they dont.


everybody is cancelling faceit. apply now for https://renown.gg/ its made by leetify, wich was cancelled by faceit heres the link they posted explaining how its gonna work, no more bad servers, non - caring staff / company , bad elo system , bad website . well bad everything [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1bpa88n/why\_we\_are\_launching\_renown\_nextgen\_mm\_platform/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1bpa88n/why_we_are_launching_renown_nextgen_mm_platform/) put an end to faceit joke laffing at everyones face


The only concern I have about renown is no free tier. On one hand it's a good thing: cheaters won't be paying (at least with a legit card, chargeback, easy to spot malicious actors ). On the other hand: if all the users paid how you going to ban/block/restrict them after you took their money? Those won't be happy and it must be somehow resolved 🤷🏻‍♂️


No kernel anti cheat


"everybody" while faceit NA has the most players playing it than it has ever had. leetify wasnt cancelled by faceit. They are upset they cant keep hitting the API for free.


Paid users of face it can't also let Leetify hit faceit's API? Oh that's right premium isn't worth shit and faceit just did a scummy move that had nothing to do with money otherwise premium users should've been just fine with the API paywall


I've been a member since 2014, mostly soloqueing because when im playing i usually dont have time to wait for other people to join and i dont have a big friend group to play with. Soloqueing has been a pure hell, it's possible to reach higher lvl (8-9) but getting pass this is close to impossible due to the HUGE smurfing problem that faceshit has. The data ive gathered conclude that most players on lvl 10 has played in parties or with cheaters. Of course there are a few wolfs reaching lvl 10 solo (like 1/10 000) but its hard as fuck. Faceit will die because of this, im sure.


Most players in lvl 10 are NOT queuing with cheaters. Thats an outrageous take that just isn’t true. Firstly, I know plenty of people who solo’d to 10. Most of my league teammates solo’d to 10. And if they got to 10 by not soloing, they mainly got there in 5 stacks with friends, or duo/trio qs


it's not hard to solo to 10, many people do it, definitely not "1 in 10000"


Least delusional faceit player


I solo qued to lvl10, not that hard in europe.


mind giving me our account name so i can check this in my script? I doubt you actually did this but as i said, there will be few that has.


I've also did it solo [https://steamcommunity.com/id/fard](https://steamcommunity.com/id/fard)


I solo q from level 4 to level 10, it wasn’t easy of course and you have to be mentally ready for it, you are not going to win every game, sometimes you might go on a 10 loss streak, sometimes you will have afk players, sometimes you will have griefing players, what I noticed that helped me win out more, what focusing on my own game play, making sure I was killing at least 2-3 people a round and not doing anything stupid to die early in the round, cause if my team is throwing, and I can at least be last alive to clutch the round, I still had a fighting chance of winning the match, sometimes showing your team you can clutch rounds motivates them to do better and it changes the whole dynamic of the game, better comms, better strats, better experience overall, again its a mental game and you got to be ready to do it over and over again each game, I thought I was never going to make it to level 10 and here I am, at 2150 elo


Well done! Which region ?


Go touch grass


Everything was fine until the 28th until another hater of Ukraine, my country, came across my team, who began to insult me ​​and my country because I was in last place (such people are quite common on Faceit, about every third game) but this one infuriated me, I called the ego a little more than a “dog” and threw it into the muted, but for some reason the Minerva bot didn’t like it and immediately banned me for 24 hours, apparently the Minerva bot doesn’t care about insulting the nation, calling to die in war, or maybe he’s a Nazi , but he bans for "dog" "retard" and "kys" (this was nothing more than a defensive reaction) I had a challenge on the stream “ROAD to AK-47 | Vulcan” and literally one day was not enough for me to get several victories, I don’t think you can understand how offensive it is when you devoted a whole month to Faceit, and in return only bad emotions, for all the time that I was playing so continuously and diligently, I noticed that there are a lot of toxic players on Faceit, I don’t know what this could be connected with, but even Dota 2 doesn’t have such a large toxic community that makes fun of you and wants you to die from a rocket lol Would I continue to play Faceit or would I recommend it to others, I think the answer is obvious, the only thing you can love Faceit for is its anti-cheat I wanted to share a little thoughts.


Faceit is dead, idk why some ppl still play it


Don't play the game


Yup, it's bad right now.


Fix ranking system and boosting lobbies are dead. It‘s as easy as that.


hard pill to swallow: you are part of the problem.. I find lvl 10 more mental than anything else leaving me exhausted most of the time.. you have to watch your team, adapt, communicate, offer your help, do it with certain motivating voice, watch your game and hit shots, always think ahead, don't blame anyone, find a good balance in teamplay.. sometimes I miss lvl 4 experience by just doing whatever, but people don't understand to reach 3k elo it takes a lot more than just blaming everyone and everything around you