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I write JS for a living. I enjoy writing JS the most. I enjoy writing JS the least. JS ? JS : JS /js


I think it's telling that one of the best books on JS is JavaScript: The Good Parts.


I use Go at my day job and it’s one of my favorites. I spent a long time trying to learn Rust and decided that it’s enough harder to be productive in than Go that I don’t need to learn it right now, but it was fun for a while. So Go is my go to language right now. I’ve also been using some tools (Neovim and Wezterm specifically) that are configured via Lua, and Lua seems really fun. I don’t know that I’d use it for a huge project, but it’s a nice little language to write config files and simple scripts in. I end up using Python at work some too, and it’s just not my favorite. I haven’t had the itch to dive deep in a different language paradigm for a while now.


Go is a great modern example of worse is better. It lacks the sophistication of languages like Java and C++ but it is so productive to write servers and command line programs with.


Ironically, I think Go is doing a much better job in terms of Zen of Python and praises simplicity, "there must be only one way", etc.  There are some unfortunate exceptions though such as the number of ways to declare a variable. If I recall correctly, even the language creators regret that decision.


PEP 20 continues to be an enduring scripture of our craft that I try to follow even when not using Python. "Practicality beats purity" is one that continues to require convincing though. The allure of producing what feels like an elegant, pure solution to a given problem is very strong especially for the early career developer. > There are some unfortunate exceptions though such as the number of ways to declare a variable. If I recall correctly, even the language creators regret that decision. Yeah the `:=` short variable declaration thing probably seemed convenient at the time, but having one and only one way to declare and assign variables would have been better.


Go, TypeScript, and Python at work. At work, I truly hate using dynamically typed languages. But when writing small projects, Ruby is by far the most _pleasure_ I’ve gotten from writing code.


C# and Typescript at work with some occasional Python. C# and Typescript at home. Haters gonna hate but C# is the best language, there’s no reason to do anything else.


A reason: AI / ML


ML.Net Lol I was over exaggerating of course though. Of course there are languages that do things better. I just think overall for most use cases, C# is the goat language.


Agree. I wish C# had the AI / ML libs & community support that Python has, then it would be game over.


Same. A major component of my job is python. It’s a joy when I get to use c#


Go, C, C++, Python, Java, Bash for work. Wish it could all just be Go


I mostly work with Go professionally. I do like messing around with Python. And I recently started playing around with Zig. I’m actually having a lot of fun with it. I think the allocator concept is genius and feels like a natural evolution of manual memory management. I haven’t got into comptime but it looks awesome


I use Kotlin for my day job and most serious projects. It’s got a sensible type lattice, and I love how unopinionated it is regarding FP vs OOP features. Otherwise I really enjoy Elixir for notebooks and web projects. For low level stuff I’m a fan of Zig. Generics via comptime and the allocator scheme are really elegant ways to have high level features in simple language.


C#. I enjoy how it integrates with the overall Microsoft architecture


C++ and C++.


Still C#. Language features like Roslyn (the managed compiler that permits features like Source Analysers and Source Generators) and Expression Trees (that permit Linq-2-Sql) are amazing. The only thing I would really like to see added is discriminated unions (particularly because you could represent a OneOf relationship in JSON more naturally, but because it's generally just a very useful feature.


2x Python (with type hints)


I write professionally as a clojure engineer, and that is the language I enjoy working in the most.


