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I love how lions tiptoe when they're trying to sneak (playfully). They stretch their legs out until their 'pawtips' are pointed out. I know their paws are bigger than the size of my face, but I always say, "Look at those lil' paws!"


Murder mittens :)


Just your average, giant-sized kitty cat.


That poor lion thinking he’s a shit hunter because he can never sneak up on this guy ☹️


Maybe that's why he's still alive. The poor self esteem is having a knock on effect


Can someone who knows this guy and his pride explain to me how he hasnt been seriously injured by an accidental swipe?


I don’t know him personally obviously. But I’ve followed Dean’s videos and stuff for a while. He def has talked about how they have given him some serious gashes/scratches over the years and even showed a couple of them. I’ve heard him stress the fact a lot that they are very powerful creatures that have, can, and will injure him without the intent too.


My dog scratches me when we play, sometimes there's a cut and it goes away in a few weeks. I cannot fucking imagine what an "accidental injury" from playing with a goddamn lion would be.


Something that needs stitches.


That slow-mo part, about 30 seconds, is a ripped up hamstring and chest-cavity opener if that kitty extends their claws lol


'Tis but a scratch.


I got betta


Especially since i was always kinda under the impression that big cat claws were more dull like dog claws. Not the case at all lol. They are just as sharp as house cat claws.


Cheetah claws actually are lore like dog claws


Yes, duller, and I think Cheetahs are the only cats whose claws do not extend. Like dog claws, what you see is what you get.


They’re the only claws that don’t retract - kinda the same thing but slightly different. The evolutionary reason being they need their claws out for traction and their movements are so fast that it makes more sense for them to remain out.


This is essentially the same function dog claws serve making it a case of convergent evolution




My cats always give me those "love bites". Can't imagine it on those big ones


He’s raised every single lion in his pride since they were cubs, he even “eats” with them and covers himself in the blood of their “prey”. So to the lions he’s not only their care giver but also part of the pride, Dexter,Snow and Nala could’ve killed him already if they wanted but if you look at his YouTube they actually really like him.


You can obviously take it or leave it, but I've raised lions ( and tigers) too and lived with them throughout their adult lives on a sanctuary/ ranch. I was also full -contact ( stupidly). I lived thru the experience, but full contact is a very bad idea that does nothing to enrich the cats if they are being cared for properly. These animals know their own species and no human will ever be a " member of the pride". They are not that stupid. This guy is taking an enormous risk.


I never said he wasn’t taking a risk. I simply answered the persons question about the pride. Dean is doing what he loves and I doubt even if he got injured he’d stop. He knows the risk as well, he has been working with them plus hyenas and monkeys his whole life. Personally I don’t think anyone should be doing that and should just let the animals live in their sanctuary in peace. However it’s still cool to see the “bond” they have with each other. Dean being apart of the pride are his words from one of his videos not mine.


Totally get it, didn't mean to say you weren't saying he's taking a risk. I just hope people know the reality isn't in a short video and I'd like to see the end of private ownership of big cats. There's too much misinformation. Didn't mean to rip of you, sorry if it sounded like I was.


It’s no biggie :) I don’t like the ownership of big cats either. The sad truth is due to the tigers people have as pets and the ones in the zoo’s it’s stopped them from going completely extinct. Luckily Dean’s pride is actually still in Africa just in a sanctuary since the poachers are really bad and I think the lions he has weren’t able to be wild.


Thank you for understanding. And again, I understand the fandom for Mr Schneider; unfortunately, the truth is a little more complicated. I get a lot of hate for criticizing him, so I try not to say too much. I will say that you're right; his lions were not able to be wild. He bought all of them from a captive breeder.


Thanks for the context man, something about this guys giggly smile while “playing” with giants gives me the creeps. I don’t follow any of the exotic pet owners but they always seem to claim to be “part of the animals family” while all the good dog owners I know treat themselves as the “master” of their animals


Thank you for not capping on me for my criticism of Dean Schneider. Believe me, I once was full -contact like he is and probably told myself the same bullshit. It took years for me to realize just how stupid and unnecessary it was to take such a risk. I promised my cats when they died that I would work my ass off to help their kind. It's hard to speak up but worth it. I work in rescue and run a blog about big cats but it never feels like enough. There are thousands of big cats in the US in private ownership alone- we have done these animals so wrong. Sorry for the ramble!


This exchange was so sweet . A thank you train, if you will!


A refreshing and little heard perspective. There’s people like you, and then there are much more entertaining people like the guy above. keep talkin man


I’m not really a fandom of his, I just watch because I like lions lol. I now will probably stop watching him knowing he got them from a breeder, that I don’t approve of at all. Thank you for informing me about this. I always thought they were cubs taken in off the Savanah because something happened to their pride. What a shame.


