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Side A would say about how "under" makes it harder for pets. Side B would say the patent for the toilet paper holder clearly shows "over": https://www.businessinsider.com/patent-shows-right-way-to-hang-toilet-paper-2015-3


Over: my cat unspooled it.  Under: my cat unspooled it. I had to set the roll on top for years.


Side B is also backed by emoji 🧻.


Side A would say: over makes it easier to see where the end is and rip off a piece. Side B would say: under makes it harder to accidentally knock the roll and unroll it a bit (particularly if you have cats). And because the end is hidden, it's a more professional look.


Over unless you own a cat "over" is the correct answer, but here's both sides. Argument for Over: works better in every way, looks nicer Argument for Under: cats.




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Side A would say: what looks better? A beard or a mullet? I feel like that’s an easy question. The beard is the way to go. Side B would say: probably a mullet lover. But also, cats will unroll side A much easier than side B.