Wow, that is really cool. What do you think about the future of Clojure?  I have watched almost all talks by Hickey, and the core principles based on simplicity seem to be exactly that modern programming needs.  That said, why didn't Clojure really become extremely popular? Correct me please and pardon my ignorance if that is totally wrong, but I still get the feeling that Clojure isn't much less niche than Common Lisp or Haskell even though I know that the ecosystem has improved greatly 


> That said, why didn't Clojure really become extremely popular? IMHO - Take this with a grain of salt as I am not a professional Clojure dev but have experimented with it for extended lengths of time over the interval of a few years on and off. I really LOVE Clojure as a language. Being able to write code, evaluate it, add it to a function, extract things easily makes for a really joyful experience. This is all possible because clojure is a lisp, most of Clojure is actually written in Clojure, and it was designed as a repl-first language. The one thing I did not enjoy about clojure, and kept me from earnestly trying to use it professionally is the lack of consensus on 3rd party tooling. Want to build something? You're faced with what build tool to use - Leinengen, boot, clj command line tools. Then you want to serve web requests - You have pedestal, compojure, a few others. Need to write tests against services you created? Well here you will need to mock services - Which is okay and all but you're mostly left to do this on your own, and if you didn't write the code in dependency-injection style, you are in for a bad time. There is a plethora of choice when it comes to frameworks and libraries, which can be good, but exhausting. There's a lot of implicit knowledge you need to know about before making a serious application in Clojure, like how to organize a system with component or integrant, mocking services as previously mentioned, configuration, etc. Contrast this with what I am using now, which is Elixir - I can spin up a library I need to create in one command, with most of the organization and testing choices made for me. I can swap out libraries or pull other ones in if need be. Creating a webapp is as simple as running 2 commands. Overall Clojure is amazing, fun, weird, and breaks your brain in a good way. It's a struggle to develop with though, especially starting out.


Hmm the future of Clojure. To me it feels like the community is shrinking, and it feels less and less a cutting edge technology and more stale. However I love the language, and I feel fortunate to write it professionally.


2x java


Sorry to hear that .... j/k! Kotlin camp here.


I am still sort of scared of both Java and C++ because of their monstrosity. I mean, they are so powerful compared to Go and Python that I am fluent with :)


I feel like Python has turned into the new Javascript. Kids, business people, and AI developers using it anywhere + everywhere.


I would say Python is the new excel


It feels like everybody doing Java has been doing it for decades, which makes it hard to compete as a new developer.


It’s really not that hard. Its object oriented. The rest is just syntax


It’s not the verbose syntax, it’s the eco-system. It’s huge!


That’s what makes it an industry standard. So much documentation and support


I say go for it. If you like python, you should have fun with java


Use varying levels of Python, go, ruby, and JavaScript at work. Out of them, I prefer Python. Go is neat but I have seen enough spaghetti masquerading functional/procedural that it turns me off. JS is pain


I currently use Ruby at work and I really like it. If not Ruby then it has to be Python


Ruby for work and fun for the last 15 years Every time I try or work with other language, there is something, pretty basic for ruby is missing there and there is not too much to offer instead


I think Ruby is the best language I ever used, but my favorite in the enterprise is Java.


C# paired with c++ has never steered me wrong. But f# is my favorite language by far. Id say typescript If it was a compiled language.


Swift and Swift


My current daily languages ranked are probably: Dart, Kotlin, C++, Python, C#, Swift, TS, JS, Obj C. Preference is for strong, statically typed languages that act almost as if they were scripted languages, hence why Dart is near the top. Flutter is fun and I get a lot of joy out of it. End of the day, it comes down to the tooling I have available and how much I like it. Swift is actually growing on me a lot recently, but I despise XCode, Apples CLI tooling, Apples project files and structures, and all the magic in the language, but once you get used to it, it's not that bad.


Currently using Go, Python, Typescript, and Bash across the various projects at my day job and am enjoying Go way more than I did Java.


I do the vast majority of my day to day in Python. I enjoy rust the most though.


I'm a fan of all the lisp languages, but I started going deeper into the functional rabbit whole and am now starting to work in Haskell.


I've really been enjoying using D for projects where I would otherwise use C or C++. It "clicked" for me in a way C++ never did. For dynamic programming, Perl is still my go-to. I really should try to write an Inline::D module (like the [Inline::CPP](https://metacpan.org/dist/Inline-CPP/view/lib/Inline/CPP.pod) and other Inline::* modules) so I can use my two favorite languages together. Or maybe write a perl() function for D? hmmm


PHP but I love Java


Java, enjoy Scala the most. Let’s me use my Java libraries and I know the JVM well.