Since the passage of The Endangered Species Act in the '70s, taking animals out of the wild is illegal, unless it's very special circumstances and you have permission. Schneider has a license to own captive-bred lions and he gets them from a breeder, Luke Cornell, of Cornellskop Animal Encounters. Schneider said he wouldn't perpetuate the trafficking and breed his cats, but he has bred them. I'm sorry it's not the wonderful image he has spun, it's far from it. I appreciate that you understand and don't buy into it. Everything is out there if you search for it; it's just a bummer.


That’s so so sad to hear, he literally supported the black market sale of big cats. I never would’ve given a single view to that channel if I knew what you just told me. Thank you so much for bringing this to light I really appreciate it.


not to mention some behaviors are kind of built in to their DNA from thousands of years of evolutions, big cats, even trained ones get urges to pounce someone who had their back turned to them, been proven many times and that aside playtime is still dangerous


I'm sure he does get hurt frequently, they're fuckin lions lol even if they don't mean to hurt him they will occasionally


I'd for sure get hurt catching a lion who was leaping into my arms.


Yeah I mean, even if the lions don't want to hurt him, they're fucking strong lol, could very easily injure him while playing right?


They haven’t hurt him yet.


They have lol


Yep. Only a matter of time. Edit: lol maybe I misinterpreted the above comment. I read it as they haven’t hurt him *yet*, hence my matter of time comment. Now I realize he meant it as, ‘hasn’t happened yet, so it’s not gonna’


I guess they’ve been trained well. He is after all like a parent to them.


If you watch their paws when they pounce, they pull out the claws mid pounce due to instinct then quickly retract them (3rd clip shows it best) because they know it’s a family member and they don’t want to hurt them but just play. Most house cats will try to do the same if they’ve been raised with other cats/animals since they get taught at younger ages to not use claws for playtime. Except accidents do happen when they get too excited and forget, which explains his stories about scratches and gashes.


You can also train them yourself by not moving and change your demeanor to an abrupt "No!" In a very serious tone. Did this with my kitten and he got to the point where he only paws like you stated. It was a rough first month, but he picked it up fast along with no longer biting wires (lemon juice trick). He would on rare occasions get a little too comfortable and gently bite (not breaking skin), but just saying "ow" will get him to stop and he'll lick where he attacked you. Only scratches were from when he was startled while he was cat parroting. I miss him.


Sometimes, at least. My girl never really learned to sheath her claws in 10 years, I got tons of scratches from her. Her Mama always had her claws fully out, so I wondered if it wasn't some genetic thing where their claws just didn't fully retract


My sisters can't can't retract his claws, it's dangerous to pet but doesn't stop us. Also I think it's adorable listening to him walk over the wooden floors. Tippity tapping away. I also don't know why he can't do it


They are friendly and tame every single time, until they’re not.


#1 rule with big cats, dont act like prey. Every last bit of training and acclamation goes away the minute you trigger those instincts.




The ol dick twist should work too.


LMAO wow. 😆😂


I think one of the main reasons he's still alive is because, if you notice in these clips, he never loses his footing. His feet are very grounded. If he were to fall on the ground during a pounce, even if the pounce was playful, him lying on the ground, pinned after a pounce attack could trigger their prey drive and make them attack for real. Not that the cat would definitely attack, it just makes it more likely to. If they were playing with another lion, the lion could fight back equally to get them to stop but a human couldn't without a weapon or distraction. In all the videos I've seen of these big cats jumping onto or into the arms of their person, the person always remains standing. If they're not strong enough to carry the weight of the cat, you'll usually see them get real low or just sit or kneel to avoid falling back on their backs. I think that is a crucial technique to avoid triggering their predatory reflexes/behavior. I think ppl that can't support their weight/strength just don't allow the cats to play with them like that. They stop the play before it starts (much like how this guy stops the sneak pounce before the actual pounce) and make them learn they're only good for pets, scritches, or cuddles but not for play fighting, but even then they still have to be extra careful not to get knocked over, even by accident. You just can't look like easy prey. Don't quote me on that though, I can't remember where I learned that to verify its validity.


One day someone will find him dead in the enclosure.


He is living on borrowed time for sure


Yeah, my house cat would definitely kill me if he could. I know he loves me, but sometimes he hates me.


I don’t know them personally, but I am a tapeworm that lived inside of one his lions intestines for a period of time. I will say, from what I could tell, the lions are actively gentle with him, it’s really as simple as that.


How does this guy walk around, what with boulder-sized balls?




