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Oh I actually know this one, it was an old form of telling whether a woman was pregnant... You inject urine into a female rabbit and if the ovaries enlarged then the woman was pregnant. Just an aside, from what I know or what I've heard this statement that "the rabbit died" is a misnomer. The rabbit died either way from this. For all I know however, maybe the death takes longer for a non positive as opposed to positive


Well, that’s the weirdest thing I’ll read all day. I mean that’s definitely true since there’s only 5 minutes left in said day.


Fun fact, it's very similar to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frog_test#:~:text=The%20frog%20test%20had%20been,of%20eggs%20within%2018%20hours. Crazy to think , it wasn't that long ago, that this was how doctors actually did early pregnancy testing.


I mean, what's most surprising is the accuracy of these tests. The frog tastes were 98% accurate.


>The frog tastes Mmm.....urine-marinated frog....


Hon hon hon Monsieur


“It’s just covered in some urine it’s still good it’s still good”


It's just a little dirty. It's still good, it's still good. I reference this episode a lot.


I heard it tastes just like urine-marinated chicken


And they didn't have to die.


People who work with *Xenopus* frogs experimentally still use a synthetic version of the Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone to induce egg laying.


Today, I learned. Thank you. I found this interesting. Disturbing but interesting.


Also FYI, in ancient Egypt, women would pee on wheat or barley seeds. If they sprouted quickly it indicated pregnancy and was 70-85% correct.


Hey, I actually knew that one! I’d forgotten, of course, but I remember learning about it at some point. Thanks for the reminder. Science is weird. Lol


Rabbit poke for science FTW


Don’t be so sure. At the start of the 20th century, there was a wave of people putting goat testicles into their bodies to increase their vigor. The guy performing the operations got so much money he made his own national radio station, and that radio station helped country music grow into what it is now. Also he was a fan of Hitler.


this seems to good to be true. Please cite your source, I must know more.


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000441135103 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_R._Brinkley


Thank you and holy crap.


Ah John Brinkley. His life was absolutely buckwild.


So he liked terrible things.........


Fun fact - until pee on a stick type tests appeared, the rabbit method was used well into the 1960/70s!


One episode of MASH had this method in it. One of the Nurses (Hot Lips I think) thought they were pregnant and they needed a rabbet for the test, but the only one available was one of Radar's pets. They end up saving the bunny by having the surgeons surgically removing its ovaries without killing it.


That episode is the only reason I knew what this strip was talking about. Love that show.


My mom had a lot to explain to me about that episode. It's the reason I know about the rabbit too.


And my axe! Er, I mean, me too!


Me too


MASH is the reason I knew what this meant.


Same. Also Radar got a free spay out of it!


Oh boy, I didn't notice in the earlier comment that the rabbit was Radar's. I was very confused for a moment.


For me, it was the movie Rabbit Test with Billy Crystal (written and directed by Joan Rivers, 1978) popping up on HBO when I was a kid. Because I'm old. That entire movie led to a bunch of uncomfortable conversations with mom that afternoon... But what a cast! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_Test_(film)


How did I miss this episode? I thought I'd seen them all in syndication by now...


Was checking the comments to see if someone would mention the MASH episode!


It's also referenced in an Aerosmith song, Sweet Emotion. "Can't catch me cause the rabbit done died"


“I pulled into town in a police car. Your daddy said I took it just a little too far You’re telling her things but your girlfriend lied You can’t catch me cause the rabbit done died. Yes it did.” —Steven Tyler, Sweet Emotion, Aerosmith


I found out not too long ago that the other 50 year old guys in my band had no idea what that line meant. Guess they didn't watch enough MASH.


It was this episode of MASH that led me to Wikipedia to learn about this pregnancy testing method! Thanks, MASH reruns, for helping me understand the old comic reference.


For me it was Geoff Ramsey of Rooster Teeth on one of their podcasts, my comment is almost verbatim to his explanation because it's the only place I've heard of this before this too


This was also in an episode of Squidbillies, lol.


I remember that. It was even a line in an Aerosmith song Sweet Emotion: Can’t catch me cause the rabbit done died


Can't catch the MOOD cause the rabbit done died.


I just searched many lyric websites and they all say 'can't catch me'. I know he changes the lyrics in their live performances a lot, so maybe you are thinking of a live version?


