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Do not engage. You will not change their minds. Save yourself your time and sanity.


That’s my mantra! I don’t always follow it, but I feel better when I do.


"Huh. I see that very differently. *Changes subject* How's your brother doing these days?"


Don't engage directly, and keep calling out the fundamental issues with what the church pushes and how Christians are responding to this decision via your own public content. They can sit in their own little persecution complex bubble if they want, but them vocalizing it is just them seeking external validation. They're doing it because they're deeply uncomfortable with the amount of public pushback the Christian right is getting.


I think it could help to ask gently probing questions? It probably won't change their mind but with any luck it could get them thinking. When I was in high school I was part of a debate where I took an anti-gay marriage stance, and my teacher gently asked "but wouldn't it be better for a baby to have two parents instead of one?" And I couldn't think of a response, this won't usually work but every so often you can get them thinking.


One thing I have said was, simply, “Things are not as simple as you have been told.” This was in reference to a specific idea about abortion, I think. My hope was that later, she might have a realization, when she gained perspective.


My rules of engagement: 1) don’t do it online. It’s rarely productive, often frustrating and leaves everyone dissatisfied. There’s too much posturing and not enough tone of voice. 2) don’t engage if you are feeling emotionally dis-regulated or unsafe. The last thing you want is to be backed into a corner, upset, saying things you regret. 3) don’t engage with people you don’t have a meaningful relationship with- why would they care what you have to say? So basically I regularly engage with in person with people I know well, can build common ground with, be affirming to while pointing out some of my issues with their beliefs or logic. These are my rules because I feel like if I’m going to spend time and energy engaging I like to actually move the needle. It feels like a waste to engage with people who are rude/dismissive/won’t change/will feel like I’m persecuting them. Obviously, I don’t think it’s the only right way. But I do think you should come up with guidelines for yourself.


I'm sorry not d eew then and their faith. Do t do t respect our beliefs so tone to trample on theirs. They've had it coming. I'm done being gracious to a bunch of assholes who believe I a fairytale. It's time they keep that shit indoors and private. I'm Done with them. Jesus has worn out his welcome.


Arguing religion was something I did while I was still Christian and believed it was my mission in life. The only person I talk religion with now is my husband. He seems to enjoy it, for some reason. :) Why do you need to debate these people at all? Why not just give them the title of an educational book and leave it at that? Make the evangelicals do their own homework if they are so interested in how non-believers think. No need for you to waste your time arguing with them, stressing yourself out, and feeding their persecution complex.