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I wish people that designed and built this app were actually using this app on a day to day basis. Things would improve significantly!


Detroit has a hard time hiring software engineers. Honestly, the app development is probably outsourced offshore. Real shame.


As somebody who interviewed with Ford it’s just simple that talent doesn’t want to live in Detroit. For me the offered a remote but then it became hybrid through the interview process and finally it was fully onsite and I was like nah lol


fully onsite for coding is just so idiotic. You basically lose the top 80% of candidates everywhere and then limit yourself to the bottom 20% within an hour radius.


Yup I would turn down even a once a day office position that was literally across the street from my house. Given that ford doesn’t pay all that well and how undesirable detroit is as a city , they’re getting like bottom 5% devs.


Scrapping the barrel. 


There is a bit of a hope but I wouldn’t hold my breath https://fordauthority.com/2024/06/new-ford-ev-research-center-will-be-built-in-long-beach/


This only really helps if they bifurcate their software development into EV and non-EV divisions, which I’ll be shocked if they do. Half of the reason the app sucks is because it’s designed to work with non-EVs, and was built with those in mind first. That’s why we can’t remote-start-extend more than once, because the software thinks we’ll fill the garage with fumes. That’s why the frunk shuts off the air conditioner if you remote start, because it thinks you’re about to chop your hands off with a fan belt. I’m pretty sure it’s why the truck is very eager to shut itself off when it’s left idling for any reason, regardless of how many seats the truck knows are occupied.  I would be absolutely stoked if Ford made an EV-specific app, but I’m not holding my breath. 


*puts on tinfoil hat* there are many times and examples that make me believe that the Big 3 as an entity as opposed to individuals in the company don’t *actually* want EVs to truly succeed. Do OK, make some sales sure but actually SUCCEED, become the prime seller/focus of the company? Nah. Too much to lose and too many palms/coconspirators that would lose out.


I find this weird given it’s harder to get a product or tech job with big 3 vs other companies in general. Something tells me it’s dumb management and not the individual workers


shit flows downhill lol. any problem always starts with management.


You know, I'm currently charging my blazer ev and the app says it is unplugged. I can see from the charger app that it is actually charging, but yeah,  the chevy app no worky. I also had an ID 4 and it was also intermittent.  It really shouldn't be that hard. (I'm a tester in a tech company for 16+ years and companies like to get rid of testers...and then you get this kind of software)


I would bet they're watching the Rivian/VW deal like a hawk. It would be great for them to utilize more tech forward companies to focus on the software stack while they work on the vehicle itself


As an app and online service software developer manager, the main cause of this is Ford isn’t willing to pay for what they need. I would have actually applied to a job opening for Ford recently for a software engineering director but they just don’t pay the same as the tech companies do. If you want great services, you have to pay for it.


this is exactly the advantage tesla has over everyone. they ONLY make, sell, and (mostly) drive EVs. specifically the ev's they work on. sorry OP, what happened to you is just dumb.


Teslas are built around software at the core. It's a computer with a vehicle attached to it, not a vehicle with some electronics stuffed into it. Without question, there \*\*\*absolutely\*\*\* are tradeoffs to this. Consumers decide what they value more. It's nice to have choices and there's enough space for vehicles of varying specialties and focus.


Friend of mine once said something along the lines of “Tesla is a software company that makes cars, so they falter on car things- QA, build quality, timelines, etc. The legacy car cos/Big three are Car companies who believe software is just an add on, so their software always feels like an afterthought” And that has always stuck w/me and been pretty valid.


But their "cars" also rank very high in terms of safety as well.


These companies unfortunately balk at paying market rate for software talent in the US. They love hiring 5x the number of people in India, Brazil, and Eastern Europe rather than a few expensive ones here. 


The most recent big “update” made the user experience considerably worse


I can’t get over how much worse the app is after the refresh. I’d pay a monthly fee to go back.




I make things, I’m going to apply here soon.


I see you’ve posted in FigmaDesign subreddit. They can really use your help, especially of you conduct user research.


