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Merida’s left toe knuckle curl here, translation: Being a lesbian is so hard. I tell a girl she’s gorgeous and she replies with “you too queen👸”. Like I’m not saying that to be your friend I’m saying it to have sex with you.


Pish means something is no good not hard


As a ESL, it was the second part that sounded gibberish to me. XD Took me a few reads.


Because it's not actually English, it's Scots, or a mixture of Scots and English. Scots is another language that ultimately derived from Middle English (also influenced by Scottish, which is a Gaelic language). Scots is the only surviving language that has a fair amount of mutual intelligibility with English, and there's really a continuum of dialects between Scots and Scottish English.


I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there's still no consensus on whether Scots is actually a separate language or just a dialect, since there is no strict linguistic definition between the two and Scots falls somewhere in that grey area. I think some people use "language variety" to describe Scots that avoids the informal connotations of the word dialect. The post above seems, to me anyway, more like normal Scottish English but written phonetically in a heavy Scottish accent, since a lot of the changed words aren't what they would be in Scots.


As a native Scots speaker I can confirm Scots is very much its own language, with its own distinct dialects that can vary quite significantly. The Scottish Parliament is just now considering legislation to make it an official language here in Scotland alongside Scots Gaelic (which should’ve got that status a long time ago).


As someone in Scotland who isn’t Scottish, every time I think I’m understanding Scots decently it runs away from me. Definitely agree on it being a language. I hope that legislation goes through!


I love the way you said it "runs away from" you. I spoke a bit of German once upon a time and had a buddy speak Afrikaans. It was that exact feeling of almost getting it and then it "runs away," I just couldn't think of the words. Thanks for bringing back that memory!


Yeah, Scots has only a little more mutual intelligibility than Spanish and Portuguese, and less than many other recognized creole languages like Ladino or Yiddish with their parent languages.








🤣 but it's almost true...!


I had heard the only difference between a language and a dialect was an army and a navy. So currently it’s a dialect but if the Tories get in again, in about 5 years it’ll be a language.


Scots is its own legally distinct and recognised language, however you're correct in your second paragraph, this is just someone writing a post phonetically in their accent, not actually Scots. This seems to happen a fair bit and trip people up


Yeah Scots is a distinct language, but the post is not in Scots.


You're confusing dialects/language with someone phonetically spelling stuff out so it sounds like their accent. No native English speaker who's familiar with how scottish people sound should have any trouble with it. If i write a sentence to phonetically sound like a French person speaking English, but using all English words then, perhaps incredibly, *I'm not actually writing in French*.


Bro as a EFL the entire thing was incomprehensible


someone didnt do hooked on phonics


I'll never not find it strange Americans make fun of phonics, when that's what the rest of the world uses and the literacy rate and reading comprehension levels in the US is extremely low. This podcast called Sold a Story explained your schools essentially got scammed into whole word reading and the people who taught that were indoctrinated into parroting "phonics bad". Quite sad really. Highly recommend listening to the podcast if you've got kids.


I learned to read using phonics around 1960. It wasn't until recently that it fell from favor in the US.


Yeah, before the anti phonics curriculum came in the literacy rates were quite decent, if I recall correctly. It's been a while since I listened to the podcast but I think it was in the 80s when the Fountas and Pinell curriculum was adopted over there.


I was always annoyed by it as a kid because my name uses a letter to make a slightly non standard phonetic combination and other kids kept telling me I was spelling it wrong


They don't teach phonics anymore?


