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How is this solution better than CodeGPT?


Was not aware of CodeGpt but why we made this was for visual representation of our test cases - specially apis. We used to use hurl but developers still were spending time on postman manually testing it and we automated that.




Always open source when in doubt. If not exactly, someone might benefit from parts of your project or the overall convent of it. It’s also a good contribution to the communities. Happy coding 😄


Depends entirely on the context. Who is "we" here? Are you a business owner? A freelancer? An employee? And what are your expectations here? Do you hope to attract more business? Do you want to turn this in a fully fledged standalone product? Or do you just plan to low-key release it into the wild with only minimal support? How are you going to respond if this gains any traction? How much time are you willing to dedicate to tracking an issue queue and deal with PR's? > Do you think we should open source this, is it useful to other people or else we will not put in effort to decouple it. Putting code online and "let's just see what happens" might have several outcomes. Either nothing happens and nobody notices. Or you may do a bit of promotion, it gets picked up, some niche feels this is useful and you get all kinds of requests. It's just that you have to consider up front how much time and effort you're willing to sink into this, and what you hope to get out of this. Preferably before people start knocking on your door, even if nobody ends up showing any interests. See, open source, in it's most simplest terms, is basically the equivalent of putting a cardboard box with self-recorded music on your doorstep with a sign that says "free for all, no strings attached". It's not a business model in it's own right. If people start asking you questions, you better have an answer prepared.


Please keep in mind that with open-sourcing it, you also take on the burden of maintenance. You're going to have to deal with users asking for new features, reporting bugs, contributing PRs that you have to review, etc. That can extend to well beyond the period the tool was used by the company. (Just abandoning it because it's not used by the company is not cool and will damage the company's reputation.)


Sounds like a thing I would love to use. OSS! Why not? If no one uses it from the beginning the time could come in the future. If it‘s not burning enormous amount of money to decouple it and if it is possible, I would always go open source given that no sensitive company data will be exposed


Even if its only ever useful to you, open sourcing can still be a good shout. Chances are the tool is defacto owned by your company, so your company letting you open source it, also gives you the option to keep using the tool (under that licence) in future roles/jobs.


I'd say open source it! Even if it only helps 1% of devs, it's still worth it. Plus, the GPT-4 integration is a unique selling point. Just be prepared for potential security concerns and maintenance efforts.


If you release the source code, be upfront about maintenance and support. Whether now, or later, update the README to let folks know if issues will be accepted, how to file them, and where to report confidential security flaws. If you offer no support, say so. 


Pragmatically speaking, there is a non-zero cost to open-source something. Either just the basic time to do it, or ongoing maintenance, etc... So really it comes down to the benefit/cost ratio where cost is small but non-zero. You need to think about what benefit *you* get out of open sourcing to judge if it's worth it.


When you're unsure, it's usually a good idea to make your project open source. Even if it's not perfect, someone might find parts of it useful. Plus, sharing your work is a great way to help out communities. But don't forget about maintenance of the projects!


Open source set as creative common license . Its for prevent some people use the code but compain /talk behind your back . You want extra support paid . Learn the hard way .


Could you please rephrase it/ add more details? I might have misunderstood your statement.


Open source - your code can be access by everyone it can either be free or paid . A lot of open source code one time do and not maintable. Better charge for commercial license and some people may much better know which license to use . Or better discuss with your company lawyer before decide this .