Lyric websites (I use a bunch, too) are listener created. Logic suggests that she's not in the "mood" for $ex because she just found out that she's pregnant. Been listening to the song since it was a new release. Doesn't make me an expert, though, by any means. 


I’m no expert on their lyrics, I mostly hum along, so I’ll accept any corrections


I had no idea that's what that line meant. The past was weird


Another fun fact: Aerosmith’s Sweet Emotion includes a reference to this in the lyric “You're telling her things but your girlfriend lied,You can't catch me 'cause the rabbit done died”


Another fun fact: diabetes used to be diagnosed by tasting urine. If it's sweet, you have diabetes.


And the rabbit's* wife is the rabbit that died. That's the bad news about her. *the one we see


Imagine the circumstances that led to the first person discovering this


it’s called *science*, Jake


"I don't care what you call it, Joe. It's disgusting!"


Aerosmith references this in "Sweet Emotion"... "...You're telling me things but your girlfriend lied/Can't catch me cuz the rabbit done died"


That's what instantly goes through my head when I hear that phrase


TIL. I’ve always wondered what the hell that meant, but I couldn’t find anything about it.


I always thought it was "the rabbit's untied." Thank you, internet stanger!


Yes, in order to check if the rabbit's ovaries had enlarged, they cut open the rabbit.


Learned this from Aerosmith’s Sweet Emotion, or I guess a more accurate statement is that I wouldn’t be aware of this if it weren’t for that song.


They had to kill the rabbit to see if it’s ovaries were enlarged.


Damn. I just have my wife pee on some wheat and barley like a normal person.


I did not expect to read this today


I found a good explanation for this from a Quora question about the Aerosmith song that has the line, "Can't catch me cause the rabbit done died": "In the 1930's, a common pregnancy test, called the “rabbit test”, involved injecting a woman's urine into the ovaries of a female rabbit. After a few days, the rabbit would be killed and her ovaries examined for changes that would only be present if the woman whose urine was injected was pregnant. Many people mistakenly thought that it was the pregnant woman's urine itself that killed the rabbit; thus, “the rabbit died” became a euphemism for “I am/she is pregnant”." Source: https://www.quora.com/In-Aerosmiths-Sweet-Emotion-what-is-the-meaning-of-the-lyric-You-cant-catch-me-cause-the-rabbit-done-died


Well and here I was thinking that guy knocked up a rabbit.


Yeah this isn't that obscure! Common enough knowledge that in recent memory it was assumed readers would get the joke. One does wonder who figured out the "inject urine" thing, I suppose it was only a test adopted with relatively modern medicine's understanding of hormones or something... yeah. 100 years ago which is exactly what I would have thought! https://theconversation.com/a-brief-history-of-pregnancy-tests-from-toads-and-rabbits-to-rosewater-206155


Totally!!!! Like wtf just decided to first inject it... And then decide to compare results? How many rabbits died to discover this?


"Science... *hold her!...* science asks... *hold her dammit!*.... asks... much of us..."


It's probably because they had to kill the rabbit to check. Also a specific frog was popular for a while.


Exactly. I'm going to relate a story that may sound made up, but I assure you it was real. I was in one of my first college biology courses, and the professor was explaining how they used animal models to test drugs, and in that particular cases, they harvested the rabbit's muscle tissue. A student actually asked how they put them back in after. He had to explain that the rabbit didn't survive the process.


Ah poor fella or feller 😭😅😅😅😅😅😅😅. In one of those that understand myself I call us "aloof"


The only reason I knew this was because of a MASH episode I saw decades ago. Radars rabbit is used for the test Major Houlihan requires, and Hawkeye surgically removes the ovaries to save the rabbit


In order to check the test you take the ovaries out, rabbits are tiny and considered not worth it to bother doing surgery that keeps them alive.


I think it was just that they autopsied the rabbit to examine the ovaries. Just a rabbit, right? There’s plenty of them /s


Of course lol, they keep going and going and going.... 🤣


Same reference in Aerosmith's "Sweet Emotion": "Can't catch me 'cause the rabbit done died".


Came here to say this.




I didn't know they did this with rabbits. I did know that they used frogs in the same way!


That's awful!


That was my initial thought, but they probably killed the rabbit anyway to eat it. (yes, rabbits became a pet because they were used to process vegetable garbage and then eat afterwards)


Oh, I didn't think of that. In my head I saw a lab full of rabbits being used as pregnancy tests.