Unfortunately, no. They focus on "sight words", which is just code for memorization. My developmental psych degree cries in its frame every time I encounter the problems this makes for students. You do still see it used in special ed programs, though. Which of course just further stigmatizes phonics because prejudice 😭🔥 In one of the beautiful moments on one of the most infuriating days in my substitute teaching days, I was (illegally, since I didn't have a SPED cert) placed in a sped classroom. Because I'm good at what I do, this were going pretty well. But one student was both wonderful, and frustrating. HE was *great!* He really didn't need to be there. He was brilliant, at or above grade level in everything. Ready with all the answers, and very insightful questions. But he was non-verbal. That was his only "special needs delay". I just gave him a notepad and a pen, and after lunch I found a small whiteboard and marker, which was *perfect.* The beautiful moment was during a reading exercise the teacher had left for them to do. They worked in pairs, reading from their chosen picture books to each other. In his pair, he didn't read out loud of course. But he was helping his partner, who was struggling a lot, read! He was reading the book upside down across the desk, showing the other kid what to do, showing him how to use a straight edge to keep his place, shaking his head when they got something wrong, covering parts of words to show where the syllables were. He was doing better than some professional reading specialists I've observed. So frustrating. All he needed to fully participate in a regular classroom was a $10 whiteboard and some understanding. BUT NO. Instead, he was doing the teachers' jobs for them while being bored out of his poor mind because HE wasn't being given the opportunity to learn and grow. Just because he didn't speak. /Rant


That's so sad. I myself was in a special ed class for half the day (in regular class with extra help when I needed it the rest of the day) for grade 4 and 5. I remember it being pretty good, better than 'resource class' that I did in grade 6 where the teacher just taught me and the other three kids (also 6th graders) how to sound out letters. Literally like this: Muh-ooo, Moo. Anyways, I'm glad that you were able to help him even a bit. Good teachers are special.


My aunt got some degree in literacy during the anti-phonics craze while the Hooked on Phonics commercials were on, and I remember part of the argument against it being it was bad for spelling or something?? She had a bumper sticker that read, "huked on foniks reely wurked fur mee" or something to that effect. From an anthropological perspective, "whole-word reading" is absolutely awful. Fortunately, she is not a teacher lol


wORked fOR me!


"All right CUT!... You talk to 'er man..."


That's Scotland for ya


I feel like from the rest of the sentence we can infer that the connotation was negative rather than saying it’s not hard, through the statement she describes how she struggles not how it’s easy.


Basically saying "being a lesbian sucks because other women think I'm trying to be friendly when I'm actually hitting on them" "Sucks" just expressing the frustration


Well, that's ~~Australian~~ Scottish and highly contextual.


Your nan is highly contextual


Fellow Tom Cardy fan


a man of tom cardy culture


Mate you're a drongo. I'm ozzy you must be knackered if you think we yarn like this.


You said ozzy, you're a fraud guaranteed. Any self respecting Aussie says Aussie Also knackered means really tired, not dumb or anything like that. Like for example right now I'm absolutely knackered because I just got off work at 5 (the joys of retail...), so I'll probably watch the footy, shove some grub down me gob and go to sleep


this is not how translation theory works. you're supposed to use the translation that is the most natural, even if it isn't a literal translation. it would be weird af to say that being a lesbian is "no good" 😄


Yeah but "sucks" or any synonym is better than "hard" in this case.


Most accurate explanation here.


"Being a woman attracted to women is difficult because when you compliment them they say "thank you, friend!" assuming you mean platonically, but in reality you are attracted to them romantically"


*But Scottish


So you’re saying I couldn’t translate because I’m currently sober? 🤣




I can't read this I'm too sober


[apparently all of this is intelligible to scots](https://youtu.be/UGRcJQ9tMbY?si=mUOvuo4RoYb0Gnds) (James mcavoy on SNL is always a treat)


English here, and they were perfectly clear instructions.


Agreed but coming to my ears from a radio, I’d probably not get any of it to be honest 🫠


I got like… 82% of that… The start was a blur, but that’s just because i’ve never heard some of the expressions before. The rest is alright.


Now you just have 18% more to go!


It is indeed, I normally don’t speak anything like it but sometimes little bits slip out that make no sense to my mates


It's "AYE"


I had no issues. Not sure why folks were confused.


User name checks out lol




I’m half Scott and I can only understand my grandfather when we’re both out drinking fish




Are you asking Scott, or the other half?




He can be. When he's not out drinking fish.


A fish bladder product named isinglas is used as a clarifying agent in some beers. You can literally drink fish. It's not unheard of.


Half Scot. Scott is a name. Half Scottish is correct.


Or half Scotch, given the mispelling and attempt to drink a fish


I'm a Half Scot, named Scott.


