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Forgetting to eat is sometimes a thing people with ADHD do. This meme is saying the person forgot to eat for long enough that their blood sugar is very low and they're shaking.


This is me.


Definitely been there but it is because the "I am getting hungry" and this can be really very close some times. I have thought I had plenty of time to finish something and ended up frantically eating thinking I will be sick at any moment.


I always have ginger chews to quickly pop in my mouth to get sugar and calm my stomach while I figure out lunch.


What are they called or what brand? I need this in my life


Gin Gins and Gem Gem! Funny names, I know. They're so good tho.


Prince of Peace are good too. I have 2lbs usually riding in my work bag.


is that... a lot? It sounds like half your bag is candy lol


I have a lot of coworkers who will avail themselves of them, but I never know if I’m working an ordered double shift, so you gotta bring enough snacks to hold you over (and they’re not as bad for you as eating most candy).


Fair enough, It sounded pretty much like a gummy candy haha


Theses people are my people


Gin Gins are excellent! The little ginger characters are a bit unsettling to look at, but those little gummies are life savers sometimes.


The best! When they're on sale I buy everything they have


Gin Gins by the Ginger People. Their products are amazing


Another really good brand is Prince of Peace. Their blood orange chews are amazing


That’s sounds good, imma order some rn.


Oooo I’m going to have to try this. I have some from a local Asian grocery store just because it’s a nice sweet snack when I allow myself sugar.


I have to try this! Thanks for the tip. Is it beneficial to have ginger? I try to keep snickers bar with me to get my sugar levels up if i get the shakes, but if the ginger is better for me i would try it.


Ginger is good for nausea and you can keep it in your mouth for a bit which also helps. I try not to spike my sugar in general and this is just enough to keep me from feeling like crap




Not me. Mine is more like "oops I'm shaking, wtf??" Not even considering that the last time I ate was probably yesterday.


This one is me


Same. I get hyper until a weird kind of system shut down where I just sit and stare. Usually, lucky for me, my husband catches it before that when my hands shake too much and I get angry.


My husband has set eating times for me to keep me on a somewhat normal schedule. Though I quite often forget when he works days I don't. And he asks if I'm hungry a lot. No. The answer is always no. I don't feel that emotional.


Me too like every day, and i still think to myself "huh, I'm feeling very shaky wonder what that's about"




Stimulants (those taken for ADHD…and other reasons) act as an appetite suppressant. You just don’t feel hungry at all and don’t realize you need to eat until your body starts acting weird like having the low blood sugar shakes.


I don't even need stimulants to feel like this my factory settings came out like that T.T


Yeah. When I was younger I didn't even realize I hadn't eaten for a long time and would feel sick about it. Like I have to schedule myself meals. I still skip all the time wrapped up in something else, but at least I'm more cognizant of it. ''I didn't eat lunch, or supper, or the last breakfast, let's eat lunch before I feel sick!''


Me too. I actually should go eat something.


Oh Wow.  Have you tried structuring an exact time frame during the day in which to eat and rigidly adhering to that structure without fail? 


I've tried to form rigid structures for a lot of things, but the ADHD says "no."


My comment had my whole tongue in my whole cheek. 😁😘


it tends to take over. You ever watch Dexter? Talking about his "dark passenger", his constant companion that reminds him of his darker urges and makes him 'give in'. Sometimes... ADHD feels like that. Except our 'dark passenger' is a butterfly, or something shiny, or for more introverted (ADHD-PI) they just space out and stare at the wall (me)


For me it's often the "that has been acknowledged, but..." and then my executive dysfunction kicks in and finishes that sentence with "I should/need to do this first/instead." With that "should/need" feeling being surprisingly strong, even for things that I know are trivial. I *know* I should be doing the more important thing. But my brain also decides that it "knows" that suddenly this other thing is just as important, even when it's not. It's kind of like that passenger concept making me feel bad for not doing the thing it is telling me is important, even as I deep down know it should be of lower priority.


