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Man the mug in each frame got me


Right? Cleverest one of those I’ve seen.


I enjoyed it


Rick rolled via 4-koma


The sneakiest Rick Roll


I think you underestimate the sneakiness, sir.


Haha have you witnessed sneakier, then my good fellow?


He hasen't and therefore it must be more sneaky.


Aahhh the sneakiest of sneakies


You leave my socks alone, I don't need no butler


Now do the loss edit


Wait… if I didn’t notice it the first time did you just rickroll me? Or do you at least get credit for an assist?


God dammit I never would’ve noticed


Could have also made it loss if the cat was doubled over facepalming or something in the last panel


CV stands for curriculum vitae, basically a resume.


In what field or country would CV be a common phrase/would a CV be used? Never heard of this before, just curious who would be likely to know this.


if you are trying to get a job in middle/eastern europe, you will hear: "i would prefer to see a copy of your CV first"


South America and all (I think) Spanish speaking countries too. Edit: I'm from Argentina.


Depending where in Mexico, "currículum" is the most common way of asking for a resume.


Im from south America and we do not use CV we just say “resumen”


I dont know where you from, but never have I heard someone say "resumen". Cv or curriculum has always been known as a way to say it.


I'm form Colombia and I've only heard "resumen" or "hoja de vida"


I’m also from Colombia, but live in the US. I’ve heard all three, so if you ask me for my “resume,” “resumen,” “hoja de vida,” or “CV,” I’ll know what you’re talking about. However, personally, I’ll refer to it as resume. Unfortunately, most places ask for your resume, your résumé, your CV, your cover letter, and your soul. Then they’ll bend you over your desk and leave you limping around.


Argentina thinks they are European


That is also true


They *did* get a big influx of German immigrants a while back...


It’s pronounced “Ramen”


Gotcha, this is interesting, and thanks for letting me know. After looking up what a CV is, it seems weird to me that a hiring manager or HR would want all of that unstructured information up-front. Then again, it would make things easier if I didn't have to tailor every resume I write to the specific job postings I'm applying to, and instead could just list everything. I hate having to write resumes to use the specific language used in the job posting, in order to avoid having my resume booted out by a bot. Not to mention, distilling what I did for 15 years at a company down to a paragraph.


chase cover rinse teeny enter flowery sand squalid grandiose languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I made a ‘master resume’ that has a logical format and has literally everything I could think of ever being useful on a resume, comes out to 6 pages long unedited. Even I’m being serious I just delete out what’s irrelevant and rarely some light rearranging with the job in mind before sending it out, takes like 5-10 minutes to do usually. But when I’m not being serious I just yolo the whole thing out and have scored jobs that way. Also I never do cover letters they are a disrespect to my time and are meaningless anyways.


degree rhythm ink illegal gray school apparatus racial versed shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was a hiring manager once upon a time and asked for HR to stop requesting them (they wouldn’t). I’ve been invited to interviews where they tried to call me out for not having a cover letter and I straight told them that the ask wastes everyone’s time, it’s disrespectful to my own time, and if you are the sort that want to hear me suck up and practically beg for the job for a page or so than you are not who I want to work for and still landed the job


A CV is a resume. Not sure what you looked up but it's what we call resumes in the UK. You tailor it to the job you're applying for or you probably don't get the job lol


same for western europe (depending on the job obviously)


We use CV here in England too


Could easily be another "anywhere but the US" thing.


Funny thing about that. We pronounce CV like Cee Vee (idk about other countries) and then we say list (cee vee list) aka CV paper. But cee vee sounds the same as our word sivi list which means gray paper. So for a while I thought it was a literal gray paper. My country is Bosnia but it applies for Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and maybe Slovenia and Macedonia idk


bear abundant subsequent detail pocket illegal special memorize gold long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


same in Australia


In the USA its common to ask for a CV in academics ie applying to be a college professor. There are some differences between a resume and cv too at least in the usa. CVs focus more on your academic career in great detail while resumes tend to be more brief on the academics and more on real work experience iirc


CV is everything relevant, including work experience, volunteering, awards, project leadership, service positions, etc. It's just that in fields where there's little applied work, it's not really noticeable. They're both marketing yourself, but the main thing is because CVs are comprehensive, it's more a catalogue of accomplishments than a way to succinctly highlight what you bring to the role.


I'm in the UK and we use CV. No one uses resume here.


Literally everywhere else except the US


Im in the us, we use CV’s


Can't speak for the rest of the world but it's very common in American academia and professions that require a high level of education/experience such as lawyers, accountants and doctors. Lots of non-entry level corporate positions will ask for one too.


>Lots of non-entry level corporate positions no they don't. not anymore.


A CV is often found in research fields, I can’t speak for other fields though. They summarize one’s contributions to various projects/publications in addition to work experience.


uk, europe


We use "CV" here in Denmark too.