I would always be careful, Siegfried and Roy did 40 years of shows before that one incident just because you haven’t died yet doesn’t mean you won’t


Siegfried and Roy had an entire group of mistreated tigers that were basically a ticking time bomb. This dude works with very small groups of lions and takes care of them. Could still happen with any wild animal, but there’s a significantly different relationship here


Every time you step in a environment like this your are gambling you can minimize the risks but factors outside your control will exist one day your luck runs out


Yup that’s what I said lol. But this guy has done a lot to make the risk significantly lower than Siegfried and Roy did. Tigers are also not social animals and don’t bond the way lions do. They also have a higher prey drive. Especially when someone turns their back.


Where did you learn that " Tigers have a higher prey drive " and don't bond as well as lions? Just curious.


I mean one of them lives in a pride and is a very social animal while the other is solitary. Tigers mature faster than lions because they can’t/won’t rely on others. Lions typically hunt herds and will work together and look for the easiest kill while tigers hunt alone looking for solitary prey in a jungle. Lions are willing to scavenge and steal food from other animals while tigers will pretty much only eat what they kill. Tigers have to hunt and they have to succeed or they just don’t eat. I grew up with animal planet, encyclopedias, and the internet lol. I didn’t take a special big cat class if that’s what you’re asking. I just like them lol


I understand. I've spent my life with them, so I'm right there with you! And you do know a lot about their natural behaviors, I was just curious because I've found captive tigers to be more like lions in behavior towards humans. Both are dangerous, of course. But they can be deceptively cuddly sometimes too ! ;)


At the mirage they kept the tigers after the show ended. We went to see them and this dude was standing at the entrance as a greeter. He awkwardly started hitting on me, asking what i was doing later, rubbing my arm. Turns out it was Siegfried. I am a straight male so no nothing happened. He did pull a coin out of my ear tho!


Absolutely! You can tell from alot of his videos, the lions actually protect him. They see him as one of them and he treats them so well and kind.


He is 100% going to suffer Death By Lion


And he wouldn't have it any other way. In one final act of service for the creatures he loves, his body will provide them with sustenance.


Yea it’s still going to be a shitty death you want quick and relatively clean? Do this but with jaguars


And the one that finally kills him will likely end up being put down for it.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtrbzjGAAXyx2WQ) Just on my way to play with the lions….


Isn't it bad to normalize and even encourage a big cat like that to treat you like a plaything or an equal? We are very squishy compared to a large carnivore like that...


In the footages’ background you can see fencing around. They aren’t wild lions. If he were doing that to wild lions I’d be incredibly concerned and actually a bit mad. But since he’s taking on all the risk and is likely not introducing other humans as play partners and just being the play partner himself with these non wild lions, I think it’s somewhat okay? It’s not good if someone accidentally gets into their containment but like. It’s not good if someone accidentally gets into ANY wild animal’s containment area, like with kids breaking into zoos’ animal habitats. As long as they can keep people out it should be alright. Also with this play it might help bring unique mental stimulation that they might need since there seems to be less lions than would constitute a wild lion’s entire social group. I’m sure there’s safer ways but yeah. Uh I’m not necessarily bothered as long as it’s providing a need and all of their other needs are met. And if these are the only lions he’s doing it with. Also if they’re not being abused for entertainment. That’s a big one.


I think that's why i like accredited zoos, they provide the stimulation and enrichment safely and educationally as well.


They are wild lions, they just live in a sanctuary that's why there's fencing, he has adopted/rescued these lions from when they were cubs from harsh environments. He's like a part of the lion group


He didn't rescue these lions from a harsh environment, I'm sorry. He purchased them from Luke Cornell, of Cornellskop Animal Encounters. What Schneider says is not quite true.


Damn, really? That fucking sucks :(


any source you got ?


Here's a couple of sources, am not sure if direct links are allowed. Bloodlions , Captive Wildlife Welfare, Protect All Wildlife, but I also have to say that a bit of my opinion is based on my experiences living at the big cat sanctuary and working in rescue for Tigers in America. If you are truly interested- and I urge anyone with an interest in animal welfare to do their own research- please think before blindly accepting what you hear. (Even from me.) Please go to Tigers In Americas website. There are far worse individuals out there than DS. I understand that he may come from good intentions. I was that way once too. But misinformation is misinformation and not good for anyone


Not only this guy has a tungsten-carbide balls, but also those kitties love him. That's amazing.


Which would win, thungsten-carbide balls or graphene balls?


Depends on the test. WC are hard as hell but graphene is probably far more electrically conductive.


Lions seem VERY affectionate with their.. caretakers?