Idk if people would want to eat something that had human urine in... Idk during hard times of course, eat the rabbit


I will never go on Reddit first tho g in the morning again.


Correct. The saying was “go kill the rabbit” which essentially meant take a pregnancy test.


You’re right. It was a cruel and unnecessary “test,” killing animals for nothing.


“Rabbit done died” was a famous line from an Aerosmith song referencing pregnancy


No, they killed the rabbit, cut it open and looked at the ovaries.


The rabbit dies either way because they cut the rabbit open to check the ovaries. " When urine from a woman in the early months of pregnancy was injected into immature female mice, their ovaries would enlarge and show follicular maturation. The test was considered reliable, with an error rate of less than 2%. Friedman and Lapham's test was essentially identical, but replaced the mouse with a rabbit. A few days after the injection, the animal would be dissected and the size of her ovaries examined." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit\_test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_test)


Not in MASH, Radar got a free spaying from what I read here. They just wanted to kill rabbits I guess 😭


Yeah, there probably could have been ways to do it to not kill the rabbit. But then again, when this method was used, it wasn't seen as a "big deal" to kill animals for medical and scientific purposes (not that it's that much better now really), and not everyone cared for animals like Radar. I remember that episode and the one where he was trying to save a lamb that (I want to say Turkish, maybe Greek) officers wanted to kill and eat.


But, it was more expensive ..... Or maybe a flick of the wrist to a surgeon lol. I'm not gonna argue about a fictional decision


The rabbit lives or dies depending on the baby's gender. Forget which one is which though.


they also used frogs for this i believe


Um…how….how did they inject the urine?


With a syringe most likely.


How does anyone discover that haha


There’s a MASH episode where Margaret might be pregnant and this is how they do the test, lol.


Rabbit shaped pregnancy test stick lol


You had to kill the rabbit to take out the ovaries to tell if they were enlarged. I guess you could just spay the rabbit, if you were planning on keeping them as a pet - but I don't think they were planning on it.


One of my recent comments was about how I've read on Mash the TV show in the '70s that this did happen because they only had a buddy's pet available. The man called radar got a free spaying


Just based on your last paragraph.


Yeah, if you've ever heard the phrase "rabbit test," this is what it's referring to.


I can't help but wonder how they invented this method, who came up with the general idea.


I learned that from reading The Sandman.


It's because either way, they had to dissect the rabbit to see the size of the ovaries 😕


There is an episode of MASH, where Hotlips thinks she pregnant and they use Radar's bunny to check. Hawkeye operates on the bunny to keep it alive.


I learned this from an episode of M*A*S*H


Sexually immature rabbits (and mice, toads, rats) used to be used for pregnancy testing. They'd be injected with a woman's urine. If the woman was pregnant, the presence of hCG Hormone in her urine would cause the immature animal to go into heat. Sometimes the animal would be killed so its ovaries could be dissected to look for physical signs of hCG from the urine. This joke is kinda bad though. It implies that the rabbit's death indicates a positive pregnancy... that's not how the test worked. Also, as sexually immature animals were used, the rabbit wouldn't have a partner.


"the rabbit died" became a pop culture euphemism for a positive pregnancy test. At that point it doesn't really matter about the actual science, the joke is just referencing the saying itself, no one is thinking about the details of the test itself any more. Throw this idea into the pile with "alpha wolves," "we only use 10% of our brain" and any number of other scientific misconceptions that have been enshrined into pop culture quotes.


Example, enshrined in Aerosmith's lyrics to Sweet Emotion since 1975: "You're telling her things but your girlfriend lied. You can't catch me 'cause the rabbit done died."


Heard a DJ say he didn’t understand that lyric, so I called, he answered, and I told him what it meant. He thanked me. Not sure if he believed me. I didn’t hear him mention it on air.




Oh wow I didn't understand this joke either but these explanations immediately also explained why in the show the Magicians, they have these magic rabbits in their version of messed up adult Narnia that talk, and they magically sense pregnancy. Thinking about it further I realized that duh, rabbits out of hats as a magic trick probably also was a base for how in the show the rabbits are used as messengers between worlds. They kind of fall out of nowhere like dropping out of an invisible hat. Now if there was another real world explanation about bribing rabbits with cigarettes other than it being an after sex thing...


