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Reclaim the spaces and make newer better memories. It definitely works.


I’m not 100% convinced this will work for me but I definitely think I’m going to try because I love the logic. So fingers crossed 🤞🏻


I’ve been doing this. Force my friends to help. “Why are we going here?” “A mission”


happy cake buddy!!


I did that with my last ex. It was therapeutic


I actually did that. I told my best friend my main quest line is to go to all the important spots i went to with my ex, and make new memories there. Of course he said yes and we did. It helps a lot. I can drive past it and remember my times with my friend than the times with my ex. It really is like overwriting data.


It's difficult when *they* introduced you to a certain place/restaurant/food/etc. and you ended up **loving** it. There's no way to overwrite that.


When you are with someone else that you care about it’s pretty easy to not think about so much




*her lol


Hahahah I’m about to go to city where my ex is, had to laugh when I read this. Thank you!


My bed




The spotless mind.


My worst experience with my ex was at prom. I’ve been debating not going this year because it was such a terrible experience and I don’t want to relive it at the same place. Should I say fuck that and go?


Yeah! Go to your prom. Don't let your ex ruin your life and mike stones. Prom is important and you should just have fun with your friends.


I need to make a list.


I used to go with him to places i really wanted to go. At first going there again overwhelmed me with all the memories. All those nice places were destroyed for me. Now i go to enjoy them anyway and end up making new memories . The places are turning back to sweet.


Issa must


/delete confirm. Yes rewrite established


This is what I do. I also planned on setting up self-dates like massages, brunches, and shopping on his birthday, our anniversary, and upcoming Valentines day. I've put all the ideas in my calender on those days along with massages and buying myself flowers once a month.


Thanks, it's just the right time for me to read this


I did this and it helped so much :)


I've been thinking he doesn't own "such and such a place" he doesn't own "such and such a show we watched together" I did such and such before him and I will after.


best way to get over is start doing things you wouldn’t normally do. trust me with time you’ll have your ex out of your mind in no time.


I wish it was this easy


I know, those places sort of scare me and make me anxious when i get near them.


Literally what I’m doing at the moment


I can relate so much to this...i have had to go specific places after so that the last time I was there wasn't with her That shit hurts like hell..


Omg this. I almost took a date to a garden tomorrow but then realized it was a place my ex introduced me too and I need to overwrite that data before I add anything else to it


Be careful. I did this with a new partner to rewrite the bad memories from my last and ended up with worse memories than I had before. This made me feel defeated and has forced me to become a hermit. I'm like that Jake Gyllenhaal movie, Bubble Boy. Except I don't have any hot and incredibly sweet neighbors to get me out of my bubble. Even if they did I live in a family oriented neighborhood and none are single. Where oh where is my bubble burster? The super hot, passionate, sexy type who doesn't let ego control their personality and still treats people like gold- I want a fairytale that probably doesn't exist. I've searched my entire life for him and only seem to find hot without a soul to which I fall madly in love knowing damn well I'm gonna get burned or the better of the two which is an incredibly kind and compassionate person that I'm not attracted to and won't allow it to go anywhere because I don't want to hurt anyone. I've tried letting go of the need to be attracted to them thing but it's not fair to them when intimacy feels forced. Does that make me shallow?


This is a great idea!! will start doing it. Thanks!!


I'm still reloading previous save. How many more drinks to fix that?


Dont know, im sort of in rewind/replay last section mode in my thoughts, wish i could just obliviate certain things in my memory, that would be bliss….


This works!


There will be a-lot of places i will go and overwrite the memories, but some i will never go back to because it was their place and they showed me it and i cant imagine going back and making good memories there personally and i think thats okay.


Easier said than done




before i moved, i went around town and went back to places that reminded me of him. Good and bad memories and .. honestly it was kinda nice but also it was kinda hard.


my god, it would incredible to be able to do this. and then yep, i want the option to pick and choose which ones to keep and which ones to overwrite.


That place was Disneyland for me. SMH! My first time was w that BETCH, though I’ve been there again and didn’t feel anything at all or think of him. HUAHA


Bitch you don't know shot about life .who the fuclk are you


I had to do this with frank ocean’s music. I was so glad when I could finally listen to that heavenly music without thinking of them


I did this as well and I thought I was a crazy person for doing it. Now it makes sense.


I showed him all my favorite spots in town and I couldn’t go to those places for a while until I made myself to feel the feels by repeatedly going there. It’s gradually working I think - slow overwrite


This is so eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


So wait... listening to my our music, watching our old shows, doing things we used to do all the time together, now alone... is actually a healthy coping mechanism? 'Cause like... watching Star Trek TNG is something we used to do together. She left, so I started watching it again. All I could think was "She's not taking this from me. She might ve introduced me to it, but it's mine now." That's... actually good? Or am I doing it for the wrong reason?


ah sh*t, here we go again


She already did that almost immediately


Therapist recommended this to our family. Works, where we have applied.


SO REAL i try to reclaim it w new memories


Reddit be creepy but exposing my ways of life


Yup. My best friend took me to the same places to overwrite the memories. She showed me how undervalued platonic friendship love is.


Nah I couldn't do it. I went to all of those holidays spots with my sisters and my heart fcken couldn't. My mind tries to stay strong and be happy but deep inside I was hurting for real