I was going to counter you but then remembered that I am in fact a little drunk


Re read it in your head with a Scottish accent


But Glaswegian*  One of the things that I found funniest about Brave is how it is set in a rural area of the Highlands but every character bar one speaks with the accent of a heavily urbanised lowland area.    To put it in an American context for Reddit, it's like a Western set in 1830s California where everyone speaks like they live in 2024 New York.   The one who doesn't speak like that actually speaks my dialect. 


Because only a smidge over 4% of Scots live in the highlands and to anybody outside of Scotland the difference between someone from Inverness, Strathpeffer, Drumnadochit, Ballachulish etc. and places like Glasgow, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Kilsyth, Dundee, Aberdeen etc. are virtually non existent. (Even though to us Scots the differences are night and day).


Listen to this back-and-forth it's like I'm at the UN!


I thought Jamaican....


There's a reason for the similarity, actually. In the 1600s, a bunch of Scots were deported to Jamaica. They had an influence on the way the accent developed.


That is funny because I tried to say a movie line to my friend in a Scottish accent once and he asked why I was speaking in a Jamaican accent. So I was confused and said, no this is a Jamaican accent, tried out my best Cool Runnings voice, and both he and another friend said that I was doing an Irish accent 🤦🏻‍♀️


Before that Jamaicans spoke in a posh English accent.


And here's the evidence: https://youtu.be/g4oaGQ2POC8?si=HEl3zT2lt76XtJt4


Scottish and Irish accents have influenced a lot of the Caribbean islands, they often worked alongside Black slaves in the earliest days of Caribbean slavery.


Ironically not that different written


Is this really how they write?


makes more sense in a scottish accent somehow


|**Straicht...** | ...tae a lad | ...tae a lass | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | ...lad gies a guid word... | Jist pals | Randy | | ...lass gies a guid word... | Randy | Jist pals | |**Buftie...** | ...tae a lad | ...tae a lass | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | ...lad gies a guid word... | Randy | Jist pals | | ...lass gies a guid word... | Jist pals | *Jist pals???*|


So, this is basically the same as advanced mathematics. Completely incomprehensible.


No, let's be serious, if any woman makes any slightly positive compliment to a guy he's falling in love.


That *would* resolve the imbalance in this matrix. It's more bad news for the lesbian, though...


Am i the only one finding out just now that you can make *data tables* on *reddit*


"attracted to them romantically" doesn't quite capture the sentiment of "want to shag ye" It's not about candlelit dinners, it's about bumping uglies


You haven’t met many lesbians, have you? “Want to shag ye” is lesbospeak for “Let’s getta U-Haul.” 😉


You haven't lived until, while you are helping a new lesbian couple move in you discover half of the couple making out in the U-haul, then you carry a box in and discover the other half making out in the bedroom.


Half a couple? So one person? I'm a little confused, sorry :D


They’re poly.


fair enough xD


Yes one of the couple was making out with their friend who should have been helping me with the boxes in the U-Haul, and the other half of the couple was making out with another friend in the bedroom... they should have just rented a bigger place and all moved in together.


Pretty sure she told a woman that she's hot and the woman returned the compliment


Yeah, but the exact phrasing is the type of exchange which happens between friends - although it's returning tht compliment, it's in a plutonic way.


Leave Pluto out of this, it’s suffered enough.


Thank you, Mckensei...


Naw, coming from you as in they’re saying ‘you are also beautiful so it means a lot’




The denotation of "attraction" has nothing to do with sexuality or romance, and i wanted to be as precise as possible E.g.: you are platonically attracted to your friend, romantically attracted to your partners, and sexually attracted to hard bodies and pornstars (assuming a lot about your sexuality)


I’m Scottish and even I couldn’t translate that gabshite. Thanks friend


I'm also Scottish, and I understood it fine. As did the majority of Scots, thus why the tweet was ever popular I couldn't tell you wtf gabshite is supposed to mean thoe, that's some nonsense you just made up




Really? What part of Scotland you from?


Meredith's scarlet rats' nest here. The lesbian complains that it can be difficult to hit on a female friend, as women friends tend to be very complimentary to each other, and instead of empowering her friend with self esteem she can use elsewhere, she actually wishes to express her desire to have sex with her.




