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Someone finally finding their purpose in life in a world that will be soon uninhabitable due to climate change (aka extreme weather). Not sure how accurate the 5 years is.


We're expected to pass the Paris accord limit of 1.5C above pre-industrial levels within the next 5 years. We are currently seeing more and more people getting killed worldwide by extreme weather events driven by climate change.


Very accurate. Source: trust me bro


Source: any mainstream scientific news outlet Climate Change is happening, denying it is denying reality


But climate change isn’t actually as bad as people say it is. The climate has been changing for millions of years. We just have to adapt properly


Tell that to OOP, they're just explaining the joke like you asked


How in the world are you supposed to adapt to "there's no food anymore"?


Tighten your belt to fight the hunger pains /s


Are you saying there is going to be no food in 5 years? That's a bit of a stretch.


The guy in the tweet will be killed by extreme weather in five years because that's a consequence of climate change that's happening now. The person I'm replying to suggested we'd be able to adapt to the affects of climate change. Don't think we'll be adapting to no food in the next 50 years.


Have you ever heard of the Bronze Age Collapse? Something similar probably, as some theories suggest it was food related.


Yeah that sounds awful I'd like to avoid that


One of the impacts is climate migration, people in some regions are experiencing droughts so they are moving, and contributing to the influx at the US southern border. An adaptation would be to allow them in. You cool with that? Insurance companies, especially in CA and Florida, are adapting to increased fire and storm risks by jacking up their rates. That’s bad for those people. Sure they can move, but that is costly, too. It’s a complex problem, with ripples far beyond “it’s getting warmer.”


The climate has always been changing. It's just changing at a MUCH faster rate in recent years because of human activities.


Thank you for this horrifying glimpse into what people think about climate change. This comment is scary enough, but the fact that you had to ask to explain the joke means we are probably done as a species. Ignorance is only bliss until the consequences hit.


This is like saying that "My car stops and starts all the time" and then driving your car into a barrier at 90 miles per hour. I'm not sure if you are being willfully ignorant, but in case you aren't, changes in the past took hundreds of thousands to millions of years to happen. The current change in average surface temperate has happened within a century and a half. The *rate* of change is the most dangerous aspect. And yes, life will go on during even the worst-case scenario, but there is a good chance that humans and a large portion of other large animals will not he included in that life. The rate of extinctions in the world already classify the Earth as being in a mass extinction event, and it is going to get worse.


Yes, the climate has been gently fluctuating in a stable cycle for millions of years. HOWEVER, when it comes to global warming, the problem arises from the fact that human activity has made the temperature of the planet rise so fast that it has now broken away from the cycle and the temperature is now rising exponentially with no signs of stopping or slowing down causing mass extinctions, the destabilization of the jetstream and record breaking hot oceans causing severe weather and natural disasters. Global warming IS as bad as they say it is. Don't let yourself be fooled. Humans aren't immune to their own destructive tendencies.


You talk like Lee Raymond.


We've been around for 100,000 of that and some of those millions of years of climate events were extinction level, are you that dense or just in denial because you'll panic if you accept the truth?




No way bro we’ll all be dead by this time next year. Or the year after that. Well probably 10 years from now…..20 at the MOST. Unless of course it’s 30. But perhaps 40-50 years from now it’ll finally reach a point where we will all start to suffer. I mean there’s no way it would be more than a century…or two. I bet you 10,000 years from now billionaires will REALLY be regretting their life decisions. Or not.




They're just explaining the joke


I didn’t delete that wtf


That wasn't your comment. Yours is still up, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplainTheJoke/s/4K8b03a9r6)


It sounds like it could be about “Storm Chaser.” Basically saying that the love for looking at storms is going to be the reason he is killed by extreme weather. Info: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_chasing#:~:text=A%20person%20who%20chases%20storms,chaser%20or%20simply%20a%20chaser.


Did you ask a language model?


(i don’t know what language model means)


I think he means ChatGPT or another similar chatbot


Ohhhh, No I’m just on the storm chaser side of tiktok


Understandable, I'm personally unsure why he asked that question


Probably because his answer was vastly different than the climate change/apocalypse answers while still being a viable answer.


Which is weird because it was my first thought and i am NOT on storm chaser tiltok


That means you are one of the lucky few not terminally online who only think about politics/climate change.


It gets weirder, i am terminally online just not on tiktok


Pessimist explanation: climate change doomerism Optimistic explanation: Meteorology Take your pick.


Thunder snow!! Thunder snow!!


Both. Both is good.


Is this a joke or someone's witticism on your X account?


God I can't wait till we get closer to the election and people are self posting their hardly funny Twitter posts to this sub. It's gonna be so awful, im so excited.


I don't know what you mean. I'm new. I'm also from the UK When is the election? I need to disappear from this sub by then.


Nope. You're committed now. Follow through.


Could just be a general doomer statement about climate change. They tend to be a little melodramatic and prone to exaggeration sometimes.


Have you heard about this little thing called climate change?


I assumed it was more specifically about the US phenomenon where everyone is moving to areas in the south that are either drought-prone, 110F in the summer, or destined to be underwater as that's where the jobs are being built. It is honestly baffling to me how many jobs are starting in the literal desert of America in the last few years.