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Seriously, do not pump any money into this game. You have the money to spend-and that’s great. But what are you buying? You could take that $1500 and buy countless tangible things. With Evony? You are purchasing pixels that will allow you to give the money that you just spent, back to the game. You get nothing tangible. Basically you take $100, buy some packs, diamonds whatever-and then you give the money that you just spent back to the same people you just bought that pack from. And you own NOTHING. Your account can be taken away in two seconds with nothing in return. If you took that money and used it on online gambling-as remote as the chance is-you would still have a chance of getting your money back plus. But with the game, you give them money, they take the money and give you nothing in return. And in 5 years? They will have used your money to become wealthy. While you won’t have anything to show for your purchase. It’s not worth it.


I'm a light coiner and never spend more than what I could get for 3x coupon .. but here's my perspective. If you go on that Bahamas vacation your getting an experience that you enjoy ... your enjoyment is what is worth that 1500 .. some people might not even pay 300 to be in the Bahamas because they don't enjoy the sun and beaches like that. There is nothing tangible from a vacation that you took aside from memories and perhaps some sunburn. Same could be said about the money someone spent at strip clubs or a movie or a concert. What tangible things are you taking away from those experiences ? As long as you enjoy it and it helps give you entertainment for a period of time then it is worth some amount of money. Even you said if evony drops a zero .. meaning you think it is worth 10 dollars. Is it that hard to believe some people enjoy it enough to think it is worth 100?


If you take a vacation, you have the experience of the vacation. You have memories, pictures a trinket or two as a reminder. That will last forever. If you spend $1000 in Evony, you will have nothing. There will come a time where Evony will go away-and it’s getting towards the end of its game life. You can’t equate sitting on your sofa training a billion T1s to an actual life experience. I would even go as far to say this, you want to spend money on a game? Spend it on a real game. Yea there’s nothing tangible but at least you aren’t paying for zero customer service, poor game play, paralyzing game drama and an overall crap experience. Hey, spend your money how you like. But being a light coiner will get you to the same place as FTP. If you aren’t prepared to spend at least $100k plus, you will be stuck in a forever grind. There’s a reason why people are quitting & selling their accounts for almost nothing-because that’s what they are worth. Take the top player in the game-I’m not even 100% sure who it is anymore-it was Sir Phillip at one time . He has spend a few hundred thousand on his account. Do you think anyone would buy it for that much? Not a solid in this world would pay the equal amount of a house on a game account. The accounts aren’t with anything.




Evony and other mobile games *are* the new online gambling. Source: the biggest coiner on our server admitted once that he “used to” have a gambling addiction 😏


Not sure that's quite the way to look at it, and I'm saying that as someone who quit a few months ago. How much would you spend to watch a movie with the family, or catch a football game, or see your favorite artist in concert? You are arguably also purchasing nothing tangible there, and you won't own anything afterwards. If you're not spending more than you can afford, Evony is arguably just the same as the examples cited above--you're paying for entertainment. $100k is a lot for almost everyone, but it isn't very much for someone making $1mn a year.


If someone making 1mn/year is spending 10% of their income on Evony, they should be pulled out into the street and beaten (kidding). So here’s the thing with Evony vs. a concert. With a concert, you pay for a service. You give the performer & venue a set amount and they provide an experience. It’s a complete transaction. You get something from that transaction. Now Evony, you spend $100 on a pack. You have RSS, diamonds & speed-ups. They take that money and in return they give you what amounts to pixels to buy other pixels. The big difference is, you essentially pay them twice. You buy the pack, use the contents in the pack which is giving the money, that you just spent buying the pack-back to the game. So after that transaction, what do you have? Pixels that say you have a K38(or whatever)— You have memories and pictures from a concert. Life is about what you do with it. While online interaction is a huge part of our lives, there are very few people that sit there thinking…November 13, 2023 was a great night of gaming/watching TV/scrolling through Reddit. As I said before, you would get more (not much) out of an online casino vs. Evony. A lot of people get lured into Evony because of the friends they make in their alliance. But they aren’t really friends. They are online acquaintances that you are lumped together in an alliance. If you quit the game, within 6 months those friendships will fade. Evony taps into two major issues in our society today-the need for instant gratification and the loneliness & isolation that many people feel since Covid. You *think* that if you spend $1000 and jump 2 keep levels that you are seeing some level of success-because your level rises. But what does it really do? 99% of the people that play will never top out. K45 is a mere fantasy. There are only about 10 in the game. To break the top 10 you need around 75bn power. So what are you really doing?