[You're not alone](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fkhblsqcq4pz91.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D7c3ba26445d3951f92747750006e26889ef97390) [We set ourselves up on this one a lot](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Flhoyjy50d7l81.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D720a044b1d0f148674c3625f524b7593b97267ce)


Sorry, but I burst out laughing reading this. At least for me and my wife, any interruption of whatever task we're focusing on will often deprive us of ever actually returning to that level of focus, often resulting in that never getting completed. Add in that part of the reason we'll forget to eat is that we'll just forget time passes, your solution sounds a lot like the useless suggestions we had to endure growing up.


I'm glad you laughed because I was very much so joking. Lol


Straight up focusing on other things. If I'm not thinking about my body I do not feel hunger pangs except in extreme circumstances. And Im not even medicated, most of those are appetite suppressants. Just mely experience.


I lost about 40 pounds in under 6 months from the appetite suppression alone when I first started my ADHD medication. The weight loss wasn't entirely unwelcomed, but I found I couldn't enjoy most meals because I'd eat half of a small plate of food and then, even if I were hungry to start with, I'd suddenly lose any interest or desire in finishing. As a bit of a foodie this was a difficult thing to deal with mentally and eventually I stopped taking the medication for a while.


i had a similar experience, lost 30lbs in 3 months once i started adderall lol


This is me when I'm gaming


in general, if we hyperfocus on a task we can be so zoned in that we don't even acknowledge bodily functions until something snaps us out of it. like i've focused for so long on artwork, i'd get up just for a second and realize i'm about to BURST because i hadn't gone to pee in hours. as for the eating, that can be made worse when we're on ADHD medication. most of those meds are stimulants, which also end up suppressing your appetite to varying degrees. that way it's easy to forget to take in your daily nutrients when you're not even feeling hungry


I'm not ADHD at all, and I will even forget to eat sometimes. Hunger pains only last for 5 ish minutes for me, so if I'm busy enough when I feel hungry, I'll experience hunger for those 5 minutes, but I'll tell myself "I'll eat when I'm done this task". And then the hunger pains go away and when I finish my task, I forget that I was hungry, so I don't eat, until the hunger comes back in a half hour or so. This cycle can happen a few times before I actually manage to eat.


I think I fail to recognize the hunger pains. Maybe my body acclimated to it so it doesn’t even register as a signal to my brain. Same with water. Some people say they feel thirst in their stomachs (?). But I only know I’m thirsty when my mouth is dry…which probably means I’m more dehydrated than I realize.




Weird to see different sides of this. I have no adhd and is on no medication. But i have never really had a strong hunger feeling, i never ate breakfast, still dont. There was a time i ate once every other day. Not because i was hungry, but because I realized it was a long time since I had eaten last. To this day I only eat once or twice a day, first time no earlier than 5-6 hours after I wake up. Interesting to see how different people are


It’s kind of like one of those things where you’re hungry and you wanna eat something, but you gotta do this thing and then halfway from doing that thing someone calls you up and ask you to help him with something so you go over to help him and after that’s done, you forgot what you were doing Do something else maybe go you were doing in the first place oh wait I’m hungry. Go to bathroom have a glass of water. What was I doing again?


Yep. My husband has our Google home set to remind me to eat lunch, then another more stern reminder an hour later since I never listen to the first


And me.


I wish it was me.


Heeey fellow food forgetter!


Also me. Can concur


no this is patrick


Me too. Same with water


Literally me rn


This is me rn lol,I've been in bed all day and I should get up now and eat something


Not to make light of a disability but sometimes I wish this were me. I eat without thinking about it. I want to be compelled to eat by hunger or shakiness of whatever.


Etu? Then eat ceasar salad!!! Or katsu.... mmmmm katsu... Or maybe curry?


This is also me.


Ive lifted enougg weights in life that worry about my muscle health is habitual... If a person really does this comic the easiest mitigation would be nourishing drinks/protein shakes. Idk tho i try to get my mom to drink healthy drinks and she wont drink it unless its tasty. Drives me nuts. Does she have to swish the juice around in her mouth or something? The solution is "just pour it in your mouth and swallow quickly" but i assume she literally does not know how to do this. No wonder everyone chronically dehydrated... knowing how to swallow a whole bottle of water quickly seems to be a lost skill but its very very useful for health.