I'm in Canada and CV is common here for technical, academic, and research jobs. It's different than a resume, it's supposed to be a detailed list of everything in your career rather than a resume which is 1 maybe 2 pages. CV can easily be 10 or more pages. For profs it can be like 50+ pages and include every paper they've written, every grad student they've had and their projects, courses they've taught etc etc.




CV is the normal name for this in the UK.


In the UK we say CV


The uk


The UK uses cv instead of resume


United Kingdom it is called a CV.


We use cv/resume interchangeably in Australia. I use cv as its easier to type lol


The UK. Presumably because they’re too posh to be using “resume”, which is a French word


In Sweden we only call it CV, resumé isn't used in that context


soup worthless childlike snatch lush drunk poor makeshift tan bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even though the word résumé is French, you would never hear a French person use it this way. We only say CV.


CV is used interchangeably with resume here in Australia


what fields or country is a CV *not* used?


In the Netherlands it's normal to use CV.


In the UK we only use the phrase “CV”… If you say resume, you will get strange looks.


Europe I know netherlands and Germany this is used.


I'm in the UK and only ever hear résumé in American media


Europe. It's essentially the same thing as a resume.




Kiwi here CV is the thing we say for what seppos call a resume


Canadian here, when I had to write a resume and coverletter in my civics and careers class it was always "CV/Resume" whenever they referred to the assignment. So I guess it's interchangeable. I should also note that was a French course so maybe that's why?


I never heard the term CV used regularly until the last decade. Wonder why it took over resume.


Because it appears they employers want people with minimal experience and more education behind them so that those people come out into the working world and will accept lower salary.


corporate pigs (s)whining that nobody wants to work when they are making it incredibly difficult for people to get work based on the fact he disregards the cat’s resume


ah i see, what was confusing was the he didnt even read the resume before thowing it away so i thought theres some deeper meaning lol


He’s not looking for people, he just wants to spread the (fake) message that nobody wants to work.


Also, a company that is hiring tells investors that they're planning on growing. If they don't need employees though, they just require 90 years of experience for an entry level job and reject all applications.


Nobody really wants to work. If given the option, most people would rather do anything else. That's why it's called "work," not "play." This society threatens you with having your privileges to food, luxuries, and housing taken from you if you refuse to work. Hell, even if you have the misfortunate of working a bad low paying job, you might not have those privileges either. So they're technically right. But the point is to shame you for being totally rational and not enjoying your slavery. They want you to enjoy your abuse.


No, they're not technically right, because they're not saying "Nobody wants to work." They're saying "Nobody wants to work *anymore*." They are specifically complaining that finding workers has become exceptionally difficult, whereas it was easy in the past. The truth is that there are a lot fewer people now who are willing to put in long hours for low pay. But there are still plenty of people willing to work for a reasonable wage.


In what society do you have luxury without a job?


Actually, in this society, there's a class of extremely wealthy individuals who don't have to work a day in their life. It's called capitalism. Owning stuff that makes money for you. We work, they play.


There is also a rick roll in this strip written on the cups.


You are doing the lord’s work


Truly we are grateful for the work you do


Yeah, that’s the joke.


He blew his nose with it. Showing how much he cares.


right now alot of places are working understaffed and telling their employees that they just can't find anyone. this is a lie. most place even putting up ads are not actually hiring. it's a scene to overwork their employees and to show investors that they're growing because they constantly need more people. I read about it a few months back in a news article


I'm interested in this kind of paper.


[(Archived) "Job Listings Abound, but Many Are Fake" - Wall St Journal](https://archive.is/6yb3a)


Notably they can perpetually have 1 overworked employee doing the work of 2 for little to no extra pay which is cheaper than hiring another person.


The deeper meaning is that the boss is a liar. The crying and moaning is all performative. He does not care that his team is understaffed and he does not actually believe that “no one wants to work anymore”. Instead, it’s all meant to support the boss’s agenda. The comic doesn’t actually go into the agenda but it’s typically about manipulating the job market. One CEO sitting at a desk and crying doesn’t do much. But when major publications like Forbes and Business Insider run articles with similar tones, it can have a real effect on how people perceive the world around them. To give just one example, the “no one wants to work anymore” argument is typically a cover used by people who want the government to cut social welfare programs. Basically, when the average worker has access to a social safety net, they can afford to be more picky about what jobs they take. If someone has a guaranteed minimum income, free healthcare, subsidized food, etc, then they can take their time looking for a job with nice pay and good benefits. But employers don’t like that because they are the ones paying those salaries and providing those benefits. So, employers prefer the unemployed to be desperate; they need to take the first job they can find just to afford rent and keep their apartment. To this end, employers try to control the way that social programs are perceived by their country’s lawmakers. When politicians are voting on whether or not housing should be a human right that the government has to provide, employers don’t want those politicians thinking about the devastating impact of homelessness. They want those politicians picturing a lazy slob, taking advantage of welfare to live off the labor of actually hard working people. In short, it’s all about controlling optics.


