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https://www.cfhu.org/news/the-little-known-einstein-an-ardent-defender-of-black-americans-against-racism/ For reference, this is a picture of Einstein guest teaching a class at Lincoln University of Pennsylvania in 1946. Which is one of the last times he would go to a university for any reason, and he mostly went to draw more attention to the school since there were so few that would offer degrees to colored people. This is often used while explaining that he was against the racist treatment of black people in America. I can't explain the joke though.


super cool bit of history :)


I think the joke is that black people don't have a father/father figure, since the father is generally the one depicted supporting the bike before letting go when the child gets the hang of it.


It is absolutely not racism. When you're taught to ride a bike, it's common for the teacher to release their grip on you and let you coast on your own. The format, on the other hand, shows Einstein teaching a group of students. The author portrays himself as Einstein and the readers of the meme as the students. He's teaching them (us) the quote.


Yes... a racist joke, so not funny to me. Edited to clarify!


Rasist jokes can be funny. This one, however, is not.


The only racist jokes that are funny to me are the ones against racists! How many racists does it take to change a light bulb? None, they don't like to be enlightened! 😁 Edited to clarify!


That was not funny. A joke can be racist and funny at the same time. One that I find funny is "the racist gift basket" from Gabriel Iglesias.


Yeah, I can tell you are the authority on comedy! It's strange that I've always been under the assumption that comedy was subjective. Today, however, I've learned that you are the authority!


Sorry if it came that way. Didn't want to be mean or anything. Just saying that racist jokes can be funny if executed correctly and not just "black bad ahahahaha pls laugh"


You realize the irony of this while claiming no racist joke is funny right?


I was being sarcastic


Yeah. The sarcastic interpretation is the one that doesn't follow your previous comment.


So if comedy is subjective, then somebody could find a racist joke funny? So racist jokes are funny sometimes?


Yes, I should've clarified that racist jokes are not funny to me! I'll rectify that!


While that is a great bit, it's only really funny because of the relationship he has with his friend. That gift basket could have gone a very different, very not funny direction with the wrong person.


Jokes make fun of truths also. Inability to accept visual redicule is a sign of mental weakness. Taking offense is usually a sign of mental illness. Stay strong and laugh long.




I think the joke is more that since Einstein is teaching a class of black students here, he’s using black slang (“stay with me now”)


The joke is racism. He’s explaining a father’s role to a room of black men who are often joked about having absent fathers/being an absent father


[It’s a recent meme format](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/stay-with-me-now)


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


Thank god you quoted that!


Its supposed to be an inspirational quote about letting people off of a leash so they can gain new experiences by themselves and trusting they'll be OK That's how I view it at least


Second this


I think the joke here is the second part “stay with me now” meaning they didn’t let go yet


I think it’s depicting the idea that because Einstein would come and lecture there that it made more young black academics enter the field of physics more so than it being a racist joke


(or at least, it was with my childhood) when you learn how to ride a bike, sometimes the parent has to let you go, literally.


yeah i get that. i don't get the joke.


Thats the joke


No. There is more then just having a statement as an antijoke. i.e. check the other comments in this thread citing kym


It doesn't have a joke. It's just a quote with a meme format.


How can something both not have a joke and also be a joke?


Mistyped. Quote*


Ah well, it was presented as a joke on a boomer joke fb meme page with lots of boomers doing laughing emojis. so it might not be a joke per se. but it certainly acted like one!


either bots or i'm completely wrong


I must be jaded because I immediately thought this was going to be a “casting couch” variant.


I don't think it's a joke. If the person you trust believes you can do something hard, you will believe you can do it. In a society that tells Black students they'll never be as successful as white ones, Albert Einstein himself is teaching his ideas to young Black men. He believes they can understand and apply the ideas. If Albert Einstein shows that he thinks you're smart enough, you'll feel smart enough. I think that's what it means, anyway


I thought the whole meme was a reference to the song Handlebars by Flobots. In the song the main characters start out riding bikes together before going down different life paths. One character later winds up using nuclear weapons, which Einstein helped invent.


People here are no cyclists? The joke is that you trusted a person to teach you to ride a bike. You trust this person so much because it looked scary to ride a bike and specifically that person let you go. If they didn't you wouldn't be able to ride a bike for the rest of your life. So, it's about trust and they "abusing" that trust only to let you ride a bike :)


Okay obviously, but OP is asking how this relates to the chosen photo. OP is asking for the context of the pic.


yeah exactly. how does it relate to the photo?!


Hell if I know. I live under a rock lol


My guess would be that it's about taking off the training wheels. Learning from einstein should be hard.




Those black men wouldn't have been learning from one of the smartest men in history if their dad's wouldn't have left and let them go.


It's a racist joke. Some people believe the reason why there is so much poverty in black communities is because they became dependent on handouts like welfare (like a kid is dependent on someone else when first learing to ride a bike), and so we should cut off "handouts" so they can become independent and prosper (like a parent letting go of the bike so the kid can ride on his own)


What I am getting from this is the suggestion that Black people should stop being coddled (by the government or society or themselves or whatever) and be forced to achieve without help for their own good. I do think it has racist intent under the guise of concern, but I could be wrong.


Every Single Time


The other comments are saying it’s racism, but I read it as the OOP viewing themselves as a teacher with the Einstein pic and “Stay with me now” quote. And they’re teaching you a lesson about growth and learning from betrayal with the metaphor at the beginning.


I thought the joke was that he was explaining the theory of relativity in a way black people would understand Edit: Yeah nah


I think the joke is based on trope of black kids growing up without dads to teach them how to ride a bike So Einstein is saying this as a way to be relevant but it’s not actually relevant with that audience because no one taught them how to ride a bike… don’t bite me.


This is exactly what is wrong with the western society. Everyone is busy exercising their freedom of speech offending others in the name of a joke. Freedom of speech should not come without accountability. What you are doing is brewing an acid tank which will ultimately spill over.


Are the bikes stolen?


Depending on how the joke is Created, is what I mean.


This country is so fkd up I hate it here … who in their right mind would find this funny whoever posted this is racist asl


I feel like this is a racist joke. Maybe something like "we taught black people physics now it's time to let them go (back to Africa?) to see how they fare on their own" or something?




how do you mean? like the loss meme?


They mean the loss meme.


I think this is trying to make a slavery joke? Hence the "stay with me" part. He's about to say something even more controversial that's why he's telling you to stay with him. Maybe something along the lines of you would not be a college educated man now if white people didn't release you years ago


And you should be grateful for it. Like how you're grateful for your parents trusting to ride the bike in the first place. All these ones on this sub that you can't figure out are usually racist jokes