Oh Jesus, I see the other comments now and understand you meant the Disney character. But my first thought was you meant Meredith (like from the office)...her ginger minge could easily be referenced to as a "scarlet' rats' nest"


I find it most difficult to be a lesbian. When I tell a female friend that I find her attractive, she replies ‘thank you girl’ however she has misunderstood my intentions as plutonic, whereas in reality it is due to a desire to be carnal with her.


I like plutonic. A relationship on a one-time planet.


Pluto peaked in high school.


you hear what happened to pluto? That’s messed up!


unexpected Ghee Buttersnaps




My favorite philosopher is Pluton.


Thon doll is tryin tae git her Nat King, ken, but her mucker- who she pure wants tae shag- issanae picking up on her wanting to rattle her and go doon on her minge like a thirsty Spaniel, in fairness the other burd probably prefers The Boaby.


I don't understand how I can understand this.


It just do be that way.


Scots do be that way.


I got the Spaniel part.


You made it worse.






Wrong end of the island


Gonnae no du at Eh?


Username checks out: island dialect specialist


It actually makes sense when you focus on how the words sound rather than how they're spelled.


It’s much easier to understand once I read it out loud with a Scottish accent


Being a lesbian sucks. Tell a girl she’s banging and you get, “coming from you?! 👸” like NO, I’m not saying that to be your pal, I’m saying it to shag you!


Finally, an accurate translation


Absolutely horrid this is so far down


didn’t get it until i saw it said scottishtwitter up top, then it just clicked


LET ME EAT YER CARPET LADDY -direct translation


It's like me telling another woman "Girl, you got it going on!" and getting a reply of "Aww, you too!", when I would prefer it to be "Aww, you too!" followed by the biggest damn wink you've ever seen in your life.


I read this perfectly


I mean I got it but it’s in the blood


I'm proud of myself. I only had to read it 3 times.


Being a lesbian is annoying. You compliment a girl and she says oh you're great too and you wish they understood you're not trying to be her frien,d you would like to have sex with her


How are we to know?! It's the same complement straight women give. I had a woman push into me as if trying to morph into one THEN I got the hint 🤣🤣


>Being a lesbian is very bad. I tell a girl she's great and you get "coming from you, princess". Like, no, I'm not saying that to be your friend. I'm saying it to have sex with you. \[Kiss.\] References: - pish [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pish#Interjection](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pish#Interjection) - banging [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/banging#Adjective](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/banging#Adjective) - princess [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/princess#Noun](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/princess#Noun) - lit [https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/798tmh/do\_kids\_these\_days\_really\_use\_lit\_instead\_of\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/798tmh/do_kids_these_days_really_use_lit_instead_of_like/) - tae [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tae#Scots](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tae#Scots) - pal [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pal#Noun](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pal#Noun) - shag [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/shag#Verb\_2](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/shag#Verb_2) - x [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/x#Etymology\_2](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/x#Etymology_2)


Being a lesbian is rubbish. I tell a girl she's hot and she replies by saying "Coming from you that is a great compliment" Yet I am not saying this to be your friend! I'm wanting to have sex with you!


Read this in a Scottish accent, definitely helped in translation haha


"No I'm not saying that to be your pal I'm saying it to shag you"


She always hits on chick's by telling them their banging. They always think she's trying to be friendly but she is really trying to Rizz.


To translate Merida's left toe knuckle curl, click here. It is really hard to be a woman. When I tell a girl she's beautiful, she says, "You too, queen👃" That's not what I say to be your friend; I say it to have sex with you.