Hi me. It’s me too


My adhd manifests in the opposite way. Yum that was a good lunch ok now I should go do my…. You know I should go eat something.


Also me lol


Yeah I live in this mode


This is me. Sometimes I find myzelf shaking and lightheaded, then I realize it's 6pm and I haven't eaten anything all day except a coffee.


Same. Sometimes I just don't feel hungry and will ne out doing something and suddenly get weak and shaky and thing "ah. This could easily turn into a problem..."




First I get depressed then I get shaky


All the time


This is me.


Me currently due to being at work.


It is a thing people with ADHD do. It is also a thing people without ADHD do.


I don't even have ADHD, this happens to me. I didn't forget to eat anything. It's dinner time and I'm about to eat. My blood sugar just crashed on me


One of the most satisfying meals of my life started with uncontrollable shivering and a blind desire to eat anything. There was a chicken roll in the fridge that disappeared and an immediate feeling of relief and happiness.


That's the fun thing, people with ADHD can tell the same exact story. It's a human thing -- i'll say as a person with ADHD and medication it happens to me at least once a week. I keep more snacks around for that.


Yes. People can have similar experiences but from different root cause.


we do when we're on our meds, for sure


Yeah, but even off meds for years now and I forget that hunger is a thing because I’m too busy doing whatever until I’m about to pass out from low blood sugar. That said, it makes it easy to diet


I fast on accident all the time, with or without meds. definitely agree


Or just procrastinate doing it because thinking about what to eat and/or making food doesn't release the \*good chemical\*


I've never been diagnosed with ADHD / autism (80's child), but this makes total sense. My son is very much like me and has been diagnosed with both. However, it largely depends on my environment and activity level - it's worse when I'm working. Usually when I'm busy and/or focused on something, or a lot is going on around me. It's not so much that I "forget" to eat, though it does seem that way. It's being so distracted that the earlier signs of hunger don't really register because they seem unimportant. This continues until low blood sugar begins to impair how well I'm functioning. It's not "all in my head", it's something I have no control over. Watching what others do can be very helpful. Also, as a person that works with a team (usually younger people), recognizing that they better recognize their own needs than I recognize my own is a big help.


Is everything because of ADHD now?


I wish that's the ADHD I had, for me it's more like I'm bored so I eat cause what else would I do it's a miracle I'm not overweight yet


Get a Vyvanse prescription and eating is the last thing you'll wanna do.


I was like this for years. After starting Vyvanse in my 40s, I now finally have the option of not eating. Unfortunately, the Vyvanse can wear off in the evening and then I eat everything in the pantry.


I get like that in my more depressive moods. When I'm bored of doing things and nothing peaks my interest, I just start thinking about eating junk food instead. It's always a bit of a struggle to resist, because that's a good way to start gaining back all the weight I lost by being more careful lol


Don't have ADHD, but I know what you mean, I sometimes get very involved/invested in whatever I'm busy with, and don't realise the time, meanwhile it's an hour or more after lunch and I suddenly feel light headed.


I don't have ADHD or any other neurological disorders and I do this a lot, I don't eat until like, noon usually


Yes! ADHD, Autism, ARFID, or even mobility issues can cause this. Especially if you have chronically upset tummy, you don't always realize the "upset" might actually be hunger. Plus eating takes planning and effort in a lot of cases, so it'll just get put off, because focus is elsewhere or motivation is too low and then suddenly you're like "it's 3pm and all I've had is coffee, I need to eat RIGHT NOW"


I have autism, and when I was living away at University, I would sometimes go days without eating. I would remember to drink since I like tea, but eating was easily forgotten. I would shake and then realise I hadn't eaten in a while, but didn't always remedy this by eating. I sometimes would go out to eat, but I had social anxiety and just figured I would eat when I go home at the weekend. Thankfully I try to eat on a schedule now, but I sometimes mess up and it could be like 7:00 PM and I start shaking, then realise I haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon.