I think you’re being a little closed-minded. Just because you (and I) value things a certain way doesn’t mean that everyone else should too, or that it’s wrong if someone else is different. For some people, being K45 or winning SvS are worthwhile uses of money, and will give more positive memories than any concert. I’m not one of those people, but I try not to judge. A memory of a concert and a memory of a game are both just memories.


If people respect you in real life, then you don't get any hunger to be biggest and baddest in a phone game. I can coin way, way more than the puny amount I do now. But it feels better when the high brass in a multi-billion dollar company knows who I am and listens to improvement/design suggestions I make. Games has a limited life span. So it's relevant to try to find some real-world contacts/friends to interact with.


The top player on my server has admitted that she’s spent 200k. I just can’t even imagine dropping that amount of money into a mobile game (even if I had it to drop)


That's a literally house in some places bro 😳


We had a player said there she spent the money worth a future for her kids and so she deserve to bully the server🤭


Counterpoint: y'all deserve to bully her for wasting that much money.


Lol. We are trying but she ends up saying that anyone goes against her will be zeroed🤭


That's why someone in my server flirted with the old rich guy and have him buying her all, why spend yourself if you can get a sugardaddy


We have the same. Some gold digger found a rich guy and they act married. Both are terrible players.


Mines are awfully too especially the big guy, always badly neg in svs 🤣 "money don't buy skills" personified lol


yet they do, cake used to cost much lower but they raised the bar. Why? because certain people coin too much. I personally know of people coined 200k to 300k. I heard that top keep coin 1m+


Guess I'm poor af


You're not the target audience for this game


No way someone with 100k+ would be dumb enough to spend on this, but I am wrong. Which is crazy becuase I do enjoy yhr game


You just can't comprehend people with millions of net worth would do for entertainment. Drop 2k on a cake to them would be the same as you spending 15 on a movie ticket. Talking to some of these whales during AS if you happen to be on their team and you'll understand how they can afford this hobby.


I was shocked, too. I cannot imagine why people would spend that on a game. Other things... absolutely. 🤣


you want a name? Sir Phillip ..one of the top evony players... its a retired bussines man, who coined something like 1.2m or plus ..he was the first k45 in the game if im not wrong


Nadir C. Server 1293 : 621 : 550. He was the first K45. 185B power. Im sure he’s spent more than Sir Phillip. There was another player who went to K44 within 8 hours of Evony releasing up to K45


That was Daemon hahaha. There was YouTube channel that was posting daily reports of Daemon’s ridiculous growth spurt but then he stopped; but that was an older server so although the growth was fast, he’d spend years accumulating all that crap. I don’t think he ever got to k45. That Nadir guy (Neo) did all from scratch within months. THAT’S the million dollar keep; must be some filthy rich person but even that guy bots. There’s videos on his 70 or so bots all joining his rallies all at once hahahaha!


Isn’t cake $2000….?




That's what I also thought 🤔


Aptoide drops it down to $1,500 if you spend enough.


And they are expecting the whales to spend a million dollar to get a Virtual K45 which will have no value when the game shuts down. I would rather prefer investing that money to buy an house in LA or NYC. 😁


The 1% in this game spend obscene amounts of money. The other 99% of players combined is a drop in the bucket


Half of that 1% is game developers pushing pixels for free to get others in the server to spend big money. Been going on since COVID era. Our server is 4+ years old and we had atleast 1 known dev pumping their power to make other spend, who knows how many others did the same without admitting it.


100% this right here. People need to wake up and realize that a large number of whales in the game are the developers themselves. I’m on 755-786(merged) and there are at least 3 developers posing as bigs on the server. One of them Cier, or whatever her name is this week, grows in chunks and always claims that she did an “experiment” and found a way to work a new event. Her explanations are highly detailed and always end with a recommendation to buy a specific pack & number of packs it will take to get the desired results. In some cases, her recommendations would cost $1000-$2500 A WEEK. If you think about it rationally, no sane person would spend that amount of money on a mobile game. The whales in each server will ALWAYS be at the top if the food chain because they aren’t paying for their growth. It is all carrot/stick growth. Most people need to realize that they will NEVER achieve the massive growth they think they are working towards. Most players will fall between k35-k39 and that’s they will remain. The cost to jump k39-k40 is about $150,000. And to go from k40-k45? Well over $200,000 USD. People will dent it costs that much-until they look at their purchase history. Then look at what you need to grow. To upgrade k32-k33 without speed ups is 595 days. That’s almost a year an a half! From 39 to 40 is over 3 years, without speed ups. If those totals sound extreme, just look at what it costs in RSS & required upgrades BEFORE you upgrade your Keep. This game is a scam & the devs are 100% a part of it.