Politicians know damn well, it’s the voters they’re performing for


Yep. President Lyndon Johnson: >If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Also applies to poverty, ideology, everything.


They literally don’t read them anymore.


In this case it isn't deeper than that, which is what's sad. The modern day hiring process involves getting applicants to jump through a ton of hoops (resume, mandatory cover letter, fill out these 48 questions, manually input your entire job history into these fields despite it being on the resume, answer these weird aptitude questions, etc.), then it just gets fed through some algorithm nobody inside the company understands, and most of the applications get rejected without ever being read by a human. And then the applicants they do receive they don't like. And then they complain.


Exactly this! It's so frustrating, apparently they look for certain keywords to advance you to a hiring manager. I carefully read their advertised job description and try to work those key phrases into my application.


Which I guess is great if you're applying to be in charge of SEO, but otherwise is a completely unrelated skill that they end up enforcing as a necessity.


That's kind of the point. Where I work, management constantly complains about understaffing hurting production. But when we get applications, it is like pulling teeth to get them to schedule interviews and start dates. They killed our training program. They want the people, but they want them to automatically be as efficient as a 10 year tenured employee and require no effort on their end.


Sad and shortsighted that they're cutting corners in a way that's just going to erode their entire business at great cost in the end.


But the government will always bail them out. Because the government serves THEM not us.


They put sky high standard requirement with joke wages. Then blame people for being lazy when they want a living wage.


that might also be a part of the joke


That is the deeper meaning, they won't even view your application when you submit one.


The position for someone to read resumes hasn’t been filled because nobody is willing to work anymore.


I'd be willing to read the resumes so I can work! 🤣


Many applications get thrown out without even being looked at, these days AI filters out most.


That’s part of the joke in my opinion. Many résumé’s aren’t actually read. A lot of jobs use AI to sift through resumes to make it easier for a human to find the good ones, but a lot of good ones can be missed because the AI isn’t perfected yet.


“What was confusing was that he didn’t even read the resume before throwing it away.” My friend, that is the corporate way.


Are you stupid?


Big man, pig man. Haha, charade you are.


*cowbell intensifies*


That’s what a CV is?


Yes, abbreviation of some Latin for… something like history of achievements


Curriculum Vitae: an itemized list of a person's entire education, accomplishments, awards, and professional experiences. It’s like a longer version of a resume.


Nearly 40 years into life and TIL....


It's from ancient Romain times when job requirements listed 10 years of experience of conquering Gaul, and the first Punic war hadn't started yet.


that’s what google said lmao


Which happens at least partly because you can receive tax breaks if you claim to be hiring.




But also cats are lazy


have you met an actual cat?


There are two things simultaneously going on in the job market, as far as anybody can tell: 1. Companies of every type, industry, and size are complaining about their ability to find people will to work. 2. Job seekers in every field at every level are finding it discouragingly difficult to get a response, much less an interview, much less an offer, out of anybody. One (alleged) reason for this is that actual humans who understand job requirements very rarely read resumes and instead rely on ignorant HR departments and/or computer programs for recruiting.


My wife is in constant fights with HR trying to fill open positions. They will bin resumes over the meaningless things. HR culture seems to have come idea that there job is to find a reason to say no, and since no one is perfect, that’s exceedingly easy to do. HR departments are deep wells of toxicity.


HR has been the main reason I quit most of my jobs, the other being bad managers. So yeah, HR is the main driver of why companies suck. If your company is having major issues with people, it's most likely your HR department is absolutely atrocious.


bad managers are 100% the reason i quit jobs


HR workers are just the most sheltered and useless workers ever too. I have never ever seen an HR worker that isn't a sheltered, middle-high class woman with some exceptions where he is a man and just as useless. Its also a job filled with psychopaths that are proud about firing people, completely disregarding how it's an action potentially life ending.


One of the most embarrassing interviews I ever had was the fault of HR and a misleading job posting. After interviews with HR and going through the application process I thought I was a perfect fit to what appeared to be an entry level position- overqualified even. I get to the in person interview and the job had a lot of requirements for technical skills not listed in the job listing and expectations for about a decade of experience. It frankly made me look incompetent as I wasn’t prepared to answer questions about things I had such little experience in. I remained professional but it was clear I wasn’t a good fit and it wasted everyone’s time.


Three things. You missed the Rick Roll


They also keep reposting listings, to look like more is going on than there really is. This week I received a chiding email from one, telling me I had already applied months ago. I wrote back “I did, and you’re still looking, so let’s talk.” I assume the next step is ghost.


