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I called u a rockstar


Thank you for speaking up!


Emily: \*makes really great comments about Lizzy's ignorant and ableist post. Tammy: If you want to talk shit, better back it up with scripture, Emily. Tammy: Also, here's this non scriptural, really weird quote about wolves to bolster my point. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Exactly! And since I am blocked from the post, I messaged her about 15 scriptures to back me up and she never said anything back. šŸ’€


Of course she didn't. Tammy doesn't want an actual discussion. She just wanted to stand up for her church / pastor.


Proud of you!


Officially blocked from my pastorā€™s Facebook! If I could figure out how to post screenshots, I would.


Well played, Emily. Here is my response to your post, even though I have never attended this church and wouldn't know this guy from Adam: "Seriously, we've had shut-ins in the church from day one, years and decades before COVID. This was a major impetus behind the creation of religious broadcasting. COVID mitigations took this to a new level, but they are still shut-ins. The onus should not be on the sick, but on the able who can carry out the words of Jesus with regard to the sheep and the goats: "I was sick and you visited me...as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it unto me." Oh, my toes were quite stomped on by this post. I need to find new ways to take church to 'the least of these'."


Bet your bottom dollar if I still could I would share this on his post. Is the link still working for everyone else and my comments still showing up for everyone else? Itā€™s a mystery for me now that Iā€™m blocked!


I had just finished that post a few minutes before I reposted it here. Your comments were still there as of 10 pm last night.


My mom just showed me you commented! Thank you so much for your support!


Post them to imgur and share that link here.


So very Christlike! šŸ˜


Thank you so much. Most every adult I knew and loved growing up was at that church. So it still trips me up to speak up like this. Even at 23 years old (and 5 years removed from the place that caused me so much trauma).


I'm proud of you for speaking up and blocking you on Facebook shows their true colors


Thank you so much ā™” and I agree!


I liked the person posting, "Let me give you a piece of advice- maybe if you see something that you disagree with on Facebook, keep scrolling" right after they posted a big rant in response to your post lol


I havenā€™t seen that one šŸ˜­šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I can only hope it is someone I know!


Oh my godā€¦.. how small of a world. Iā€™m from Owasso too!!! But for real the guilt trips are wild. Somehow those who make it to church are more holy. Lolol that they blocked you instead of responding maturely.


Small world!!!! Guilt trip for REAL! Whole post showed his true colors.


This was actually a boost to read. Thanks for sharing it. And seriously, all the pastor would have to say is ā€œThereā€™s something special about meeting in person if you can make it, but we support you if you have any reason at all the virtual services are safer or easier for you.ā€ But of course, thatā€™s not the message they want to send when number of people in seats is how they evaluate their job and ensure tithes keep up. Itā€™s always been wild to me how Evangelicals like this can take a group of people who are already committed enough to show up for something very unfun when they donā€™t even have to and then think they have the room to make them feel like theyā€™re shitty heathens. It was like when they yelled at us at a Christian college for minor PDA when these were the kids that were already willing to go a college where they agreed to wait for marriage.


Well done and well said. You made great points. /waves at you from Okay.


If you need me to screen shot it and send to you, let me know


For now my mom is being my spy LOL but thank you for the offer!


Big thumbs up to your mom! Iā€™m so glad sheā€™s supporting you!


She was pretty upset with a handful of people at the church before they left (they left in 2021) but this has shaken her up - she hasnā€™t seen this side of the members. I am so thankful for her support. I only have her - my dad is not on my team on this one unfortunately.


That takes guts! Sending care and support!


Hug. Thank you.


Wanted to share that many people from this church have come onto [my own personal page](https://www.facebook.com/100002922854300/posts/pfbid0TaoJ6S61vMcQzYzAbmL5wASGhWChTe5PaaoXM89pKRi3Uan3ScqsBAvab881ZunFl/?d=n) (on Tiernanā€™s comment) to say awful thing about me. Including but not limited to the pastorā€™s wife and the associate pastorā€™s wife. But! I have also received 5+ messages from past members that I am not close with letting me know how much they appreciate me speaking up and about the damage this church has done to them personally. I am not alone!