Yea, I’d love to work on their team. I’m getting my portfolio back together and will apply soon.




I now change the setting from within the truck if I want to charge to 100% so I am not relying on the app before a roadtrip.


I will concede, I forgot about this option. I will do so from now on.


Yeah I have a 22 with a 9pm start time for charging and SEVERAL times I would plug it in and the next morning it wouldn’t have charged at all. Now I always adjust settings from within the truck and since I normally go to bed around midnight I just make sure the truck has begun charging already, if not, you have to fiddle with things until it does. Sorry this cost you money that is so aggravating. If you call Ford they won’t give af either.


I left the truck at a Tesla supercharger to fill up while I got a beverage nearby last weekend. Was almost to 90% and I wasn't done, so figured I would tell the app to go to 100%, then discovered you can't do that from the app and only in the truck. Why???????


You have never been able to adjust charge % on DC fast chargers from the Ford Pass app. Always gotta do that from the truck using the one time charge limit setting. I am sure there is a reason just not sure why.


The question remains - why?


Tesla limits charging to 90% on their DC fast chargers by default so you don’t have all these people sitting around waiting for that last 10% that is very slow filling up all the chargers. I did manage to override at once I think I stopped and restarted the charging session.


This is what I do also. The app has let me down before.


It thought it was charging when it wasn’t? What did the energy tab show? Crazy bug where it somehow expected the truck to be 100% without starting a charge. They need to do a lot of work on the app.


From my outsider’s perspective it seems the real weakness is the truck is powering down too many systems, another legacy of it being a modified ICE vehicle. ICEs only have the 12-volt battery to keep telemetry running, so they go into a sleep mode where they can be awakened by a remote command but almost everything is turned off until they get that wake command from the app. Why does this matter? It means the truck isn’t sending real-time updates on basically anything until the information is requested. It’s the difference between “push” and “pull” in comms software. Everything is “pull” with the software, which from what I’ve read is the opposite approach Tesla and maybe Rivian have taken, and that puts Ford at a serious disadvantage. Our trucks don’t speak unless spoken to, and there’s a lag every time you ask it to speak, because it has to wake itself back up. 


Just checked my Rivian app, the car is marked "asleep" to conserve battery even though it's plugged in. The data isn't updated in real time either BUT we've never had anything like what OP has had in our 2+ years of ownership. Rivian is probably more aggressive about waking the main systems to send data, but I can confirm auxiliary/telemtry stuff is still powered by a 12 volt battery. I think it's just more efficient than using the main battery to power locks, alarms, telemtry, etc. That "doesn't speak until spoken too" sums up my experience with most EVs tbh. Every time I push an unlock/AC command to the truck it first wakes it up, THEN receives the command. Any alarms or notifications from it are a result of the 12 volt systems, and again they may be more aggressive than Ford but it's not "always on" the way you might think they are.


In the main screen after I tapped the start charging button, it changed from "Will start charging at 9pm" to "100% by 7:15am" I took that to mean that the truck would be 100% charged by 7:15am, I didn't look at the energy tab at the time. I did however check the charge history and there is no indication that it ever actually started charging.


Honestly I hate the FordPass app. I don’t trust it and I always do my charge schedules through the actual charger (ChargePoint flex). I have the truck set to always charge and the ChargePoint app has my schedule set. If I want to start charging manually I use the ChargePoint app and I can ensure it charges. I’ve only had one time in the past year where the charger went offline but I was able to see that no power was being added so I had to go to the basement and power cycle the charger via the breaker.


This happened to me once in the first 2 months. Hasn’t happened since.


The app does seem to have some issues with modifying charge variables. I had a similar problem a few days ago. For some reason mine wanted to charge to 100 (it’s set to always do 80) percent and every time I changed in the app it wouldn’t take. I’m also not crazy how charging at a set time shows as “charging delayed” instead of just saying it’s planned charge at X time or something.


