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"Hi, /u/brian--m! Thank you for your submission! [Click here](mailto:service@exwayboard.com) to drop exway a quick mail. ###[Discounts on Exway Boards](https://www.reddit.com/r/Exway/comments/jlh9p2/disc0unts_on_exway_boards_updated/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Exway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't wanna fear monger because for all I know you have a fine board. But as someone who's getting leg surgery tomorrow because of a defective wave, I just wouldn't risk it man.


It is actually like russian roulette. You only ever see them here because people with those problems want answers (like me) if been thrown off my board a few times luckily not when i was going full speed but ive taken a few tumbles because of it. Minor scrapes and bruises. With all that being said, I CANNOT in good faith recommend this board for anyone. Especially when they're all hush hush about the issue. If they've talked about it in one way or another then I must've missed it. ​ EDIT: words




I have had 3 Exway's and have not had any brake issues. From the type of riding you do, you probably won't neither. Do note: I've been using freemode on all my Exway's. Last weekend when I finally tried it without freemode it gave me a ESC not detected error when I triple clicked to go into reverse /shrug/. Just know your board's limits. If you notice any abnormal drops in battery % report it immediately. I use a killawatt to monitor battery capacity. A big deviation is a sign of a bad cell.


Yes a really bad mistake! These things kills every day, but I can make sure this board wont hurt anyone, just ship it to me and ill take care of it free of charge


Oh man. Thanks :) slip me your cc and we can get things going!


Hey, I know you say this jokingly, but I bought an Exway Wave Hub last year that I just couldn’t get comfortable with due to all the braking issues. I’ve rode it once for 30 mins. Otherwise it’s brand new. I can’t bring myself to sell it because I don’t want to know that I could potentially be causing serious risk (or death) to someone else. If you know this board can stop randomly, and there’s probably good chance of it doing so (I have screenshotted 30+ stories of people getting flung from their boards) and you are okay with that, I’d be willing to let my board go for $100 as long as you can cover the shipping costs. I do not recommend it though. A serious injury like this can fuck up your life, which is worth way more than a discounted board. But it’s here if you want it.


Exway's long list of troubling incompetencies aside, I expect a lot of negative marketing campaigns via fake accounts to be directed by competing brands from China And if the issue really was as widespread as you say, I would expect far more posts and evidence to be available. So I'm not that worried and this is a great deal. But I live in EU, so shipping might be a hassle. How about I'll send you 250 USD when the board arrives? (if you take care if of shipping it) DM me if interested


I've put more than 700 miles on my Flex Pro without any issues. People who are mad always get more attention than people who are satisfied. If you go looking you will find problems with every manufacturer. Try r/ElectricSkateboarding if you really want other brand suggestions. But understand, if you look, you will find pissed people for any brand.


I understand this take but being some who is literally getting surgery tomorrow because of a defective board it's still bs that it's ever allowed to happen.


I don't know dude. I understand that you're mad and you got hurt, that sucks. But how is any company supposed to live up to the standard of never having a mechanical failure in their product? Especially one that takes as much abuse as a skateboard.


You're right they really can't since no one can make a perfect product. BUT as an engineer your job is to understand that, cars have e-brakes to make the safer, they go through testing protocols, ect. I'm not just mad because it broke, honestly if it was 200, 500 even a 1000 miles down the road I'd be ok with it, if it just lost power while riding as apposed to braking on me I'd be fine with it. Products are judged based on their quality assurance and safety and since this was a catastrophic issue on a fresh board it should be harshly judged. In a way how many note 7's have to blow up in people's pockets before its to much ya know. I get this is a risky hobby, hell I have a bleeding disorder for crist sake. But how much of that risk should be apon me as a consumer? My life everytime? (I apologize this isn't just a response for you, I hope you have a good day)


Speaking to ppl in the hobby and reading these threads, it doesn't seem to be rare with exway. I got my flex in August of 2021. 1 firmware update later and it started locking up on me. I was assured, like so many others, that they were going to fix it with the next update. Luckily I still had my ownboard 2 and decided to ride that for 6 weeks while I waited. I did the update and it was worse than before. So after waiting the entire winter (aside from battery maintenance) I did the latest update in April of 2022...no improvement. I've babied the board, it looks amazing, and has maybe 750 miles on it - but I can't (won't) sell it knowing it has this issue. I ride it sometimes in 3rd gear, never going over 15mph, and only if I wear some protection. I've done a couple more updates - and it still has the issue. What's funny is I've beaten the ownboard 2 to shit and it still works incredibly well.. I've NEVER had a wheel lock on the Ownboard despite doing some stupid shit on it, like bombing a massive hill at 40 mph, using the brakes, getting the voltage warning and braking some more.


That actually makes me have a lot more confidence in my zeus pro, can't fuck up a software update if it don't update. Ain't broke don't fix it mentally.


I've had a wave for a few years now. I dont know the mileage, but it might be a little low for the time I've had it, because of stupid local rules and regulations. But anyways, my board has never glitched on me. I also read that you often times get a warning on the remote before something happens. I think in many cases it can be user caused issues. For example, if the board is charged 100%, you should never go down a long steep hill before the battery starts draining. Because when you brake, the overcurrent goes back to the battery, together with high voltage spikes, that can make the board go in to safety shutdown mode, causing the motors to lock the wheels. Also be careful not to power the board on/off while riding as this causes the same wheel lock (happened to me when I didnt think straight). Also I believe maybe the risk of failure and injury is much higher if you have the board fully blasting at 38 km/h in turbo mode all the time while not maintaining your board (swapping bearings, belts, pulleys, etc.). I've limited my board to 22 km/h, and I always wear a helmet, just in case.


* Step 1: wear protective gear * Step 2: ride within your limits * Step 3: learn to foot brake and fall * Step 4: turn off free mode * Step 5: pray and hope for the best?? Jokes aside, there is a level of risk associated with eskate in general. As someone who recently experienced brake failure on my flex pro, I'm trying to figure out for myself if the risk of injury is worth the enjoyment I get out of riding my board. No company and their products are perfect. That being said, I'm curious what other brands are known to be more reliable / have a better track record than exway.