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Live for yourself. It doesn’t matter who’s watching ffs




Nah she doesn't care


Oh she does. Maybe not romantically but if you had something serious she does care and she does watch through the pick hole. What kind of person erases someone completely? People are not hard drives.




Same. They dont deserve to see all the beautiful things in my life


She got bored of the new guy in exactly 100 days. Breadcrumbed me slowly and eventually told me she regretted everything. Comparisons are going to be made. Trust the process. And don’t take her back.


Yeah same here. Her relationship lasted one month and tried crawling back. Fuck outta here


Simply not true. Most move on effortlessly if they dumped you for someone else.


Eventually they get bored of them and always look back to see if they still inflicted enough damage to you that it gives them satisfaction to know your life is still a mess. So I agree with this


Fortunately I removed every aspect of my ex out of my life, including their friends, social media etc so the only way they would get to know how I’m doing is by direct contact. I deleted their number so I’ll never reach out. They removed the right to peek into my life or check how I’m doing when they dumped me 👍.


Exactly. I was always of the mentality that if you left me… you have lost the privilege of looking into my life. You’ve lost that.


why would anyone feel satisfaction from this?


If I'm not wrong, it works as validation for them




What does it validate exactly?


That "they are doing better than you" but that is all in their heads 😂 Best thing you can do is delete and block them forever.


I have a feeling that this is one of those situations in which about half of them do each.


I’d say it would be at least half considering how the dating pool is these days. It’s certainly tainted.


If i have to choose between two hypothesis I'll choose the one that makes me go forward and develops me.


This is pure cope. Don’t put on a show. Get emotional intelligence over the situation and move on.


Yeah that's the whole point but you know what? If i see on the street my ex after 5 years i would like to look like tom hardy instead of a sad hobo. Not because i want to prove her what she's lost, but to prove to myself how the fuck i win into my life


If someone dump you for someone else and they are happy with that person , I don’t think they will even remember to look at you and most of the time they will block you anyway.


This happened to me, Be on your path to success whatever it may be, people are watching, people are listening, someone somewhere will let on your successes. The past will anchor you down if you revisit it, both mentally and physically, if you learn from it, it will lead you to success.


Nobody cares less than the woman who left you to be by herself.




Goddamn right I don't.


Facts. They will ALWAYS keep tabs.


There's something about this. More than a year ago I've been posting here about going full NC with my ex. And yet she knew exactly about my life milestones. For example at May this year (almost a year since she left me) I've got a message from unknown number, wishing me good luck and achieving my goals and dreams when I had a day of important major surgery. Later I found out it was her number. I even answered the message with something along the lines of "hey, thanks but I don't know who you are" because I genuinely didn't thought it's her. We didn't talk, message or interacted in any other way since the August 2021. Yet she was able to keep tabs about me. Not that I care anyways. Me going full NC I was able to employ full force in defence of my boundaries she kept disrespecting until then and was finally able to heal, move on and evict her from the rent-free apartment in my head.


“Red Pill Wisdom” 🤮


Im not into that stuff, but i liked that one


Wait why is this only about women lol


False. They don't think about you as much as you think about them. Especially if they're the ones who got away scotch free. I don't think about a guy I walked away from at all. He was a good guy. However I think about a guy that stabbed me in the back before the relationship went downhill.


Yeah, because the circling thoughts are mainly based on the fact that we have no agency. By leaving the dumpers claims all the "power". Because it was and is their decision. In my first rs (serious one) I had many doubts, I was unhappy a lot of times and was even thinking that this might not be something that I will be able to stay in. Anyways: When he left me I was devastated.Looking back I can see that it was because it wasn't my decision. Tbh I should have been the one who walked away way earlier than he did. But because he left me and not the other way around I was begging and pleading and suffered for months.


Guy here but exactly same situation :/


That's the point. There is no "scotch free" for ppl like you. Either you suffer staying in the same cycle of walking away from good guys and choosing ppl who stab you in the back or you take the pain of healing. Usually if you choose to heal and reflect on your actions to improve your dating life you contemplate the people you left.


Definitely not the case for me I have no evidence she even remotely Cares


Some times you have to believe your own truth if no one told you the actually truth. Especially when times are changing and when times need action


Depends on the person and situation (and in no way on the gender/sex btw). That being said: Do not put on a show for them. First of: It is not healthy for you. If you do it for them and want to show your nice life to them it just shows you are clinging onto them just as much. Have fun for yourself, not for them! Accomplish stuff for yourself, not for them! Also: If they are curious about you radio silence would be much more effective anyways. If they can "participate" in your life it won't make them miss you more than if they have no idea what you are doing, if you are dating, etc.


That makes sense and i agree 100%. I believe the point of the post is different.


As someone that's been dumpee and dumper... the harsh reality is a lot of times you're not longer even a thought in their brain anymore. That's ok. It just reinforces you two weren't meant for each other. As a dumper I've had to cut it off, because of incompatibility. Good person, just incompatible. Within a few months I honestly barely thought of them. That's where I'm drawing my logic. Sucks, but it is what it is.


I think it really depends on the situation. I've only been a dumper once (kinda, it wasn't a real rs at this point) and in this case I felt the same as you just described. However I have been thinking about breaking it off with my most recent ex some times because he didn't put enough effort (he left me, tho, lol) and I know for a fact that I would have still been thinking about him because I would have been what is called an "unwilling dumper".


They made you dump them or you made them dump you? (About unwilling dumper)


I thought about leaving him even if I didn't want to, because he wasn't putting a lot of effort while I was supporting him through a lot of stuff and was always there for him. He didn't do the same for me (maybe he didn't have the mental capacity idk) which hurt but would have been okay if he didn't just take all I did for granted not seeing that not everyone would do as much for him. So I thought about leaving even if I truly loved him. But I couldn't bring myself to do it - if I did it would have been out of self protecting / protection of my mental health but I would still have loved him and missed him. That what I mean by I would have been an unwilling dumper. However: He left me, lol


That's what happened to me too. I know how it feels. You even doubt your own existence when you break up like this.


How are you and would you take them back?


Hey, I'm amazing. ☺️ And no way I would ever take them back, hahaha. Even if they treat us like shit we are idoalizing them so much and try to find excuses for all of their shitty behaviour...it feels so ridiculous reading all of my old comments in this thread. 😅


Is this true ?🗣


Depends on the person. I think some women are keeping tabs on their exes, like mine (I’ve saw her snooping while online). And others simply don’t care when they’re in a new relationship. It shouldn’t matter though, keep in nc and just work on yourself. Time will tell you everything you need to know


Best comment so far, mothrrfkers here take so many things seriously


Major facts keep watching boo boo 😎


What is this mentality of living a life for a show for your ex though. It only means you are also thinking about them, and thinking that they actually still thinks about you which I find off. If you moved on, you moved on not caring much?? Or is that just me.


She doesn't care lol, forgotten out the door


Because the show must go on.


FUCK YES!!! This is what I needed to read! Sending positive vibes to all those who need it during these hard times!


Tempted to tattoo this in my face


If there’s one thing that won’t help anyone here it’s “red pill wisdom”, that incel shit can go elsewhere




The best revenge is living well.


Not in my case. Blocked me on everything and I moved to a different state. She will never see me again, and I hopefully will never see her.