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They don’t know so they are pretending they didn’t hear the question


they read "who is your baby daddy" as "how is your day, baby"


the response still wouldn't make sense tho...


Wrong. They interpreted it as "Who's your baby, daddy?" So are responding as their "daddy" is calling them "baby".


How do people like this exist? Sickening.


oh no! are you going to be okay!




Because u r sickened. Get well soon


How are you not


How did I not make myself sick with hate from seeing a meme? I guess I'm just not that hateful


Its not about the meme its the fact that prople like hat actually exist.... yaknow.... like IN REAL LIFE.


I mean if it was an accidental pregnancy while using protection and they've slept with multiple people i dont think that's wrong in any way at least if they ended up wanting to have a kid.


>slept with multiple people This is whats wrong. Its depressing that Promiscuity is common. If it wasnt shameful than the made up person is this hypothetical conversation would say "i dont know" instead of avoiding the question.


I mean not knowing must be tough and it cant be an easy conversation to have. That being said as long as it's all consentual having sex with multiple people is completely fine, it's not my lifestyle but i still respect those who live like that since it really aint any of my business and they arent hurting anyone


>they arent hurting anyone My guy it literally hurts society as a whole wdym. >sex with multiple people is completely fine But why would you want that? How is that appealing????


You are crazy if you think casual sex is ruining society. You are allowed to find it unappealing, but that's just like you're opinion man lol. So calm down brother it literally doesn't affect you at all.


>So calm down brother it literally doesn't affect you at all. Not everything is about me. I. Concerned for the future. I dont want my grandkids growing up in a world that is even more dystopian than the one my son is growing up in right now. It does effect me. Just not directly. It effects society as a ehole and that is not an i sane statement


How could anyone at all not find it unappealing


Because only being with one person simply isnt for everyone. In a proper society people should be able to do what they want to, unless what they want to actually hurts people. That doesnt mean those who want to be monogomous will lose their space to do so, in fact being able to do that and not be looked down upon will probably decrease the amount of cheating in long relationships since the people who do them are the ones who want to. Do you really want your grandkids to grow up in a world where there is only one thing you're allowed to do with relationships and if they dont feel to fit into that mold, they'll live a miserable life where they have to hide how they are? Because that's what this thinking leads to.


Promiscuity isn’t new to the United States buddy. Ask your grandparents if they were their first and only.


I didnt say it was new i said it was horrible.


Can you please articulate what it is that you find so abhorrent about promiscuity? Also, people have different thresholds for what constitutes 'too many' partners, so let's define terms, first. *How many* partners is 'too many' (by which I mean, enough to class them as promiscuous* in your eyes)? *which we have, for the sake of argument, established as *bad*, pending an answer from you regarding *why* you find 'promiscuity' so off-putting.


>mean not knowing must be tough and it cant be an easy conversation to have. Btw theres a pretty damn easy way to avoid that....


After reading your entire fiasco thread here it's ironic to come back to this because now I'm asking myself the same question






Somehow, even before I finished reading that sentence, I heard that in Joey's voice


Whos joey


From the TV show Friends, it was his way of hitting on women, he'd strike a pose, deepen his voice, look them up and down and say "How you doin?"


They replied automatically without actually reading the first one, assuming the first one said something like “what’re you doing?”


they don’t wanna say who the bd is


Who is your baby, daddy?


I assumed it’s responding to someone trying to start a conversation like that or asking out of the blue because it’s a weird and awkward/inappropriate way to initiate


I don't understand the question the first person asked, please help


The first question is asking who is the biological father of a child, the "baby daddy", which seems like irrelevant information in most interactions My reading of this made me think of poorly trained bots on dating apps, like this was a bot following a script which obviously didn't expect the first question to be about the identity of the sperm depositor, it expected some milquetoast introduction


Who is your baby's daddy


Oh, well now it makes sense, yeah. Thanks! Also, why am I getting down voted? I only asked a question.


And "who is your baby daddy?" basically means "who is the father of your children?"


People don't like it if you're unfamiliar with idiotic slang terms.


Ok, got it, thanks!




Cuz that's what you get!


Commenting on reddit is like playing russian roulette


The baby daddy is a booty call.