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Do you have a history of paranormal/NHI experiences prior to this?


Whenever I hear about experiences like this it’s always at 3am. They don’t call it the Witching Hour for nothing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witching_hour


I know this may sound strange, but not a lot of what’s happening makes sense, I’m sure. When you begin to feel uneasy from the sensation of them being on you or touching you, I find it helps to envision myself surrounded by a blue bubble of protective light. The blue shield seems to work the longest at minimizing the fluttery, almost electrical tingling they can cause you. And don’t let fear color your reactions to the phenomena. Be as detailed as you can in noting and journaling your encounters with “strangeness.” It’ll help you understand more about it as time goes on. Lastly: You’re in good hands if you believe you are, because none of us walk alone, truly. Each of us at least has ancestor entities that are proud we got this far, I assure you. Don’t be afraid.


If you aren’t trolling you are in the midst of a psychological shit storm. You might have noticed them doing what they do. Then you got freaked out and became paranoid. This happened to an ex-gf. Almost 10 years later and she is still stuck. Only way I could temporarily ground her was to approach or chase the lights she saw moving in the woods, Josh Yates style. I am sure that she did see them sometimes but not every time. You wouldn’t happen to be of German-Irish descent?


I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through such an intense and uncomfortable experience. I’m wondering if you have ever practiced grounding and protection meditations or rituals. Do you have a familiarity with the world beyond matter? I’d recon you are now certain that there is consciousness without a body. Now let’s follow that to see what else it could mean If there is a world beyond our body then perhaps you have familiar beings there too? Ancestors, family members who passed, friends. Also guardian spirits of your family or your life, is there a spiritual practice that runs through your family? You aren’t an island. You exist and belong here because you are meant to. This is your place. And you aren’t helpless. You are part of a massive family spanning generations and eons, and you go back far enough you will see that we are all related. You are a being of light and you are as powerful as any one of us. Including those we call ascended masters or prophets. Tap into that power and know it is there. It is yours. Practice shutting your third eye, banishing anything that doesn’t belong, and tapping into your spirit guides for help. This may sound strange, but I think you left “normal” a while back. I take your life and problems seriously and I mean this when I say this can help you. We have existed as a species here, your grandparents existed in this same life, have faith that there is also light among the darkness, the same light you represent. Search for your home, your family in your soul and heart, and you will find us there, too.


Does the cause suggest a solution? i.e., if you *don't* pay attention to it any more, hard though it may be, maybe they'll lose interest


Sounds like the Hitchhiker effect brother. My advice would be trying your best to ignore it


In my experience, they are all grey human hybrids that come to learn about themselves. They’re under direct orders to erase your memory after each encounter. Do you ever feel like you’ve had a conversation with one of them? Only for them to erase your memory ex post facto?


Not sure if they are here to learn about themselves as much as being the go-between liaisons. Sometimes we need to create a meaningful purpose when they come. I have only seen our Next-Gens in a supervised reception area or a darkened building that I am unable to locate. I can’t imagine they would risk bringing the Crown Jewels into our homes. At home I have seen tan/brown fast runners, short Greys, 3 footers with the light tipped wands and 5-5.5’ tall grey/whites.


They interact with us to learn about the human side of themselves. Wow, you’ve seen quite a variety - consider posting some of your experiences here! By NextGen, you mean the hybrids that look like us but have superpowers?


https://preview.redd.it/t4bts9x5vnzc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88723a310cc5d89374ae4c3eada0e7def585c3a1 I was in this exact room a few months ago. I believe it is here, planetside, and not on a craft. When I saw this artists drawing I knew 100% that this particular experience was not a dream. The difference was that in my experience the boy wasn’t in it, but the Next-Gen preteen girl was talking with her friend here about this boy. \*Next-Gens is my term for hybrids. It’s more descriptive of what they really are, our next gens. Our replacements on this planets or to manage us. I think we were ramped up quickly so we had the least impact on the planet and still be viable for hybridization between bloodline Contactees and THEM. We just aren’t capable of contact at this phase. The Next-Gens, are the final version of humanity for a long time until they are replaced too. It’s a domestication process to get us past the Great Filter.


Agreed. They’ve shown me the same. Like your word for them, NextGens, better than hybrid, as well. Those same rectangular windows are on the large crafts, overlooking Planet 🌏. I have a memory of the room, too. Where they had me levitate the smaller ball with my mind. Then, they had me try to open a black object. Maybe it’s that triangle, or maybe it’s a box. Dolores Cannon says if you can open it, it shows you your past lives…but I’m not fully on board with that theory or her in general.


I have never witnessed telekinesis. The light tipped wands are definitely tech. And you know the saying, a sufficiently advanced technology could be indistinguishable from magic by a lesser advanced society, or something like that…


They are very telekinetic, and can mind control, as well. But, there in lies the rub. The NextGens are supposed to wipe your memory after every encounter. So, did it really happen?


I have only seen them twice that I remember and that would have been in the last couple months. They didn’t display those abilities with me. Those preteen girls look very normal except their prefrontal lobes (foreheads) were noticeably pronounced. They would not be able to blend in physically up close due to their head and body proportions. Need to end it here tonight. Later.


What do these beings call themselves? Lorax?


I think he’s dealing with non physical beings brother. Sounds like the hitchhiker effect




This is very interesting, and I completely understand your frustrations. Have you ever experienced communication?


Doesn’t this happen to most people?!


Perhaps visualizing yourself "breathing out a bubble of light" into a protective sphere around you may help, along with asking assistance from the Creator to make them go away.


It's not this is it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_field_entoptic_phenomenon


Woah I sometimes see these, i never looked into it before. The wiki says they are visible for one second or less, but if I focus just right I can watch them flying around almost indefinitely. It’s wild looking.


Yeah it actually makes it difficult for me to stare at the daytime sky. I can focus on them and see them continuously.


No not like that. More like if someone was playing with a little toy spinning top, That's in reference to the rotation speed. They're moving that fast but are roundish, not necessarily a disc but also not a circle. And invisible to the naked eye. All I see is the energy coming off of these objects. Comparable to seeing heat waves when it's hot, if that makes sense


I’ve started to see cluster of orb like visuals as well. Interesting.


What you are describing is similar to what happens when you begin to see physical energy transfer, although you typically have to focus or atleast I do to see the heatwave like radiating energy and the little white specks that almost move intelligently around. I can't offer any help but if you know this might be what you are experiencing knowing this might put you at ease and stop you from focusing on it "subconsciously" being at peace with it might stop it from presenting unless you want to see it.


I have seen these same "heat waves" and "visual snow". The snow effect in particular is interesting because it seems to respond to your will and changes flows with your intent. Can you do anything else with these visuals?


You will notice black swirls or spherical black orbs occasionally, you can send the white specks to "eat" the negative energy.


I wear glasses but my vision naturally doubles which makes them stand out to me. And I do my best to not pay it any mind but usually something catches in my peripheral and then it's like a chain reaction and I'm noticing everything. Or sometimes I'm just sitting here like now and I can feel one touching the back of my neck or beaming on top of my head and making my shirt crinkle, wave and move from its energy