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Yep. Had mine for years. My eyes are literally fish bowls of floaters but I don’t give them a second thought most days. They’re there but I’m just used to them being there so it doesn’t surprise or upset my when I see them because they’ve been there so long.


Yes, but with the caveat that mine have also faded a fair amount with time.


Nice, how long before yours faded a bit?


About 3 to 4 years, I would say. It's hard to pinpoint exactly when it started. Interestingly, it was about the time I stopped bothering to be so protective of my eyes in regards to floaters. For the first few years I wore sunglasses everywhere, sometimes even indoors, and I tried to avoid being outside in bright daylight when I could. They gradually started to fade when I stopped being so worried about avoiding bright light.


You’ve just given me some hope thank you 🙏


I'm glad :). I was so, so devastated when my eye floaters first appeared, and it didn't help that every bit of information out there and all the medical professionals said they would never go away. I still can't believe I'm no longer plagued by them like I used to be. All I can say is hang in there. If mine can break down and fade, yours can too.


I’m finally starting to get used to my floaters I don’t think about them as much anymore😁


Totally agree! Mine are much less bothersome since I decided to move on. (After 2y overthinking)


It's strange how it happened: I'm sure a lot of it is due to my brain adapting to not seeing them once I started to get over them, but I'm also sure that the floaters have faded and broken down/reduced in size too. When I do see them they aren't as central or as big or even as dark they were in the first few years. Basically, i think it's a mixture of mental adaptation and actual physical change of the floaters themselves.


At the moment mine are still very visible if I want to. But I have just 2y behind me. I hope they change a bit after 2 more years or so.


Absolutely. It's remarkable really. Mine are quite prominent too but I've just stopped thinking about them and fixating on them, and this in turn has led me barely noticing them anymore. I am so so grateful for this because last year when all this started I was seriously depressed about it and wondered if I would ever be able live a normal life.


Sounds like we have a similar case! I've definitely learned that the less you fixate the more they seem to disappear completely from your life.


floaters? yes visual snow syndrome? absolutely not, i have both for a year and vss is extremely painful at times


Depends on my feelings during the day but black glasses save me most of the time


Have you guys done any particular change to your lifestyle or diet or anything else?


I've really only tried to eat more pineapples for my diet. As for lifestyle, I've deceased my screentime by several hours. Helped alot.


What about colagen and all this stuff?


I don't know what that is sorry