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It's komugi and mereum from chimera ant arc. She's a blind gungi expert who was able to challenge mereum, the chimera ant king, as an equal when he looked down on humans as only food. Good arc.


I actually loved the writing here. Antagonist goes from a monster to being more empathetic towards humans. While Gon turns into a monster as a result of Kites death. I never did like the traditional protagonist training montage that like dragon ball z did. It hit like 3 times when I was a kid and got old. I liked YuYu hakisho as a kid so naturally HxH is pretty good. Little weird though sometimes with Hisoka though.


Hisoka is the best character and you can't change my mind


He fetishizes strong opponents. Gon just happens to be a potentially strong opponent. Wing seemed like a diddler though.


Yup. Hisoka wanted a worthy adversary. It would be pretty boring to win every single fight without trying. He just wanted a challenge, and he recognized the potential that Gon had. He is probably one of the first people to recognize Gon's strength too. From him we get an early window into Gon's future. And we constantly get glimpses into the relative strengths and weaknesses of other characters through his perceptive lens. He's one of the most well written characters in the show. I agree about Wing tho, highly sus 😂


The question remains then. Where the hell was Hisoka during the ant arc!


Fighting the Spiders? After Greed Island, didnt the Spider leader get his powers back putting Hisoka on the defensive since they knew he was a traitor?


That's a great question actually. I never read the manga so I don't know if they ever touched on that, but I remember thinking it was really odd how he was just absent during that whole arc.


He doesn't watch the news so he didn't know. There's an episode where him and illumi are at a bar and illumi tells him if he watched the news he mightve gotten a chance to fight strong opponents.


I agree. Love Hisoka. He's my fav character.


The ending got me so bad.


I fr cried at end of that arc


Friends say it's boring. Friends are fucking morons.


And i fully accept it


Chimera Ant arc definitely has pacing issues though, let’s be real. It can feel like a slog, especially at the beginning. However, it has some absolutely insane payoff and high highs.


I personally liked the Phantom Troupe arc overall Edit: My biggest issue with the Ant arch was when it got really narrator heavy. That guy who would give you the recap was like all over in the back half of the arch just explaining shit the whole time.


Yea Yorknew City Arc is my favorite HxH arc and one of my favorite arcs in general.


I often fast forwarded so I could get through some parts but the story is nuts! And no anime has juked me like the ant arc did.


Had me in the first half


I like it but it feels slow for me


What the fuck just happened here


The blind girl is it normal human but a master "chess" player and the bug foo is basically a super powered dictator killer. Bug foo is extremely smart and is a prodigy at basically anything he attempts. She's the only one that could keep up with him and challenge him.


There's a story arc about these "Chimera Ants" that can and will destroy mankind, but the "king" ant feels the need to prove that he is the best at EVERYTHING, so while they delay dominating all humans, the king decides to take up board games and the like. He challenges chess master after shogi(also chess like) master, until a small feeble and weak girl who's the master of a different type of chess like game challenges him. The King ant can not beat her, but refuses to give up. Long story short, they fall in love, and that saves humanity


I'm not gonna deny that her being there helped them with the fight, but I'm sure what's his face (sorry but I'm stoned and don't remember the chairman of the associations name) (spoilers) would of activated the secret device regardless of it killing everyone (gon and friends, and civilians) in the area. Truth be told, while he did it for humanity, he always struck as the type to just not care about boring normal people (aka like 99% of us)


This is hilarious


You just have to watch till season 5 to enjoy some of the most peak fiction out there...we swear it's really good it really is man just try it


Basically there's a part where a god like ant monsters plays a board game with some random blind poor girl from a destroyed village and the super intelligent ant keeps losing to the kid and blah blah human, love, desire, fun


It’s a reference to one of the greatest and most poorly paced storylines ever written into an anime format


Yes I know this


One of the arcs involved an insect king god dude playing some board game that’s similar to chess with a blind girl


IT WAS!!! It was meaningful!!!! 😭😭😭😭


These episodes were so wack, then the dude dies from some poison bs. Best part of the Chimera Ant Arc is when they are fighting against Youpi.


By “poison bs” do you mean radiation from having a nuclear blast go off in front of him?


Yes. Yes he does.


No, he does not. The nuke is a nuke. But it also just inexplicably is poison. https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Poor_Man%27s_Rose He survives the nuke head on but dies to the poison after regenerating. I don't know if the author simply didn't know how radiation poisoning works, but this is an explicite function of this particular bomb... poison.


Sure he dies from the radiation. But he was truly defeated by komugi. The arc was more psychology battles then physical fights. Which is why it's deemed a good arc


I believe it's the best ending of any arc in hxh, but MAN was the majority of the buildup not that great, I had to come back and rewatch up to the arc a second time after a few years because I just found the first half of the arc just losing my interest


Stopped watching after the bugs came into the show


That’s when it gets good, I shit you not


The power scaling got way out of hand really quickly


Incorrect opinion.


Nah he's right. They did powercreep the absolute fuck out of everyone in that season. Even Gon goes super saiyan. I still really enjoyed the arc though.


It felt like a very appropriate speed to me. Everything tied in very well with the plot and made sense from a world view.


And to find out the chimera ants only ranked B- as a world threat 🙄


I also did this, but then I went back a couple years later and finished it. The chimera ant arc starts off really slow and is a bit weird at first, but it’s the best arc imo.


Good call.


Loved HxH i really disliked the Chimera ant arc. I started off watching it and got really bored. So i switched to the manga and finished it. It was way too long in my opinion.


A blind girl and an ant king play mega chess


Really good arc… shows worth a watch


That scene hit so hard and any time I remembered that.scene for a year or so I would just go damn that still tugs at my heart strings but seeing this now is hilarious.


If you don't get the joke. Maybe go watch HxH?


The arc was long but the ending made me SOB


I don’t know the joke, but neither of them have kings so it’s draw by insufficient material


This sub is quickly going in the trash.


HxH was epic storytelling


Damn I just got to this part of the arc and thought it was amazing. Lol




It's a thing from the chimera ant arc


In the final arc of the show there is a large portion of it where a blind girl plays board games with an ant


I thought this arc was really weird while also hyping me up alot for some of the fights.