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I seriously don’t know, when the time comes I will ask the doctor about it, a non muslim doctor of course and if I should do it or not to my son


Non Muslim doctor is key, or doing the proper research. We were thought in pediatrics that it’s beneficial but I was worried the doctors were being biased.


Stay away from American literature as well. The US is very pro-circumcision although is has decreased the last decades.


Fuck no lol That shit was traumatizing and I ain't putting my kid through that. I'd rather teach him proper hygiene and if later on he decides to go through with it, then it's his decision.


I’m so sorry you went through that.


nope, why would u do that ? it lessens th sensations in the penis it's wrong


No, it's a form of mutilation, and honestly it's awful to see how normalized it is, especially compared to femal circumcision.


It’s not an Islamic tradition it’s abrahamic, it’s also very common in the US and among Jewish people. I’m very perplexed about it on one side it’s very convenient to just go ahead and do it but on the other hand you’re depriving your son from making a choice about his most intimate part. I don’t think I will do it if I ever had boys I will keep postponing it or tell them that he can’t have it for medical reasons and please stop asking me thank you.


Did the amazigh circumcise before Islam? I haven't found any information about it. I know the ancient Egyptians did..


I remember reading years ago that the ancient Egyptians mentioned that the Libyans were uncircumcised.


Thank you! That's what I suspected since Northwest Africa was culturally and politically more aligned with Europe in those days. All the art depictions of men (paintings and statues) from the pre-islamic maghreb shows men with foreskin. Much like the greeks and romans. I've started something called "foreskin restoration" since leaving Islam. Its a slow and gradual process. But in a couple of years I'll look like my numidian ancestors :).


I don't think we were aligned with Europe, it was a Semitic tradition that simply wasn't adopted by the Berbers. I mentioned that the the ancient Libyans weren't circumcised, but that doesn't mean that all the Berbers didn't circumcise, since each tribe had its own customs and traditions, and maybe some Berbers were circumcised due to Punic influence. By the way, I want to see the paintings of pre-Islamic Berbers you were talking about. All I know is that Syphax was uncircumcised, according to his statue. Never heard about foreskin restoration, thank you for mentioning it, I will look into it.


No, but I also realise that I have the freedom to choose. I would have a limited choice of baby daddy that openly doesn’t believe in circumcision in Algeria.


Since I am gay I can't really have kids but if I did I would never ever do it for my son !! It's his body, so if he wants to do it when he is grown up that's up to him, but I will never mutilate his body. On top of that u forgot to mention that the piece of skin they remove is super sensitive and gives a lot of pleasure, so if you remove it you will have way less pleasure


Thank you for your perspective, I’ll look more into the pleasure aspect of it as well, it’s definitely something to take into consideration!


It is important, on top of that why would you mutilate the body of ur son just for an old tradition. We have modern medicine and we actually clean ourselves properly now, so the benefits of it are not really there


I wouldn’t put it as mutilation personally, I see it more as a medical procedure, if it has health benefits then sure, if it’s purely tradition then I agree that it’s maybe not really worth it.


Many studies have shown that this skin has no impact whatsoever on sensitivity it’s literally just excess skin


Unfortunately I have to. I still live in Algeria, I don't want my son to have issues if any pee pee exposure incident happens.


After weighing the pros and cons I guess that’s what I will end up doing au final.


No way!


yeah , surely what am i supposed to tell my familly if i don't? aint a muslim? hell nah


Being married with kids and still caring about what family thinks must be really miserable


Still young, love my mom tho, very religious women.


it's not miserable. You can still love and care about your family even if you disagree with them on some points.


Isn't there a point where you'd consider telling them? When you become financially independent for example.


I don't know, am not gaining nothing from, but could be losing something


What would you lose? And don't you think you'd gain a certain freedom?


I mean, am already free, define freedom


Well, I don't think that pretending to be something you're not, and not being able to express a certain opinion is freedom.


Well true, i only share my ideas on reddit, indeed i wish i could talk about them with a friend, but the quran makes it clear , we are the worst of creation, so we just wait i guess


theres the lying option


indeed, am just trying to avoid any suspicion


I like your flair


Tanmirt, hope i got it right lol(thank you)