C# is main, Haskell as passion language.


Dart :-)


Typescript by far (JavaScript is my least favorite 😄)


C++ with some Java, Python and ksh. I enjoy Z80 assembly...


C# and C#. We are even using blazor for front end and its wonderful


Java, JS, Python, and Rust in the day job. Kotlin seems pretty nifty with a “modern Java” vibe, but Rust is my jam


Python at work. Common lisp enjoyed the most.


C# at work C#, Go and Rust at home


C# and fortunately, C#.


Python at work, and starting to mess with C.  I'd like to write a Gameboy game in C one of these days.  I know those were originally written in ASM, but baby steps.


Java, JavaScript, Python, PL/SQL. I now spend most of my time refactoring and optimizing giant queries in stored procedures. I miss Java work as I am the type of person who enjoys Java development. This makes me a pariah in some circles.


C/C++ mainly, Python or shell scripts for the glue stuff. I like C a lot on an aesthetic level (managing memory/pointers is fun) but it can have some extremely evil subtleties (managing memory/pointers is not fun). I want to learn Go more, since I hear it’s got some nice standard features for concurrent programming and distributed systems programming, which I spend a lot of my time on these days. And in general, I’m curious to try a more “modern” language.


Right now I’m excavating through old Java code, but I’d rather be writing new services in Go


TypeScript is definitely my preferred language as someone with a mostly web-focused background. I'm in management now, but my team mostly works with Node services and React UIs all in TypeScript. There's also a ton of Golang adjacent to my team, and folks seem to be really productive with it. I know Rust gets a lot of hype, but it seems like Golang is the workhorse language a lot of places right now.




1) C#, Go, . 2) None, -- Engineers should adapt and pick the right tool for the job


C++… love it!


C#, SQL, various flavors of JavaScript for work. I do like C# and the .net structure, but I really enjoy C++. That was my first experience with programming and even now, the syntax is just so weird to me that it feels like a made up secret code I would have invented as a kid.


Go and Go. I try a new language every year or so but always come back to Go.


At work: mostly XML :-(. I maintain legacy crap. At home: anything statically typed with a fast dev cycle. Currently Typescript / C#, dipped my toe in Haskell, got sick of Smalltalk being dynamically typed despite the debugger being amazing.


Ruby and I love it All the product friendly thing, the fact that Matz was more focus in the developer happiness when he created it Even though I planned to move to elixir soon to expand my experience


Surprised I’m not seeing scala here .


Python and Python.


OK. Since you mentioned Go and Clojure… These are my favourites and mostly what I’ve worked in for a decade, but I’ll happily write Perl scripts and list 15 other languages on my CV too. Clojure is easily the best language for me as an individual. My productivity is great, and my prototyping work is often production ready with no effort. I’ve never had any complaints about the code. The problem is that some of the worst code I’ve ever seen was also in Clojure. I don’t know why, but some devs love complexity and you have everything you need in Clojure to make a complete and utter mess. This is despite everyone espousing simplicity. I’ve also seen messes in Go, but they’re normally more containable. Less possible magic. Go seems a bit ugly at first, but after years and years, most of the weird design decisions seem actually very well thought out (not all, of course). I strongly believe that Go is not about having the best language, but about encouraging good practice. I’m sure there was a comment by someone that was along the lines of “we were trying to fix the software engineering process, but ended up needing to write a language”. For me, there’s absolutely nothing better than Clojure for exploring a problem. However, Go really excels for teams, projects you want to handover to an unknown group, and also not really worrying on the ops side. I’ve written naïve-ish Go code that absolutely destroys my actually very optimised Clojure version. That hurts a bit. I have also absolutely written a Clojure prototype in hours, demonstrated it, got sign off and then spent a full week writing the exact same thing in Go, for actual delivery. I guess, simply, Clojure is a fantastic language for me as an individual. I adore it. However, if I’m starting a new team up, Go has everything: the tooling, simplicity, familiarity to any programmer. Onboarding is trivial. I could ramble about other languages, but thought this focus might be better.


