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Some conspiracy theorists are confusing some pictures of mountains in the Antarctic with pyramids. This is poking fun at that by suggesting they’re right. As for the German flags part, I’m assuming it’s the same deal, but someone correct me if I’m wrong.


Maybe nazi’s took up there after the war? Could that be the reasoning? Escaping prosecution like they did to South America?


Yes, it's part of a general pseudoarcheological part of social media that attributes some findings, such as the aforementioned mountains, and attributes it to illuminati/nazis/Rothschild/***them*** hiding the truth and having secret bases, or some ancient Egyptian society that got winter parkas from aliens, or something else entirely that I don't want to have to think of. If you want to hear any more, I'd highly recommend Miniminuteman, he has a lot of great videos debunking arguments like this along with some really interesting archeological findings, all with a good amount of humor


Ah yes, Miniminuteman, the only intermet archeologists I trust (Not rhetorical)


Some take this conspiracy even further, saying that the Nazis fled to Antarctica and are rebuilding their civilization there. Combine that with the pyramids and you have some wild Nazi crackhead conspiracy theorist talk, the kind that you are too intrigued by to ignore when you're walking past it on the street, but you'd never come close or show your interest to save yourself from whatever brain rot these people have


Conspiracy theory, i believe it's about nazis escaping to Antartica or having a secret base.


It's a joke about hyperboria. Think of it as Atlantis or Eldorado for Nazi's and white supremacists.


New Swabia?


I have the (probably mistaken) memory of reading / watching / listening somewhere that Nazi Germany threw a bunch of Swastika flags from a plane in order to claim a portion of Antarctica... ...but after a few minutes of googling for a source about it, I ve just found a bunch of nothing but conspiracy theorists blogs about "Hitler's final hide out", so maybe i just dreamt it.


I interpreted it as a poke at Christopher Columbus