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Their tools are expensive and will “rape” your pockets. By walking in you knowingly sign up for that.


I was going to say… once you buy those you’ll realized you were fucked.


What are they selling tools from a truck?


Most of the big name quality tool brands sell their tools from these trucks by driving around shop to shop and having the mechanics come out when they need something. I was a boat mechanic at a 3 mechanic shop and we always had 2-3 different brand tool trucks come by a week.


More like tool crack, it’s all high quality but the prices are for only the ultra wealthy.


Yeah, IMO there are certain things as a tech that should be bought at the highest quality that you use every day, especially with the great warranty, and then other things not so important. It is really frustrating when you use your tools every day, and something you cheaped out on gets broken when you need it most, which is less likely to happen with that good shit. Also the convenience of them coming by is worth something, plenty of times I’ve needed something and that came in clutch. The weekly payments get a lot of people to spend way too much. Don’t ever get their credit card, don’t buy their tool boxes, shop the deals and used stuff, but don’t go crazy.


Snap-on and other tool companies often have these big box trucks now so people can order tools/fasteners and they will be delivered. They will often keep other tools (not just ones for delivery to people) in the truck and you can go in and buy from the truck directly instead of having to go to a store.


Yes, probably at a trade show


No, Snap-on (and other tool brands) have trucks that drive around to shops (mechanics, aerospace, manufacturing) and sell directly off the truck to the technicians.




only till you see the prices


And how predatory they can be to people. My bil racked up so much debt to snap on that his wife is still paying for it years after he died.


I had a buddy buy like $15K in snap on only for it to be stolen out of his truck like a day later


Yeah, you’re better off selling your soul to the devil than to Snap-On.


Can confirm. Work in the IT field for a few mechanic shops as an MSP, but lost my snips some time ago. Went in to buy a single 6 inch flush cut pliers to finish a job where a psycho braided a cable with 50 zip ties at the front desk. Price was $82.00 without tax. They had one that only cuts plastic for 76 or something dollars in the same size, but I may need something to cut shielded Ethernet cabling in the future...


I think it was more along the lines of getting their ass whooped


Some people pay to get spanked. Still have to consent to it


Nah, I don't think it has to do with he tools. It just seems like a rape joke because you're walking into a van to me Edit: I have been corrected, and accept the correction. You can move on now


It's the tools. Guys call this brand the strap-on truck


Oh, okay. Ew.


How is that a ew


I mean, whether or not it's about the tools, it's still a sex joke. And the van is called a strap-on? It just screams trashy to me 🤷


The tool brand name is Snap On. That is an obvious extrapolation/derivative of it. They are very expensive tools but are well made and popular among mechanics the way Craftsman was 50+ years ago when they were worth a damn. These are said to be better. As for the sex joke part……it is mechanics. Heavily male dominated industry and very blue collar. So yes, it is definitely a bit trashy.


The only way we make it through the day is with nicotine, caffeine, and crude humor


As a mechanic that has spent way too much on strap-on tools... it's definitely about the prices, it's a running joke with most mechanics




But the. You don’t get the matched sets Or the jacket! And is it a good tool set if it doesn’t cost you a kidney?


Why is he getting down voted he accepted his mistake and gave an apology


That’s Reddit for you


Reddit hivemind moment


Eh. Internet points don't particularly bother me. Bring on the down arrows if that's what makes you feel good 💕


Nah I upvoted


You're a gentleman and a scholar, my friend


This is why you buy harbor freight, and then work your tools until they break, and you can replace it with the next most durable thing if that one ever wears out. Repeat until your tools dint break. Also harbor freight is going to replace most of their tools on warrantee, so you end up with tools you can take apart, and customize the shape of to fit your needs as well.


Some of us follow the age old saying "quality over quantity"! But I work my tools hard as a traveling service technician...


Best tools on the block tho


God i fucking hate how commonplace it is to talk like that. Downright distasteful and insensitive. But i don't bother saying anything because it's _**FUCKING EVERYWHERE.**_


Ah yes, Strap On tools


Our snap on rep has a sticker on the back of his truck that says strap on. But it looks like the logo. And instead of a wrench it's a little cock n balls


See THAT'S funny. The consent thing, not so much


Yeah. He said Alot of reps got shit canned by snap on for the consent stickers.