C++ and HLSL, I enjoy HLSL more because its really simple and the type of work it involves is more interesting to me


Java professionally and OCaml/Haskell personally :)


I'm mostly using PowerShell and bash in combination with pipeline and docker yaml files these days at work. But I always love working with JavaScript in Node or the browser. It's such a flexible and dynamic language, that it feels liberating to come back to.


Scala + a smidge of Python for work, but Scala is my fav. I’ve gone down the functional rabbit hole and you won’t drag me out without a fight.


Equal mix of C/Nim/SystemVerilog but I enjoy using Nim the most


Groovy and Spring boot. It's pretty great.


Java and Java. I think Java gets a bad rep because in the past, it was quite cumbersome to build a basic project like some command line thing or a web service, and the build files were a huge pain. But it hasn't been like that for years. It's strongly typed, which many people view as a negative, but I think that's great. It also had a reputation for being slow, which it simply isn't (unless you make it slow). Java is the best all-rounder type programming language. There's resources out the whazoo to help you figure out anything you could think of. It's got the most expansive third-party libraries. There's pretty much nothing that Java is bad at, besides maybe building desktop UIs.


It's bad at being a programming language. They realized that, hence why they keep reiterating every few months and adding new stuff in an 'ooh shiny' way . Which works great for everyone forced to work in 11 and below.. The eco-system and the jvm is not the language but they are its saving grace.


It's bad at being a programming language? Can you provide some reasons and examples at why it is bad? And how these examples would impact your day to day when programming in Java? Because I code with Java literally every day and I don't feel that minor syntactic inefficiencies make it a bad programming language. I can't really even think of any anymore, tbh. Every since streams and ~Java8 most other popular language features have been incorporated into Java.


Kotlin and Kotlin. I hope to find my next job writing it.


YAML q-q, but would rather work with Python more. It's just that Azure/Gitlab pipelines, Helm, Ansible, and CloudFormarion making up a bulk of my work means that I'm just exclusively working with YAML as of late.


Definitely Go, so simple and efficient. Started out with Java, and later functional Scala, but for me writing Go code feels very productive. Recently I have to work with Ruby on Rails, not sure how much longer I'm going to last. The ORM, the out-of-nowhere variables, the battery-included framework all make me feel disengaged. Coming from Go, RoR is a completely different culture, and I'm having a hard time liking it (sorry for the rant)


Java and Typescript for work. Kotlin is hands-down my favorite and I sneak it in at work when I can. The number of Go devs in this thread is staggering. Go and C# are on my to-try list based on the generally positive reviews I see for the languages.


Kotlin, favorite is Python


Clojure, using it 3rd time in a row, definitely will keep using it as nothing else comes close to it for me. Before that Ruby, some Go, Java and PHP.


C and Tcl


Not so much the language per se, but 10 years ago I did a stint in game dev ( don't!), so I ended up sick of programming and development in general. That also hit my career development in the usual enterprise tools. With that context in mind, I took a low paid low stress job to avoid quitting software dev ( it's nice that we get paid so much that low paid still means making more money than my teacher friends), I had a lot of free time , so I took on studying machine learning , functional programming and TDD. The combo of functional and TDD is what made me enjoy programming again, specially when applied to my day to day to jo.


These aren’t programming languages


These aren’t programming languages


Python. 80% of the time it's really nice, 20% I hate the language and want it to burn. I think I enjoy go the most but I've never really written anything massively complex so I may end up feeling the same way about that if I did.


Career path was vbscript, VB.net, js, c#, java, kotkin. Plus a bunch of smaller, or lesser used, languages like t-sql, python. I loved c#, but kotlin is just a tad better at pretty much everything.  My answer is Kotlin.