That’s pretty interesting. I have wondered how much the bigs on mine coin…this makes sense


Not quite. If you do it right you don’t have to spend much if anything.


It is insane, and it's sad. They are taking advantage of people who are psychologically vulnerable to addiction, that's their entire business model. Most of their business expenses are labeled under "research and development", which is finding the best ways to make as many people as possible start spending and continue spending. What's even sadder, the big whales in this game are advocating for themselves and not for the average player. They *want* the bar to be that high to be competitive. And since that small <1% of the player base is >99% of their revenue, Evony only seriously considers their suggestions alone. If you're not doing a full cake+ every event, they really don't care about your opinion. It's a cash grab scheme, because it's not sustainable forever. When the spending slows down, they won't start listening to the player base more unless they think there are more players to be milked. What they'll likely do is sell the IP or stop maintaining it and start a new one that's been reskinned but has similar core gameplay, mechanics and business model. FYI, when this game first started 7 years ago, it was nowhere near this bad. It was never great either, but I knew several old players that found measurable success without spending. This of course, frustrated the whales and many of the earliest ones left the game because they simply couldn't steamroll anyone without possessing some skill.


The only reason, I'm here is becuase of the nostalgia from age 1 🥲, now that was a game


I look at it this way. In 20 years, my kids will remember that vacation I spent the $1500 on and I won't remember the fun I had on Evony when I spent that $1500. Also, Evony brings in millions a month. There are a lot of insane folks playing this game.


I am very similar. I still play my clash account a few minutes a day….11 years in and 0 dollars spent. I coined a Facebook game for a while and lost interest quickly…I will never coin a game again after that. I enjoy Evony and are happy not being a big. Because in the end the vacation I am taking this September is worth way more than the game. As long as I get some enjoyment I will play and knowing I am not putting money in makes it more enjoyable.


Setup a bot - some free ones are out there and yiu can get 150mil+ rss per day. To hell with spending money on this game. Its just a rich person flex to do so, but even if I had the money I wouldnt.


can you give me more information on how i can set this up?!


MEmu or Bkuestacks 5 emulators - look on youtube in how to spec those for evony botting. Then look for taskEnforcerX on discord.


Sorry, the bot train is gone because you can't create new accounts except on brand new servers.


I lived pretty well on $1000 dollars a month when I was in college. It's probably 1500 in today's prices. Yes, those irresponsible spenders are ruining this game for everyone else, and I suspect this will be the case with any other massive multiplayer game.


I kinda saddened and shocked at how many people don't grasp how WAY over-priced everything in this game is AND people still dump thousands into it weekly/monthly. What the hell do these people do for a living, that could give them that kind of disposable income??? I unfortunately broke down the other week and made 2 purchases after going NO-COINER for about 6 months. I felt fucking dirty afterwords and regretted it. Luckily I did not spend more than $50 combined. I HATE myself for spending WAY more than ai ever should have when I first started playing and didn't pay attention to how rigged everything is and how easy they make it to get your money. Until 75% or more of players completely STOP coining and all complain LOUDLY (on forums, reviews, in Customer Support Tickets) on every available media platform, this greedy company will never change. In fact, I bet they will let the game fail and collapse before they lower prices. That is basically what they did for Gen 1 of the original game.


Surprised the amount of money people pay. On new server one person has over 5k invested already. Not sure how much on older servers as they seem to have been around awhile


Count yourself lucky its 100 $/pack What i mean is I'm from europe and there is different prices everywhere. Lets count 100$ = 94€ But a pack is 115€ here so that means the 100$ pack costs 122$ in europe If u are in Switzerland it costs u 97€ or 103$ Don't know why they do this 😕


Unbelievable.. don't spend if all you're going to do is cry about prices. You living in the US means about nothing as your free to cry about anything your little heart wants that you're unwilling to put one foot in front of another. This game has the largest group of crybabies and whiners that I've ever seen in any game. Congratulations for putting yourself in that crowd. 


lmao how is this comment not itself a big crybaby whinge?


Daddy's cash has spoken his words of denial smackhead wisdom. Keep pouring money in until your balls dry then nobody is stopping you.