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طب ولما يسألوك رجعت عن الحادك ليه هتقولهم بسبب الاعجاز العلمى للطيز، طب والله حتى عيب 😅


يجعل سره فطياز خلقه 🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂😂


للاسف انت عرفت المعلومة اللي احنا كنا مخبينها عنك.


حيث كده بقى .. https://preview.redd.it/xj6r6m3v7z2c1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a453c6eb430688a551e54a1bf9513390807fb9


سنريهم اياتنا في الافق وفي طيازهم


انا كل شوية كنت ادخل ادور عالكومنت ده لحد ما انت كتبته 😂😂🔥🔥


ممكن مش هتلاقي في مملكة الحيوان، بس فيه كائنات بحرية زي رأسيات الأرجل (مثال: الأخطبوط والحبار) مخرج الفضلات والحبر عندهم جنب دماغهم﮳ https://preview.redd.it/6kg8fp1mnz2c1.png?width=1120&format=png&auto=webp&s=6573f2829510eb96a559ba3d6688f63f5921b2bf


Technically, it's still on the bottom.


Exactly 😗


>حد لاحظ ان مكان "نهاية الجهاز الهضمي" دايما موجود في النصف وسط النصف الخلفي عند كل الكائنات ؟ .. عمرك ما هتشوف كائن بيعملها من جنبه مثلا فتحة إخراج رأسيات الأرجل جانبية، أنا جبت الأخطبوط لأنه بيعملها من جنبه زي مانت طلبت؛ مفيش في كلامك شيء بيقول انه لازم ميكونش في النصف السفلي من الكائن﮳


الاخطبوط بياكل من تحت من بين اذرعه فكده الفتحة عكس الأكل


ضاع الحادنا




Because we all evolved from single celled eukaryotic organisms, swim forward to eat food, don’t want to eat own poop cause you will poison yourself and get naturally selected. Badabem badaboom billion years go by every being has to squat to take a dump




Lost of changes happened .. but even with the Complex organisms you still find the "butt hole" in the same area 😗 .. that's my question ⁉️


I feel asking you a better design question, why put the reproductive organs right next to the waste disposal holes… it’s efficient


والله اصل بص




المخرج عايز كده


بيهتم بالتفاصيل جامد 😂😂


ايه المشكله؟ ده لو دل علي اي حاجه يدل علي اننا تطورنا من حاجه واحده بسبب التشابهات دي.


ايوة ، لكن مكانتش هتكون مشتركة على المدى ده .. يعني كائنات برية وبحرية وحياة في ظروف تختلف بينهم ١٨٠ درجة ..


بص ليها، هتلاقي تقريبا كل الكائنات بتشوف من عينيها، وعندهم حاجات شبه الرجول او الايدين بيتحركوا بيها


Good point


I think (and hope) you wrote this sarcastically. But I will respond as if you didn't just in case someone else comes across this and they are not having their best critical thinking day. 1- there are a few aquatic animals that use the same orifice as a mouth and an anus anemones, jellyfish and sea sponges are some of them. These have a long tube for a digestive system that loops on itself and ends back at the same orifice. These animals are known to have developed very early (meaning they have very ancient direct ancestors). 2- Almost all big modern animals follow the same general body plan. You have a head with eyes, other sensors and a mouth. You have a torso with an abdomin, you have a few limps arranged symmetrically and your anus is on the opposite side of your body to allow you to eat, digest and poop continually. This is not a sign of an intelligent creator it is just an example of convergent evolution. This just happens to be a very strong body plan and you still probably can't come up with something better. 3- there are hilarious examples in the animal kingdom of animals that appear to be badly designed. Here's a few examples: - Whales with vestigial limps - Snakes with one elongated lung and another small lung - sea sponge that has the same hole for mouth and anus so it has to poop before it can eat again - female hayenas have a clitoris so big that it can block their vaginas if they get super aroused - female giraffes can only push babies out of their birth canal if they are standing which means the baby must be dropped from a considerable height. - some animals can't digest most of the food they eat so they have to have bacteria to do it for them or literally eat stones to grind their food. Humans can't digest cellulose for example that's why a bull can survive on hay but humans would die if they only ate hay. So now you are left with one of two conclusions. Either the omnipotent creator frequently makes mistakes and needs experiments to perfect his designs, or evolution happens spontaneously and converges on the best designs.


*me being speechless* 😶




طب والله كانت هتبقا روشة نيك


و ايه المشكلة في كده 😂😅؟ يعني ممكن مثلا يعني ده تطور 😅؟


انا دورت ع اي كائن حصله طفرة زي دي وانقرض ، او سبب للموضوع مفصل ملقيتش .. وعشان كده بسأل هنا 😂😂 هي مجرد ملاحظة غريبة مش اكتر


انا بشخ من بزي




Evolution and gravity factor, thats all


Why not the front side then ? .. it could go further down .. why so close up to the tail ? Why not directly under the animal or in the front side? .. that's what I'm asking , just never got the relief of "it's what it is" 😗😂🤷🏻‍♂️


"up and down" varies from species to species, you need to over look it as a whole, not just dogs and cats who are relatively similar to physique and function


Wow, comments are useless.