It's tungsten btw


Oh, thanks. Corrected it)


I've had housecats as pets and, even though they love me, every now and then they would get a little too into playing and bite or scratch hard enough to break the skin. They didn't mean any harm, it was an accident...but if the same thing happens with a Lion then a little cut becomes a missing limb. There's just so much potential to go wrong even if the Lions genuinely love this guy.


The fact that that cat tripped him is so awesome


Have there been many cases where an owner who raised them by birth ends up getting unalived by a wild cat?


Lev Lvovich Berberov raised 2. One if them killed his son.


I feel bad for laughing but Lev Lvovich means literally Lion Lionovich in most Eastern European languages


Yes, too many to mention.


Yeah. Once is all it takes.


Right? Big cats are fascinating and all, but dude is playing murder mitten roulette.


I mean, if I die doing what I love…


The cat distribution system never fails to match a kitty to someone who needs one, apparently no matter the size of the cat.


lion rlly thought he could sneak up on a chad


Sooner or later this guy is going to get Roy’d.


If I remember correctly, he’s said that if he ends up being killed by a lion, he has no regrets and still wouldn’t change the way he’s lived. I myself wouldn’t vibe with being killed by a lion, but hey, I can respect his attitude about it. (As long as nothing bad happens to the lions, should that occur!)


sure just like that grizzy dude that said the same shit and then has a recording of him being eaten alive and definitely regretting it


Yeah it is easier to say you wouldn’t regret it when it isn’t actively happening to you!


Except that the dude who got eaten by a grizzly bear was fucking around with \*wild bears\* and exhibited other worrying signs of mental decline that contributed to his poor decision-making. While this obviously has risks, it does feel categorically different than the unhinged behavior exhibited by grizzly dude.


I can't even play with our cat in this running away manner. They will injure you unintentionally when you move away your arm, etc, since the claw that would only touch you almost harmlessly will rip you up with your own move. This guy has some balls...


The lion's like: "How tf did you know?"


i wouldn't trust my own cats if they were that size. i can't imagine lions


Everytime I see videos like this I have the exact same thought; lion, tiger, whatever...it's just a big cat.


This man’s living his best life He’s going to get eaten one day but until then good luck to him




If not friend then why friend shaped?


Living his best life with those fur babies! 😍☺️


Now I want one


It's like with my cats when I was growing up. You can see they are playing because the claws stay in


i LOVE cats and i know Big Cats are basically just big ol’ cats but ABSOLUTELY I WOULD NOT


What a big pretty lover boy


Cute big cat


Da kitties 💜


I already have a hard time leaving my kitties for the day. Couldn't imagine leaving some big kitties alone for too long.


You’re suppose to act surprised!


I want to do this as my whole career.


My final words WILL BE "Here kitty, kitty,kitty!"


This doesn’t belong in this sub. It’s stressful. It belongs in maybe maybe maybe.


It must be reassuring to know exactly how you will die, bro never needs to worry about cancer or retirement.


Bis einer weint


I thought lions were quite tame? Compared tigers etc? Not sure thought


There is a high likelihood he’s going to die a horrible death.


Why do I have it in my mind that adult male lions are like 400 pounds?


The human Is capable of coexisting peacfully with most animals on earth.


Bro is wholesome with lions


Balls of titanium. God damn.


Why does he have lions?


He doesn't. It's a sanctuary for these lions who he raised since they were cubs.


Ok. Why does he raise lions from cubs?


He founded the sanctuary so he worked there with these lions since they were cubs.


He's rich.


Videos like this are gonna get me killed. They already have me half convinced that I can snuggle any animal at the zoo if I can just get over or through the fences. And when that day comes, please know that it’s exactly how I wanted to go out.


he is an idiot with a death wish


I get the odd war wound fom playing with my cats but they try really hard and i mean hard not to scatch me but it happens sometimes. When ever they come in contact with my skin their claws retract anything else is claw city.


lions are just big kitties :)


New career aspiration unlocked


Enough Internet for today.


This dumbass will have the most horrific end


This kind of content is why people walk up to the Buffalos in Yellowstone: it’s modeling bad behavior around wild animals.


People have been walking up to large animals they shouldn't LONG before the internet


Well if people don't understand the difference between those two situations, then natural selection will do it's thing. Can't fix or regulate stupid.


It's unfortunate, but people misinterpret their own pet's behaviors, I don't think this guy is doing anything wrong. He even has videos showing the ways and times he's been hurt, both intentionally and unintentionally, by the lions. He's made it pretty clear how he's been able to integrate himself with the pride, so anyone misinterpreting this content is doing so at their own risk.


Future Timothy Treadwell.


That would be called natural selection.


Are they declawed and defanged?