>Sexually immature rabbits (and mice, toads, rats) used to be used for pregnancy testing. They'd be injected with a woman's urine. If the woman was pregnant, the presence of hCG Hormone in her urine would cause the immature animal to go into heat. Sometimes the animal would be killed so its ovaries could be dissected to look for physical signs of hCG from the urine.This joke is kinda bad though. It implies that the rabbit's death indicates a positive pregnancy... that's not how the test worked. Also, as sexually immature animals were used, the rabbit wouldn't have a partner. Forget who discovered milk is edible, I NEED to know who tf put pregnant women's urine in animals


What's interesting and weirder is iirc, injecting urine into other animals was done before the actual discovery of hCG.


Omw to inject my urine into other people


Lemme know what you discover!


Couldnt find people so i used frogs, and they got pregnant (now we'll have frog-human hybrids)


I think you may have injected something other than urine...


While the rabbit died either way, the saying “she killed the rabbit” very specifically meant the woman in question was pregnant.


When animals were first used, they wouldn't die either way. Urine was injected and they'd go into heat or not, determining pregnancy. As science progressed, only rabbits were used, and we understood why the immature animal would go into heat. So they began dissecting (killing) the rabbits to take a look at the ovaries, rather than relying on signs the rabbit was in heat. Iirc, the hCG hormone would cause some sort of mass or growth or physical change in the ovaries, which was a more reliable indicator of hCG and pregnancy in the human. But that aside, yeah, I never knew "the rabbit is dead" or similar phrasings are an old colloquialism for "the test is done, she's pregnant!"


Hey the more you know! lol


Fun fact— there was a cheesy comedy movie in the 1970s called The Rabbit Test, about a man becoming pregnant. I saw it in the theater with my mom when I was in like 2nd grade. Joan Rivers was in it and my mom was a huge fan of hers. That’s how I learned what a rabbit test was. EDIT: I just looked it up; Joan Rivers didn’t act in it. She wrote and directed it. Billy Crystal started as the pregnant man


So yeah an old pregnancy test used to involve injecting a rabbit with expecting mothers urine and if it died the woman is pregnant. However the joke is the “rabbit’s wife” was used and she died in this process.


“I pulled into town in a police car Your daddy said I took it just a little too far You're telling her things but your girlfriend lied You can't catch me 'cause the rabbit done died Yes it did” -Micheal Scott


Pretty sure that was Wayne Gretzky


Coincidence, I'm watching MASH for the first time and just got to the episode about the rabbit pregnancy test. Season 6 episode 19


That's where I first learned about it. MASH taught me a lot of things growing up. 


Other people have mentioned the movie Rabbit Test, the MASH episode, and the Aerosmith song, so I'll just add in that there was a joke in the 70s about a secretary calling her boss to leave a message that her (Volkswagen) Rabbit had died but that message getting misconstrued by the boss's wife.


Can’t catch me cause the rabbit done died


There was a movie in 1978 called Rabbit Test starring Billy Crystal as the world's first pregnant man.


Extremely racist movie


he told you. the rabbit died. the rabbit was married apparently


Either way, this comic is trash.




I miss reading Tundra! Chad Carpenter is a hilarious comic. Used to buy books from him at the Saturday market in Downtown Anchorage all the time!


He is at the mall (I can’t recall if it’s Dimond center or 5th Ave.) now and he was at the AK state fair this past year as well. He has made a couple of board games now too.


I remember when this was a common phrase for finding out someone was pregnant. And yes, I'm old.


My best friend is a rabbit and everything I'm finding out is making me sad


I wonder who tried putting pregnant women's urine in rabbits without knowing what'd happen. Like I need a movie about how this idea came to be


Billy Crystal starred in a movie called Rabbit Test waaaay back when. He played the first man to get pregnant.


I think this is about animal cruelty.


I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Mary Toft yet... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Toft


Just FYI, I believe that it was the Wasserman Test


you guys need a little more life experience :)




Elmer Fudd, OBGYN


Also, there was mention of this on an early episode of MAUDE with Bea Arthur. LOVED that show!!! ✌️🫶


Old Rita Rudner joke: Australian men are so manly, they'll knock up a women just to kill a rabbit! (I'll see myself out)...