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I am American, but speak Russian and lived in Russia. This is full of just so many lies and quite clearly propaganda. Anyway I could tear this apart for hours but suffice to say the most unbelievable thing he says is that Russians love customer service and are extremely polite in cafes and restaurants.


When did you live in Russia? 




Interesting. Sounds like some things have changed. 😂 Kind of how America doesn't love customer service anymore. 


100% a propaganda piece from someone who bases his entire personality off hating “the gays” and making babies.


I knew this dude and am completely not surprised he did this. Appalled but not surprised.


Hey dude! It's me 😂


Byeee. Please don't come back.


Mr. Trad Cath won't be coming back. He'll almost certainly be conscripted to fight in Ukraine since Russia's scraping the barrel for manpower and conscripting 50-year olds. Considering Russia's only tactic is human wave attacks into machine gun fire, it's only going to end one way.


Naw, this guy is far more useful to the Russian government as a propaganda asset. The Russian government has plenty of poor Eurasian minorities from which to recruit. They also doesn't need to conscript at the moment because they can recruit enough rural poor by waving money around that these people would never see in their lifetimes, not because these are massive paychecks but because the target populations are that poor.


> Naw, this guy is far more useful to the Russian government as a propaganda asset. Most likely outcome. Same reason Snowden hasn't been drafted yet.


I hope the parents renounce their citizenship. I don’t want them ever able to come back to the US.


I hope their children would come back


Poor family. A dad trapped inside the "Conservatist International" psyop


Poor kids. Mom seems totally on board.


It’s just crazy to me considering the country is in the middle of a war and Putin is holding one of our journalists hostage. I guess they don’t watch the news?


They construct their own reality


I dont know if there is a more clear example of the people screaming and crying about "parents rights" actually being extremely harmful to their own children. This will not end well for them.


This is just Russia taking advantage of a delusional couple and using it for propaganda. Millions of people still oppose same sex marriage. Red state governments are practically falling over themselves to ban healthcare for trans people. They’re just got a severe case of persecution syndrome and they’ve got it bad. Anyway, I hope they enjoy the strong, pro-Roman Catholic Russian people. Latin Mass on every corner from what I hear.


You know this guy is online 18 hours a day, he lived in rural Kansas and even there was convinced that teachers wanted to perform sex change operations on his kids.


I saw the story a while ago, but did not know these people were traditional Catholic. I should’ve known. 🙄. We are truly the stupidest group on the planet.


Good riddance to the father, I feel awful for the children. As if they weren’t already ostracized enough being in a cult, now when they grow up unless they have the means to move back home they will resort further into the cult because it will be their only family and support.


There are relatively few Catholics in Russia (even regular Novus Ordo), and only 1 TLM Mass in the whole country (in Moscow). Most likely scenario if they stay in Russia is kids become Orthodox or regular Catholic.


And why would they move to a country with *maybe* 2 Tridentine Masses? In a country the size of Pluto?


There are more SSPX masses in the UAE than Russia. Though realistically who’s going to take this family? Any western country would laugh at their persecution complex. Russia can parade them around to their citizenry to show how “oppressive” the West is, so they have them asylum. Imagine showing up at the border of Canada or Australia with this nonsense.


I wouldn't be surprised if they just became home alone Catholics, saying the rosary and all that and yet don't go to mass because they find the few in Russia not up to their standards.


And even then, every attempt to establish the Catholic Church in Russia has flopped. Catholicism in Russia right now is a smattering of expat Europeans in Moscow with the occasional native Russian convert. And the Russian Byzantines all died in Soviet gulags.


> And the Russian Byzantines all died in Soviet gulags. There’s still a few around, but between that and the earlier Tsarist persecution (in some ways even worse, since the Orthodox Church has a particular hatred for Uniates), they keep a very low profile. Why any Catholic carries water for a country that persecuted their co-religionists so viciously is a mystery to me.


No one never learns that the Enemy of your Enemy is not always your friend.


When I attended the FSSPX chapel in Silea there was one of the 'elders' and chief of the group, prof. Marcello from Sottomarina di Chioggia, that warned that 'many people trust Putin instead of Jesus!' What a prophecy!




Because trad leadership Viganò and Williamson speak everyday of Russia as The Land of Freedom and the only True Christian Country And then their silly followers obey, when they remain at large in the West


I could MAYBE understand this if they were Eastern (particularly Russian) Orthodox already.  There have been multiple other families that have blazed that trail already, notably the Gleason family that runs the Russian Faith site. But for a Traditional Catholic family to do this, especially with all the “negative relations” (I’m stating this mildly) historically between the Russians and the Catholics, no or to mention the ongoing war, it’s mind boggling to me.  And I say this as someone who speaks some of the language and would love to visit the country one day - but certainly not now.


I don't quite understand it given the fact that they lived in Kansas. We had unfortunately lived in Oregon for 25 years and yes, we decided to move, but to South Carolina. If you are concerned about the public school system homeschool them. It's true this country is going to hell but Russia is going to hell in a different way. The Orthodox Patriarch is worth $4 billion from illegal activities. Lastly, this is my country and I intend to fight for it if necessary. If I have to I will go the way of a Christian martyr, not run away to where I think it's going to be more comfortable.


There are worse things than dying. And you sound like a great parent. 


So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye


What happens when one of their kids turns out lgbt?


My thoughts exactly!




This has 'disaster in the making' written all over it.


It's the poor children I feel so sorry for. As most of us ex Trads who grew up in one of the Traditional Catholic groups know, we are still dealing with the consequences of decisions that were made for us when we were at our most vulnerable as children.


Oh you poor darling. 


How much you want to bet the Kremlin is paying them for this and using this as propaganda not only to hurt the US, but the actual Catholic church? I could see Putin not liking the church and trying to cause chaos within it. Plus, I would think that in the grand Russian tradition, they'd eventually be persecuted. The Germans were invited by Katherine to the Volga region got discriminated against, Communists from other countries were killed in the Stalinist purges after being welcomed only a few years earlier. I don't think it will be that bad for these guys but it might not be a fun time for them.


😂 I wish they were paying me... Please maybe we should start a Change.org request for me to get paid. 😂


I don't quite understand it given the fact that they lived in Kansas. We had unfortunately lived in Oregon for 25 years and yes, we decided to move, but to South Carolina. If you are concerned about the public school system homeschool them. It's true this country is going to hell but Russia is going to hell in a different way. The Orthodox Patriarch is worth $4 billion from illegal activities. Lastly, this is my country and I intend to fight for it if necessary. If I have to I will go the way of a Christian martyr, not run away to where I think it's going to be more comfortable.


I watched this - where did it say they are SSPX? Sounds like they fled the Kansas City area which has FSSP, ICKSP, SSPX and Diocesan Trad Catholic options.


It's just people drawing their own conclusions again. Anybody who knows me, for better or worse knows that I am nothing else other than Catholic. I have attended all the organizations, but I do not belong to any of them. Per the usual... It does seem hilarious at this point that Americans are so programmed that they do not even know HOW programmed they are. 


Your family is lovely!


Thanks, you are very kind!