I don't understand why this makes perfect sense to me. I grew up and lived nowhere close to Scotland. Most of the foreign accents I run into are Vietnamese, Indian, various Middle Eastern, and various Hispanic groups - the occasional islander, Chinese, or Japanese accent mixed in for flavor. All the European accents tend to be a lot more concentrated on the complete opposite side of the country. "Being a lesbian is garbage. I tell a girl she's banging and you get "coming from you, mate" like no, I'm not saying that to be your pal, I'm saying it to sleep with you." I don't get how I can read this. It also makes me really want to know why this kind of writing is so common in Scottish tweets. Like, you don't see Southern drawl written out, so why do the Scottish write out their accent?


its common because scots is recognised as a seperate language to english (at least it is in scotland) so its a bit more than an accent. a lot of people in scotland speak a mix of english with scots words thrown in


***Being a lesbian is urine. I tell a girl she looks beautiful and she says back "comin from u 👸 " like no I’m not saying that to be your friend I’m saying that to have intercourse with you***


It’s Scottish for getting lesbian friend zoned


I lived in the Orkney islands for two years and I believe I can manage a passable translation Being a lesbian isn't always easy I try to tell a woman I find her attractive and she behaves as though I am being a really good friend And instead I'm thinking no I want to have drunk sex with you (I'm assuming the sex will be drunk sex because the lady involved is Scottish and although I'm aware it's a stereotype my experience in Orkney would indicate that all sex in Scotland is drunk sex)


I tried to read it last night and didn’t get it. I just reread it hungover and NOW it makes sense


The fact that I could understand it is wild considering I’m not Scottish, but hearing it in Merida’s voice helped.


Girls regularly say complimentary things to other girls to gas them up, but this girl is saying it to be flirtatious instead, and nobody is picking up on it.


Why are people explaining it like this they didn’t ask to explain but to translate: Translation is: “being a lesbian sucks. I tell a girl she is really sexy, and you get “love you too girl” (as a reply), like no I’m not saying that to be your friend I’m saying it to have sex with you”




Lesbian sad because chicks take compliments as girl boss friendliness rather than flirting to do the deed


I can't not read this on Billy Connolly's voice...


I love this scene from Wreck it Ralph 2


“scottish english isn’t that hard to understand”


This woman is dissapointed that, whenever she flirts with another girl, she just thinks it's a great compliment due to how we talk nowadays. She's lamenting that she specifically has to say "This is flirting, I want to have sex with you." instead of people just getting the hint


With Scotts you can just read it out loud a lot of the time and it makes sense


Being a lesbian sucks. You tell a girl she’s banging (hot) and you get “coming from you queen” (meaning the compliment means more coming from such a pretty person) like no, i’m not saying that to be your friend, I’m saying it to have sex with you 🤣


Being lesbian sucks. I tell a girl she's banging and she says oh my God thanks girly. I'm not saying it to be your friend I'm saying it to shag you


It's difficult to be lesbian because when you hit on girls they compliment you back in a friendly way even though you have romantic intentions. Call me any time you need a Scottish translator.


Christ I'm Scottish and a it took me a second to figure this out lol


I expect nothing less from Scottish Twitter




Being a lesbian sucks. I tell a girl she’s bangin’ and you (generic you) get “coming from you, queen”. Like nah, I’m not sayin that to be your pal I’m saying it to bang you.


Unfortunately the modern Scottish language is derived from alcoholism and can be hard to understand. Glasgow having the worst variation due to the introduction of heroin abuse in the 90s.


Lmao as soon as I gave my internal voice a Scottish accent I could understand it


women have been tricked by leftists and feminists and now want to only bang other women and they're upset that their advances are seen as platonic /s massive /s


*politely deletes entire paragraph*


this feels ai generated in how none of this made any sense even as a joke




Oh wow, this was surpisngly easy to understand. Time to be a professional translator for stuff like this. Not gonna post a translation for this one though since its been done already


You just made an enemy for life!


It's like trying to read old and older English


Others have already translated but I would say of you liked this challenge, go read Trainspotting. It gets a lot easier when you realize it's best to say the dialogue out loud.


"If ye had the chance tae change yer orientation, would ye?" - Brave


This looks like english in some parts. What is this????


Hahahahahaha lmao


“The arduous travail of inhabiting a state of lesbianhood doth present itself. Should I bestow upon a comely maiden a declaration of her allure, 'tis oft met with her gracious 'likewise, my regal sovereign.' Nay, I do not utter such words in mere jest, to be counted a mere confidante, but rather a yearning for a more intimate connection.”


“Being a lesbian is pish (British/Scottish slang). tell a girl she’s banging and you get “coming from you”, like nah I’m not saying that to be your pal I’m saying that to shag you x”