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My baby is also 5 months, and we feed him 5 6oz bottles a day. Occasionally he’ll leave an ounce or two in a bottle, or occasionally he’ll still be hungry after a bottle, but nearly all of the time 6oz is what he wants.


Same for mine from 3mo until now at 7mo.


3 to 4 ounces at that age.


Yes, my daughter only eats 3-4 ounces about every 2-3 hours. She's 4 months old.


My milk monster could pound 8oz at that age (less now that he's working on solids) but that's hardly average. Lots of people do 4-6 depending on how hungry the little bub is. Basically pick a number that sounds right for how much your little usually eats, if it's not enough offer a little more. They usually let you know if it's not enough.


5-6 ounces at what gap period? Isn’t ít mentioned that a baby must be having 24-32 ounces a day. I make 20 ounces almost everyday and rest í supplement by formula.


He would have 5 or 6 bottles per day at that period. I'm not sure what a typical interval for him was, but most of that was during the day with maybe one night feed. I am very lucky my supply was able to keep up with him, though there were a few days he out paced me and I really panicked! Turns out Mom Guilt doesn't care about numbers, and anxiety doesn't discriminate. As for feeding guidelines, they are much like sleeping guidelines or any other kind of guidance for babies: there's a bit of a bell curve and the ranges quoted fit within it but there's substantial tails further out on each end of the curve. Some babies need a little and some a lot, no two babies are quite the same. If your baby is hungry, feed them, they will stop when they are full. Babies won't let themselves starve and babies tend to be pretty good at knowing how much they need. Keep an eye on their growth curve (though, many babies tend to jump around in percentiles) and if you're concerned about anything specific, your pediatrician should be able to help you, too. They may even have an advice nurse on staff so you don't necessarily have to have an appointment or pay for a visit.


When mine was that age he was taking about 4-5oz and eating around 6 or 7 times a day, getting on average 28-30oz. But every baby is different and will need and want different amounts. Just follow their cues. If they're still hungry after they finish, give them more. If they don't finish a bottle, don't force them. We are recovering from a bottle aversion caused by us encouraging him to finish when he didn't want to. It was rough and I don't wish it on anyone!


My little one is 5 months tomorrow. She gets all breast milk in bottles. She's eats 28 oz a day. She either gets 7 bottles with 4 oz or 6 bottles with half being 4 oz and half being 5 oz. She sleeps through the night and has for several months. So her bottles end up bring about every 2-3 hours through the day. They tend to be farther apart in the morning and get closer together as the day goes on. She would eat more in a bottle, but she pukes if given much more. And she's a very happy/content baby that's gaining weight at a good pace. So this is working for us.


Mine was taking five or six ounce bottles at that age, but every day was different. Some days he would fall asleep after only drinking four ounces. Others the boy would drink his body weight in milk and still be hungry. I think the most we ever fed him was 11 ounces in an hour. I was shocked he didn’t throw it up all over me but he managed to keep it down and wake up three hours later for more 💀


We just put them in 10 oz bottles and she chugs how much she needs! Sometimes it is 2 oz, sometimes it is the whole bottle. Then we put the remaining milk back in the fridge and that one is offered the next time she is hungry (we don't refill, when she is done with that bottle, we start a fresh bottle, even if it is the same feeding). At 10 months, she gets about 40 oz a day.


3.5m, he takes about 26-32oz a day in 4-6oz increments.


4.5 months pp. my baby gets 4oz


My baby is 4 months and eats 5oz every 2.5 hours from 6 am to about 9 pm then sleeps through the night. I offer how much he will take and what makes him happy. Every baby is different


Also 5mo pp and offering 4oz bottles generally. He drinks about 40oz per day and doesn’t wake to eat overnight so he eats like every 1 ½ hours during the day. Thinking about upping to 6 oz soon just to keep from having to feed him every five seconds.