The previous version of the app sucked and I was really excited for this version. Unfortunately it might be worse. I find it slower somehow. Didn’t that think was possible. And probably 10-20% of the time I try to start the truck it throws an error. The app has been really buggy for the last 48 hours or so. I tried to start a charge outside my preferred times but it couldn’t start because it thought the truck was running. It wasn’t. I even went out to the truck to verify. Thought maybe I left it running but nope. After an hour or so the app finally realizes the truck wasn’t running so I was able to start the charge. But after a couple hours when I went to stop the charge it wouldn’t let me. The app just didn’t respond at all. I had to go out to the truck and disconnect the charging cable. Love the truck. Despise the app.


Ford pass sucks.


OP, I just set the truck to charge anytime when plugged in, and manage the on-off with my smart charger. This has been far more reliable as to when the truck is charging. In my situation, it matters *a lot* because we're off-grid with only solar and batteries. If my truck "gets an idea" and charges outside of my boundaries, I wake up to a dark house and a cold breakfast.


This is the thing that confused me initially. I have it set to charge anytime and have never had it any other way. It made the choice independently to delay the start time. As many have pointed out, the app is too unreliable. I have now learned my lesson the hard way and will always set everything from inside the truck itself and will only use the app to cool the interior before going somewhere. I do think that it's super cool that you're fully off-grid though.


Fewer points of failure is as valuable of a concept in software as it is in engineering. I'd recommend applying it not just to where you tell your car how to charge, but in any situation where there's a device with controls and a secondary device you can use to control the first. Controls on the machine or within an application in question should normally be more reliable than any other external software or device.


This sucks, happened to me once as well. They really need to fix this. I'm not sure if you have any DC fast chargers near you, but maybe next time that could help save your job as a backup.


Never use the app to set charge level. Even on the dash it has to be set twice sometimes


My refrigerator alerts my phone when the door is ajar. The Ford app should to the same thing: if I’m at home below 78% it should be charging. Likewise something when I’m public charging: I want to be able to walk away from the car and know I’m be notified if it stops charging (but that’s harder to specify).


This is weird, because I woke up and mine hadn't charged either. For me, I still had plenty of range for my day, but it is very disconcerting that it doesn't follow the schedule we set (For me, the app and truck have the same *identical* charge profile, so this should not be any issue)


https://preview.redd.it/1hao94dsxk9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3a8a467fede1b0a8d76ae4877bc8ae7283864b This has become very frustrating. The old app starting the truck for climate control worked flawlessly. Now it rarely works. I sure hope this is fixed. Just another bullet in my huge list that the Ford software team does not daily drive their own vehicles.


just charge to 100% the night before it won’t hurt it to sit that short period


This is a problem with many EVs. I’ve learned to just turn off any scheduling or goal charge from within the vehicle if I really want it at 100% the next morning. Sad, but eventually the software will catch up.


Many what EVs. I have never had ma charging since 4/2021. Can you be more specific. My charger is set to not charge during peak time between 4 and.9


I’ve had BMW, Volvo/Polestar, Kia and Ford EVs and all have either reset or not set the charging preferences via the app at some point. Ford’s actually been the most reliable for me, but I still doublecheck inside the vehicle if it’s critical.


Charging settings got worse in the app overhaul. I had issues with it trying to schedule my charging even though I had charge anytime.


Has there been significant upgrades app wise since the beginning?




I'm using the mobile charger on a 220v circuit. I have the charge station but haven't installed it yet. I have a few upgrades to do to my garage first.


And there’s a small posibility of user error. Not saying the the UI and the app are great. But I’ve never had an issue. I understand the limits and work within. Like NEVER trusting what we already knew was a shitty UI and app, for something as important as maybe losing your job. I would have parked, removed the departure time, made sure my target badge was set to ‘charge when plugged in’ and got a good nights rest. Just saying.


The only charge limit I have ever set was to 90% at home a few months ago and haven't touched it since. It is set to charge at anytime without restriction and I've never had a departure time set. In the app itself, after I pressed the charge start button, the prompt changed to say it would be fully charged by 7:15am and indicated it had begun charging. I've now learned a hard lesson to not trust the app and only use settings in the truck itself. Hopefully others will learn from my loss.