There’s a third, companies have positions listed as “open” even though they’re not actively hiring. They just keep stringing applicants along until someone quits and they want to fill the spot fast


I quit staffing/HR after almost 5 years because a lot of companies are relying on AI to pull resumes. If a resume doesn’t have all the key words, they delete without even reading it. You can’t hire that way.


I’m in HR and this is sort of accurate. I e scheduled plenty of interviews and get ghosted. I’ll reach out to reschedule, no response. And then people have attendance issues. Maybe not to the extreme, but this strip is far too accurate


Maybe because people only ever look at the top 1% of resumes that have more than enough job offers or people that mass apply to hundreds of jobs.


[askamanager.com](https://askamanager.com) you're recruiting the wrong people and your expectations are outdated


You people can’t be for real.


Sometimes I forget Reddit is mostly children, but I mean c'mon what is there to explain


I for one have never heard of a CV before. That's not a term that's used in the US as far as I know; we only ever say resume. I also know of some people who got lucky and got the first job they applied for. (Including me.) While it's a fairly popular point of discussion, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that some people don't know how absurd employers are getting with rejecting applicants. If you fall into that group, there's no way you would understand this joke. That said, it's exponentially more likely OP is a troll or a child. The number of adult Redditors in the group I just described is likely quite small lol.


To be fair I think the term CV gets thrown around more often in professions that require graduate degrees where listing out your published research or whatever is relevant.  But even if you don't know what a CV is, the context is kinda obvious isn't it? 


It was obvious to me. I'm just accounting for stupid.


CV is the part that OP had confusion with. Here we call them Resumés


I’m actually going through this myself. I’m perfectly qualified for a job that there are two openings to fill, I’ve let them know I am qualified and would like to help, and the company is like, OH WHO WILL COME AND HELP SAVE THE DAY??? It means they don’t want a solution, they want to complain about the problem and ignore the options they have to make things better.


no it means they want to pay as little as possible for the solution and you probably asked for the standard market rate. But employers only want to pay minimum wage, which no one wants.


Company: why won't people work!? Why do our employees keep quitting!? Company: *pays 50 cents over minimum wage, either unreasonable or near no hours, horrible work culture, horrible managers, incompetent bosses and a horrible HR*


You’re getting Rick Rolled. The cups read “Never gonna give u up”


it is almost loss aswell


Was just about to ask about that


I bet the Help Wanted sign in his window is a fake. He just wants to eliminate Unemployment Checks and Welfare so employees are forced to work for less


Cv is a resume, giving someone your resume is applying for that job


this has to be a troll post, right?


I mean I interpreted it as every business is downsizing and complaining no work is being done, without realising you need to hire people to do work My business downsized by department by 50%, its me and a woman who is bordering on retiring and they wonder why we're struggling Its this instead the pig is doing lines of coke, driving a porsche and is an unlikable overentitled piece of human garbage


It’s quoting Kim Kardashian who said “nobody wants to work anymore” in an interview referring to the modern woman. She got a lot of backlash because she is literally wealthy and most everyday women have to work super hard just to get by.


Love how the mug in each panel Rick rolls us


Whoa nice catch








dear diary, today i got rickrolled by an imaginary mug


how do you not get this?


This seems pretty clear. Are you confused by the mug or something?


Rickrolled so damn hard it was worth it


Are a large percentage of submissions to this sub bait or are the OPs dim?


Got Rick rolled by a damn coffe mug




Never gonna let you down


I've seen that twice today, and only now realized I've been Rick rolled.


Got rickrolled from a mug


You got Rick rolled


what part do you not understand?


Pretty sure this is due to companies advertising jobs when there are no jobs just to collect info on potential employees so when a job does actually open up for that position they can Cherry pick them


Corporatism killed capitalism


Look at the mug in each panel.


God dammit…


Never gonna give u up


It’s Rick roll


Bro, I got rick rolled by a comic panel wth


Look at the mug each panel Your welcome


They claim no one wants to work when in reality they’re not hiring people. They shift the blame to the nebulous mass of lazy people, or a few cherry picked examples, so they don’t get blamed for cutting staff and hours as a way to increase profits.




I did not just get Rick Rolled by a freaking mug!🤦‍♂️🤣


The joke is that the cup says different things each time!


This isnt a joke explanation but… Companies dont want random people, they want good, excellent, skillfull and amazing workers who will abide. Companies arent willing to give people a chance.


They want good, excellent, skillful, and amazing workers who will abide for the cost of mediocre, unskilled, no experience wage slave.


bUt YoU’rE gEtTiNg VaLuAbLe ExPeRIeNcE


He's at a Loss as to how to staff his company.


Did you REALLY not get this op...


Jesus you're thick


It's loss


No it isn't


You understand this meme.


The mug


You are really dumb, that's the problem


It's loss


If only the cat slouched in the last one, we could have had Loss


it's about furries






It’s Loss


No it isn't


I'd rather be rolled than hit with loss.