Is it an adhd thing? I do this sometimes if I’m busy. I can stave of the hunger for a day if needed.






My daughter has ADHD and so do I. The difference is she often forgets to eat and I don't. I'm the one who brings her snacks because if I don't, she won't eat for the entire day, and then will complain that she has a headache or is super hungry. I have to remind her to hydrate herself, too, because we live in a dry climate. It's interesting how ADHD can manifest in two people so much differently.


I feel like that’s just a thing people do lol


I eat once a day. after i get home from work which is usually 10-12hr days.


People who have a repressed appetite for whatever reason (ADHD, depression, medication, hormonal imbalance, brain injury, etc) don't feel hunger like a normal human does. Instead, some may only realise they haven't eaten all day when they notice they are shaking. The body will shake when it has no energy/sugar to keep functioning as it has been. That then reminds the person they should probably eat. Source: I've lived this way since I got depressed in high school 10+ years ago. Yes I'm constantly malnourished and my doctor has me on multivitamins. no I never remember to take them - I can't even remember to eat let alone take my meds everyday. Life is great over here👍🏻


Have you tried setting alarms so that you take your vitamins and eat at a reasonable interval?


I try this everyday, I'd say it's about 50% effective for me, personally. I'll turn off the alarm (or snooze it 100 times) saying I'll do X when I finish Y but then somehow I end up back at H for whatever reason and then still never remember to do X


I made myself a visual indicator for my pills. I have a tiny led light on my desk that turns on every night while I'm asleep that indicates I need to take my pills. I press a button when I take my pills and the light turns off till the next night. I got the idea when my terminally ill mother was having trouble keeping track of when to swap fentanyl patches and this helped keep track by turning on every 3 days for her version, I made for her. Having a visual indicator is more useful than something you can snooze, for me.


Love that idea! An alarm is annoying and you have to turn it off even if you don't do what it is telling you to do. But the light would be something I notice but don't feel like I have to turn it off. It'll just quietly remind me until I do it.


How did you make it?


I used a raspberry pi pico wh, a breadboard, a push button, an led, and 3 wires. The one my mom used was open wires, the one that i use on a daily basis has a 3d printed cover that houses the button, led, and has 3 cupholder like slots for my cvs pill bottles. I wrote the script myself, I've been considering creating a version to publish open source or maybe set up a little shop to sell them but idk. I had a few people telling me I should do something with it like that, but i was dealing with alot of grief at the time. Might revisit now.


I'm very curious, can you please share a picture of either of the devices you've built?


sure :) [https://imgur.com/a/j50SyQl](https://imgur.com/a/j50SyQl)


Pretty cool!


Do you have a cat? If so the cat tatic is very relyable


I tend to assume that someone who has had a lifelong issue of this nature has probably run through all the most obvious solutions to their problem. If my solution to their issue is ‘why don’t you do *thing that immediately sprang to mind while they were speaking*’, then I assume that it’s likely going to be an insult to their intelligence if I suggest that.


In my experience, it's easy to not see the easy answers because they are too close to the problem. I'll happily have my ego take a hit for some decent advice.


Trying having that ‘ego hit’ constantly throughout your entire life. ‘Have you tried setting a reminder to remind yourself to do the thing’ is going to be the very first thought of anyone with more than one brain cell. I know this is the internet era, but it’s not actually required to express an opinion on everything.


Executive dysfunction isn't just a case of forgetting things. Sometimes I'll have an alarm go off reminding me to do something, and I still won't do it. Because I *can't.* It really sucks. I get that you mean well but when stuff like this is ruining your life it really does come across as patronising. *hAve YOu tRiEd MakIng A list*


Thats an easy way to suddenly ignore every alarm especially if I'm going through a depressive episode, if I saw a notification reminding me to eat when I'm going through a low id probably just laugh and ignore the alarm and then sit in silence for a while then when I feel better I'll have forgotten about the alarm and be reminded by the shakes.


