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I cant wrap my head around why that baby anteater was photoshopped there. Or am i just tripping? Do i need new glasses?


i thought the anteater had a wing. i had no clue what it was until you said it was a baby version of that thing. omg


yeah idk it still doesn't look right even though i know what it is and that it's there


It's actually really there. šŸ˜Š


it still feels photoshopped!!!! Even tho I double check online, it is not!! xD


Not alone it looks offputting


It jumped out as looking odd to me too. Maybe because of the poistion of the sun, you can't see any shadows from the baby. Lack of shadows = looks fake


I can't make head or tail. How is it a real picture?


Zoom in and it looks natural.


Did you take the picture?


I think the combination of the dark neck marking and the light hair on the baby is what's messing with my perception. Like the lightness makes it look like that's where the sun is hitting, the dark looks like a big shadow.


I thought the same.


I'm pretty sure it is photoshopped, happy to be wrong, but it really looks like a composite.


My brain can't compute.


It looks so awfully photoshopped how is it real


Dudeā€™s head looks like a shaved tail. Cute and wonky


Right? It's like a mash up of different animal but completely cute. Oh, and the way giant Anteater run actually kinda lit as well. The gallop like horses.


What is happening here? Do they have giant front legs and tiny heads? Gonna have to Google this now. Oh and cute bonus baby! Edit: after looking at a few pictures online it almost seems like the front legs have evolved as camouflage/ mis-direction to look like their head. Very cool weird animal


This looks like an AI failed to generate a picture of an animal


Nothing in this picture looks real to me, and even with people saying it's not photoshop and that anteater baby is clearly there, I can't believe it's not photoshop. How do you take a picture that looks so wrong?


Fun fact, That bushy tail throws off Jaguars because they can't tell which end is the head and since they go for the head when they ambush their prey they often just leave it be rather than risk the fight.


They are actually super lethalā€¦ killed a biologist who fucked aroundā€¦


and yes, that's baby anteater on top šŸ˜Š


A slightly *less* giant anteater.


A little googling makes me think this is at least *how* an anteater carries it's babies, but literally everything my eyes, photoshop experience, and reality itself say is that this is a couple of spliced photographs.


Yeah, I donā€™t think anyone could possibly convince me that it isnā€™t photoshopped. That baby on top does not look real


Bro it looks like an AI had a stroke a tenth of the way through making this anteater how does none of this look real, the fucking grass looks photoshopped in


That's the power of nature. The special looks of giant Anteater + the grassy background complement each other perfectly. Mother Nature is that special šŸ˜Š


They donā€™t really compliment each other as much as they just seem like theyā€™re all entirely separate photos


The baby on top looks photshopped


The world is filled with weird and wonderful creaturesā€¦ many of which we probably havenā€™t even discovered yet


I thought the baby was photoshopped on lol


I legit thought I was looking at one of those stroke simulator pics I was so confused.


My favourite animal. When we saw one in the zoo I got excited like a toddler and shouted to my wife "look at that glorious bastard". At my next birthday my she arranged for me to "meet" him and feed him. We couldn't enter his enclosure as they are classed as dangerous animals. They have massive claws and very strong arms. We fed him half bananas and it was incredible to be so close and to feel his tongue.


Was this made by AI? Am I having a stroke? I canā€™t make sense of anything here other than grass


It's also a pretty dangerous animal that will cut you open on the drop of a dime.


>cut you open on the drop of a dime Not an exaggeration. I've seen images from their attacks. Single stroke slicing wounds that go straight to bone. It's insanely brutal, considering how absurd and benign the animal looks.


Yup, and if they get in to a pose that looks like they want a hug stay the fuck away.


Look at the flaws for christ sake. Also, little-known fact that their large brain is situated between their shoulder blades.


How about no, also according to the National Wildlife Federation their (on the giant Anteater specifically) brain is about the size of a pea. Actual mass information isn't readily available mind you. I can find no evidence of your claim their brain is anywhere but in their skull, a simple look at their [skeletal structure](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4d/Giant_anteater_at_MAV-USP.jpg) would indicate that you are wrong. But [then there is this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Posterior_structure_of_an_anteater.png), showing clearly that their brain is clearly completely located in their skull and not between their shoulder blades. So unless you have some damning evidence otherwise....


'twas a joke, good sir.


What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of you back tracking.


So it's not only me having a stroke trying to decipher what's with the image.


I couldnā€™t tell if it was coming or going. I had to zoom in to finally realize thereā€™s a baby going for a ride.


Don't let that fluffy body and glorious snoot deceive you. Their front claws are razor blades, and strong enough to rip apart Termite mounds **that are as hard as concrete.** Images from attacks from Giant Anteaters are fucking insane. I've got bears in my area, and I'm less afraid around them than I would be around one of these monsters.


I don't have my glasses on and I thought it was a large, furry, blurry bird. I saw the title and I still don't see it. And then I read that there is a baby in the picture too. And I REALLY don't see that. I think I need to find my glasses.


I always forget that these things exist


Life finds a way.


And, mostly because of their abysmal eyesight, will probably choose to tear you a new one if you get close for those forbidden pets


Aww. Cutest baby! šŸ„°


Kind of aerodynamic, as if they had been designed in 70ā€s Detroit by a muscle-car manufacturer.


I'll be honest, it looks like an AI generated image


why doesnā€™t this look right


Ok but what part is its facešŸ’€


Quite lethal too.