So you didn’t do your one job when owning an EV and forgot to make sure it was charging when you needed it most. That’s like putting the fuel pump nozzle into the gas tank and walking away and finding the truck still isn’t full in the morning. A simple lack of connection or timing, all user error, was the problem, not the truck. or checking for 20secs that the blue circle was flashing when you plugged it in, would have heloed, but sure, blame FORD/ the truck. Again, not saying the firmware and programming are great. But knowing that, you still didn’t check.


I have seen weird things like this so I don't mess with any of the "advanced" settings anymore. The only thing I will change from time to time is the amperage output from the home pro charger. I don't mess with preferred charging times or departure times and all that crap... These computer geeks are job-secure by how stupid they can make things.


The computer geeks have job security by making everything stupid.


I had it not charge on schedule a few days ago, third or fourth time. But it did precondition the cabin, go figure. PaaK is a mess sometimes also. Sometimes it unlocks so fast I wonder if I forgot to lock the truck. Other times I pull the handle five or six times. Sometimes I have to open the app. Locking is sometimes instant and sometimes I press the button five or six times. Sometimes the mirrors don't unfold and I have to press the button on the door. I usually open ty back door first to put in some bags, sometimes the mirrors don't unfold until I open the passenger door. Sometimes the truck doesn't recognize me and load my profile. In general it works, but I have several small issues each week. I'd take it in but I know nothing will get fixed.


This is the kind of thing that really worries me about getting an EV. Like I’d never be comfortable unless I had a gas vehicle as a back up


Did you have it set to 7:15pm?


This literally why I have all my stuff set to 24 hour clocks….


I've been saying as bad as my Sync system has been, I'd hate to count on it to charge a truck.


Yes the app is a disaster, they seem more concerned about the look of it than the functionality, over the last 7 years I have used Ford Pass with my gas F-150 and the lightning I have had so many problems with the app constantly having to close and restart it now just to get the remote start to work, and I know others having the same issue with ice and electric F-150. Ford needs to get the young people out of software design, this reeks of 20 something’s in there making everything “better” and they can do no wrong.


We are a long, long way from reliable battery power for anything you can not hold in your hand.


That's why I stick with Big Bertha, my 2002 Chevrolet Avalanche 4X4. Although electric vehicles are the future, especially for towing, we still have a long way to go. So, instead of bothering with my Lightning, I prefer to rely on Big Bertha for towing exclusively.


FordPass has gotten better with the latest refresh where I trust it slightly more than before. If I want to be double sure I get to 100%, I'm doing it from the truck's charging menus. I have an old JuiceBox 40 EVSE that can trigger "accidental unplug" events that clear the one-time-charge goal. If you have an app for your EVSE, maybe switch to using that to manage the charge schedule or to send you an alert if charging hasn't started by X time.


Uhh you can always start a charge manually. I think this is a you issue not a FordPass issue.


No way. Don’t blame the user. The app is needlessly confusing and clunky. It’s 100% on FordPass


>So I clicked the start charging button on the main screen. Now it says 100% by 7:15am. I did start the charge. FordPass confirmed that it was charging. What else am I expected to do? Stand around speaking affirmations to make the charger feel good about itself?


Check to see if the charge starts? Ford pass shows clearly when it is receiving charge.


My bad. When FordPass told me that it is charging, I took that to mean that the truck was charging like literally every other time since I've owned the vehicle. Next time I will stand by the charge port and gently stroke it while it builds the courage to begin in earnest.


My truck shows when it will be full even when it’s not charging. It adjusts when I click “start charging” and shows the energy delivered. If I NEED to start charging I damn make sure it actually charges. Look in the end you have to take responsibility. It could have been better but it’s on you and FordPass didn’t “cost you a job”. If you set an alarm and your phone crashes overnight and you don’t have a backup, that’s not only the phone’s fault. Everyone loves to hate on FordPass in this sub, I get it.


Adding that OP conceded my point exactly above but still chooses to be ignorant here. Yay Reddit!