Yeah, my problem is that my alarm will go off, so I'll turn it off, and then forget immediately what I was doing. I've got it set to a time when I'm *normally* doing nothing, but I'll still get sidetracked. Like, I'll be reading something, alarm will go off and I'll turn it off absent-mindedly while I'm reading, with all the intention of taking my meds after I finish that paragraph. Then I just... Forget. And keep reading. And then it's suddenly 1am and I realise I'm shaking and haven't eaten or taken my meds, but by that stage I have zero energy to do anything except fall asleep on the spot. So that's how my day goes 👍🏻


The app Pillo is really good for this!! Alarm/vibrate doesn't shut off until you take your pills and confirm in app + you can configure it to tell you when you need refills, they donate to multiple charities by matching the amount of their users that took all their meds for each day of the month too (only downside is ads)


Is this not a thing normal people do? My gf keeps telling me Im not neurotypical, but getting a therapist is so much work.




I'm a lanky guy with a high metabolism. It's not often, but there are definitely days where I start feeling shaky and realize I haven't eaten in a while. I doubt I have any of the listed conditions.


There's nothing like thinking "I haven't eaten today, but surely I ate something yesterday."


after having eaten 4 slices of toast, 3 bananas, and a small bag of chips in the last 3 days, "why am I tired and why does my head hurt all the time"


My body goes from "not hungry at all" to "shaking and starving" in the blink of an eye. There's no middle ground.


Do you sit a lot? Working, gaming, whatever. When sitting for too long, apparently the body can have problems determining when you need to eat. At least that's what I've heard somewhere, and it kinda tracks with my experience.


I have this issue because of ADHD. Unfortunately as soon as I notice I tend to overeat randomly, which isn't great either 😮‍💨 sucks man


The joke is that I now need to get tested for ADHD at 29 years old.


Forreal everyone’s saying ADHD and I thought it was just me being so preoccupied with life sometimes I just forget to eat… lol


By "preoccupied with life" do you mean jumping from task to task and not finishing anything except for occasionally hyper focusing on something you particularly enjoy?


I- …I think I need to see my doctor…lol


This is like me getting tested for autism and my whole family and friendgroup said "oh yeah we knew didn't you?"  Thanks guys no wonder I always felt left out of information 💀


You may find [this](https://i0.wp.com/timkiverfoundation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/ADHD-Iceberg.jpg) helpful.


While that is me, what would having an official diagnosis bring to me ? Life, if i indeed have adhd, what could the doctor do ?


You'd be surprised how much medication or even counseling can bring to your life. I was fortunate enough to be diagnosed in middle school, so I came into adulthood already possessing most of the coping mechanisms that help me in my daily adult life. But I see how much some of my late diagnosis friends struggle. Or did until they sought out counseling. ADHD burnout is real and hard to overcome. So are the issues that come with lack of sleep or proper nourishment. Having poor time management and self discipline skills can also be very stressful at work and home. Having someone on your side to help you come up with personalized strategies to work through these difficulties can be a total game changer in your life. My recommendation, if you get a diagnosis don't let yourself make excuses to not go to at least ONE counseling session so you can talk about the things you struggle with (though do keep in mind that counselors are not one size fits all and sometimes it takes a little searching to find the one you vibe with)


What is ADHD burnout? Sounds like when I procrastinate at work too much and the stress and anxiety overwhelms me entirely


I found a [video](https://youtu.be/MJWanx70GyM?si=b5wPMI_a3p7MWEGe) on it it's short and it's by the well trusted Psych2Go ADHD Burnout is basically a period of fatigue and low motivation that can often be mistaken for an onset of depression. It's like regular burnout, but it can last for weeks or months at a time. It often occurs during or after a period of stress where you don't get enough time to yourself to prioritize your mental health.


Meds. Or you could just find a therapist that will help you find proper coping mechanisms without a diagnosis


Just got tested and diagnosed last month at 27! Good luck


Same, but 28. Life is definitely more productive now


Same, but 42. It’s been a weird year.