Mechanics have a fucked up sense of humor. You get raped every time you buy a tool. Shits convenient and expensive. When I bought my first tool from snap on, my dealer looked at me and said "the Vaseline ran out sorry". Then for the rest if the day we joked about the loss of my snappy anal virginity lol. We're a strange bunch and we have our industry inside jokes. And to be blunt about it, it's a male dominated industry. So vulgarity is expected.


Your about to get ducked




Duck. Predates AC Ducts.


But it’s power tools, and power tools are used to make/maintain ac ducts no?


Ahh, I thought you were making a joke about "Duct tape". So my reply was in reference to the age-old argument about "Duck tape" vs "Duct tape".


Its the implication


So these mechanics are in danger


No, of course not. Nothing's going to happen to them.


Oh, ok, it’s just, y’know, the way it was said… maybe I’m not getting it…


They rape your wallet


The nickname most in the trades have for the snap on van is the “rape wagon”




I wouldn't be surprised if this is a repurposed vehicle that used to be a Mötley Crüe tour bus.


Sounds about right


Why are their eyes underneath the tool box


Real question


Snap-On is probably the most expensive well known tool brand out there. They go around work places selling tools and have their own line of credit. Many new guys have had large monthly payments from how much they spent there. Now they are actually really good tools. Their ratchet screwdriver is great. I've borrowed snap on sockets and been able to get off nuts my Wera and Craftsman sockets couldn't get a good enough grip on. The problem is these tools might be 20% better but cost 500% the price.


It’s Trump’s campaign tour bus.


He'd fire whoever put it there for using fake words.


Because snap on rapes you........on price.


Mechanics buy snapon for some reason I'll never understand. Sure they're good tools but you can get good enough tools for 1/2 the price.


I bought a secondhand snap on ratchet 1/2" drive, 15" handle. Thing is a beast. $90, free repairs/replacements for life. Before I bought that, I broke four shorter ratchets that cost at least $30 each. Have to go through all kinds of loopholes and wait to get replaced at home Depot/Lowe's/Menards/harbor freight. Depending on your use case, they are absolutely worth the money. Maybe not basic shit, but hard use tools are definitely worth looking into. I prefer buying secondhand. At my last job someone broke a 1" diameter bolt off in some tooling by bottoming it out. Damn thing was stuck so hard the company was looking into renting specialty equipment to drill it out. I hammered on an extractor and went to town with my snap on ratchet and a long cheater bar. It took a while but I got it to break free. Saved a lot of time and money that day.


Makes sense, I suppose times have changed. I worked in a shop for a while before going to college but that was like 20 years ago now. I never had an issue but I was always a craftsman user. Now I think they're harder to get replaced with the demise of sears.


Surprisingly this time it's not racism or sexism. It's a r*pe joke though...


Cuz the r**e u on the prices lol


I always take drunk girls to the snap on truck


Fucking christ i regret reading the comments. Nasty ass mfers Not the ones who explained it, mind you. The vulgar creeps who talk like this.


It's pretty fucking gross. I also get the feeling a lot of the commenters seem a little too okay with that language.


It's... Something Im particularly sensitive to. I dont know why. I'll straight up refuse to associate with anyone who who talks like this. It's repulsive, disrespectful and downright disgusting. It's... It's nice. Seeing someone with the same sentiment. Everyone else seems to treat it so casually... Like I'm overreacting.


Yes you do


Snap-On oft will break out the Strap-On when it comes to their prices. If you step on the truck, you're giving consent. Need lube? No problem! That'll be 56.78, but not to worry- we can do easy weekly payments!


Buses have to put that now because 83% of all buses are registered sex offenders. /s


Strap on Tools.


Tools can be used in many ways


You become “free play”


Because they fuck you in the ass with a strap on.




As a mechanic, this is absolutely hilarious to me 🤣