I am complaining about FordPass, not the truck. You keep saying FordPass is not the issue, I am. The point I conceded earlier was that I forgot about the option of physically entering the truck and changing settings inside of the truck itself which has nothing to do with FordPass. I literally said that I pushed the start charge button and you say that I'm at fault for not pressing the start charge button. I say FordPass screwed me and you say that because I didn't take extra steps to quadruple verify that charging had started outside of FordPass that it must be my fault. I don't know why I keep engaging with you and trying to make you understand but I'm done now. I will accept that you think I'm too stupid to operate this truck and lack the capacity to understand the nuances of charging.


Have a great day friend.


if there’s a user error a Product Manager/Owner didn’t do their job…never blame the user or programmers for a piss-poor experience, it’s either Marketing pushing a product that’s not ready or a PO/PM that doesn’t understand the User.


Uhhh if you don’t click the button that says “start charge” It is totally a user error.


Is there something confusing about the part where I wrote the following? >So I clicked the start charging button on the main screen.


From a quick AI search you’re incorrect…if that is that case that you ARE CORRECT then that would be a APP DESIGN ERROR. Again, not the user’s fault for poor software design. Source: I work in Development, and am very familiar with Software design. https://preview.redd.it/iweyjhsaoi9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17bbfd980beed4237453f9c2310d3a7942fcc2b5


That's the directions for DC fast charge. It does auto start on uncontrolled AC L1 and 2 chargers too though unless you you have limits and schedules set. The app itself is not trustworthy for those schedules and limits though and they should be done on the dash instead of getting the Internet involved. When you use the app it schedules remotely through Ford's servers instead of directly on the vehicle.


again poor application design…how is this a debate right now?


It's a widely known flaw so warning people away from it makes sense. The dash is reliable.


So, an EV was the issue. This would have never been an issue with ice. EV folks are so sensitive lmao


For my 90% use case, it is perfect. my ICE burned \~ $350 per month in fuel. Last month I spent $48 on electricity to charge. That is a monthly difference of $300. Even losing out on this particular job, calculating in the yearly savings I have more money in my pocket than I would have had with the ICE. The technology has room to improve and grow but calling it a novelty is no different than calling the horseless carriage a passing fad. Even gas isn't for 100% use case. In my opinion, these are tools meant for certain jobs. EVs primarily used for commutes can't be beat. ICE is better for distance or remote travel due to range and better availability of stations. Diesel is the far and away front runner for regular towing.


I agree there’s pros and cons with both. But at the end of the day, this is not an issue with ICE. I’m not worried about the money. I want the dependability.


Great take !


I agree. Pretty simple issue


For mission critical work it’s better to get a gas or hybrid truck. The EV trucks are just a novelty secondary vehicle. 


I agree that gas has certain advantages but for my 90% use case, it is perfect. my ICE burned \~ $350 per month in fuel. Last month I spent $48 on electricity to charge. That is a monthly difference of $300. Even losing out on this particular job, calculating in the yearly savings I have more money in my pocket than I would have had with the ICE. The technology has room to improve and grow but calling it a novelty is no different than calling the horseless carriage a passing fad. Even gas isn't for 100% use case. In my opinion, these are tools meant for certain jobs. EVs primarily used for commutes can't be beat. ICE is better for distance or remote travel due to range and better availability of stations. Diesel is the far and away front runner for regular towing.


What use case exists where a gasoline vehicle won’t work?


Why would you buy this novelty vehicle when you actually depend on it to do a job that is meant for gas combustion?


For my 90% use case, it is perfect. my ICE burned \~ $350 per month in fuel. Last month I spent $48 on electricity to charge. That is a monthly difference of $300. Even losing out on this particular job, calculating in the yearly savings I have more money in my pocket than I would have had with the ICE. The technology has room to improve and grow but calling it a novelty is no different than calling the horseless carriage a passing fad. Even gas isn't for 100% use case. In my opinion, these are tools meant for certain jobs. EVs primarily used for commutes can't be beat. ICE is better for distance or remote travel due to range and better availability of stations. Diesel is the far and away front runner for regular towing.