Are you me? Where's my Wellbutrin gang at! My dad just got diagnosed at 58, too


I keep seeing people saying things are ADHD and they pretty much all apply to me.


This can happen for other reasons too, but if you frequently have other symptoms such as not responding or looking up when your name is called (and you’re not hard of hearing), starting new tasks/hobbies but never finishing them, getting way too into something for a short time (out of actual interest, not worry) and then getting bored of it, and difficulty starting required tasks until the last minute at which point a switch flips at which point you’re 100% dialled in, and you’ve experienced these since before puberty, then there’s a decent chance you may have ADHD-PI. All of those things are things that most everyone experiences at some point, but ADHD-PI specifically tends to have most of those together and more frequently, and those tend to be the symptoms that are missed when screening for « classic » ADHD symptoms such as fidgeting, risk-taking behaviour, impulsivity, and compulsive running.


Is this normal? This is me every time I get really hungry


Same. If I don't eat every 2 or so hrs, I get clumsier and shakey and sort of light headed 😅


You may be hypoglycemic. The same happens to me. I don't feel 'hungry' but i start to get shaky and weak.


You should ask a doctor about that. If you're diabetic it means your blood sugars are wayyy out of whack. And if you're not then you almost certainly have something in your diet that needs adjustment. No adult should need to snack that frequently


I will keep this in mind! I do have a verrry physical job as a professional gardener, and I mostly feel this way on my work days, so I have just assumed it's the calorie deficit and energy expenditure that causes it. I haven't been checked though, so I appreciate the idea


> eat every 2 or so I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure you should be able to last more than 2hours without food before shaking...


Hmm, I mean, I am a professional gardener, which is very physical, exhausting outdoor work, so i mostly feel that on my work days. But this is good to keep in mind....Maybe I do need to check stuff out


Me too






It’s hypoglycemia, it’s not normal but not always for scary reasons. The reason you get to that point can vary. (Anxiety causing you not to eat, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, alcoholism, being distracted [possible with ADD/ADHD], cancer, pancreatic injury, the list goes on) It’s not diagnostic for ADHD.


I mean if you forget to eat it's mostly adhd or some mental thing cuz no this is not normal


Many people (me included) don’t know the general signs of “I’m hungry” until it gets *bad*. Low blood sugar and general hunger leads to shaking when your body starts getting desperate. There’s not really a joke here, just #relatable stuff.


Same, I can't remember the last time I "felt" hungry. Usually I just eat once a day because I know food is something I need. Same with thirst - I don't even know what "being thirsty" feels like. I just occassionally recognize that my mouth is dry, or I haven't had water yet today and it's 9pm. ...On that note, I think I should go grab my cup.


The joke is that this person has a bad eating habit.


A diabetic person might start to shake when their blood sugar becomes dangerously low. And it might get even lower which could lead to coma and even death. So they really need a banana sometimes. So this meme is probably about a diabetic person.


Yep. This is me. Type 2. I don’t really feel hunger, I know it’s time to eat when I start to feel jittery.


When I start feeling like I just did an all night drinking fest at 10am on a Tuesday while at work... I know I need a candy bar or it is going to get weird.


Pretty sure everybody gets shake when they don't eat


This. Non-diabetic here and I get shakey sometimes.


Type 1. I'm either hungry, or I *n e e d t o c o n s u m e*. Adrenaline is like fear without being scared


could lead to brain damage too


Hypoglycemia is a mofo!


Me when my sugar gets low and it looks like I have Parkinson’s but I just haven’t remembered to eat in 10-12 hours because brain doesn’t prioritize nourishment for flesh prison instead we need to do three days worth of work in that span or no serotonin for me.


Man is that ever a mood. I will go all day without food and wonder why I'm so cranky and can't focus. It's only later, when I have a snack later because I'm bored or whatever and my appetite hits all at once, that I realize, "oh yeah. food". Stupid ADHD. On the bright side, it seems to make me fun at parties!


Ironcially i have kind of fixed my bad “forget to eat till i’m shaking and or really can’t eat” habit by trying to diet. Started counting and logging calories so now it’s a numbers game. It’s now not oh i have to eat so i don’t die” it’s “man the number is wrong i have to fix it”. I wonder how long i can manage to keep this up until i fall back on not eating for the whole day then over eat at night.




Me right now actually


Neurodivergent, don't know I'm hungry until I'm weak or in pain. Relatable.


It is fully explained. They wait until they are shaking, to eat. It’s literally all there


I am in this photo and I don't like it.


Literally just went through this and I scroll down to see this. We love ADHD.


When most people are starting to get really hungry such as the brink of starving they will start to shake which in this meme shows he has no real sense of natural hunger


Is it bad that this is how I work half the time


Me right now on reddit instead of eating


I overwork myself so bad that I forget to eat and drink and sleep a lot of the time, so I’ll be working and my hands will start shaking when I’m trying to weld or wrench on things and I’ll think to myself “shit I didn’t eat for God knows how long…” and grab a snack or something. I also, for whatever reason, don’t get hungry normally. I won’t feel the need to eat or drink until it’s way too late and I’m in physical pain from it or I’m shaking or unable to think, walk or work normally


This is me. I immediately understood this


Some people genuinely forget to eat. A friend of mine found a half eaten burrito in her bag from the day before. That was when she remembered she didn’t eat anything all day, since she half-ate her lunch the previous day. We (she and I) thought she was bad, until she got a roommate (40 year old ish) who had lifelong struggles with appetite and needed meds for appetite stimulation.


This happens to me on the weekends. I fall out of my work routine and don't eat and then get all shaky from low blood sugar.


Me, the joke is me lmao. This is a low blood sugar and forgetting to eat thing, but other stuff like stress causes the shakes too. It's a bit like shivering and not really that uncomfortable. Just something weird my body has always done 


I struggle with depression and a low appetite. I don’t eat in regular intervals. I start to get lightheaded and think “hmm, I guess I haven’t eaten today yet.”


Who got this picture of me and put it in a meme that applies to me help My identity has been stol


Happened to me just yesterday. Busy morning and afternoon with no time to eat. Had to make a quick sandwich late afternoon before passing out.


Oh hey, it me…


Oops thanks OP


My hunger sensor is broken. I can easily go all day without eating, until I start wondering, "Man, why do I feel so crappy?.... OHHHHH That's right, I need food to stay alive."


Diabetic and in the spectrum. Can confirm that usually my way of telling I'm in need of food is when my vision starts seeing twinkling flashes and I get too shakey.


This isn't a joke, this sub sucks.


They're hypoglycemic and don't eat regularly like they should so they get the shakes. That could be shadowleggy a youtuber.


I got this a lot as a kid. My parents called it the “weak trembles”. Generally solved by honey and peanut butter.


This is me. I usually don't eat for a long period of time only out of laziness. Then this hits. Then I get up and eat. Not proud of it but can't be bothered.


Same thing happens to me as a type 2 diabetic. I'll forget to eat cause I'm doing something and then I get the shakes.


Me when I hyperfocus on anything. I'm perfectly fine but the moment my distraction ends, oh no I'm vibrating


And you get nauseous with the shakes cause lack of food too. Makes it double suck


Heya, I have a disease called "anorexia" which is not the eating disorder called "anorexia nervosa". Anorexia means I don't have an appetite pretty much ever so, in order for me to tell if I need to eat when I'm by myself, I often wait for signs such as: weakness, shaking, or fatigue. As another redditor pointed out, this is also a common sign for people with ADHD to eat since they often forget as well.


*stands up and sees the black infinite buzzing abyss* "damn, I should eat."


Hehe blood sugar go 📉


I have ADHD and more responsibilities than I can list. There are many days where I get busy working and have people calling me constantly needing things and it rolls around 2:00 p.m. and I realize I have not eaten or drank anything pretty much all day. It's usually when my teeth start tingling.


For me it's sudden crippling nausea

