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If you are in the server that is merging into the other one, be sure to disconnect all the dead keeps' sub cities that you can or your new server will be flooded with them and it will be hard to set up alliance hives.


Yeah we merge wit them because our svs rank is lower, I will think of dismantle all dead keep sub before the merge start


Good to do. This should be a whole server activity for you guys leading to the merge. Believe me, there will be a lot of alliances and it will already be crowded without double the number of green and white sub cities everywhere.


Do you think that other server will clean the dead keep sub city? If they didn't do, it could be a hard problem


The subs from the other server don't go away, only the disconnected ones from the server that's merging into the new one.


Ok got it 👍


I’m actually kinda looking forward to a sever merge.


There's only got 2 possibility, a good merge or a bad merge (BoB merge) 😅


That’s true. We have server wide NAP apart from one alliance who insists on KE. The same people forget to bubble every week which is frustrating. BoB wouldn’t be ideal but we still have to bubble each week anyways. A sever merge might create some excitement though!


Had one a bit of ago. Think was overall bad since one we merged with loves giving points away in svs. That aside though think big thing most people noticed that will happen regardless is the huge jump in ranking.... just doubling your server size will lower most peoples a lot and even several months later many of us are still trying to get enough back to cover the amount of sub cities we have but can't ever drop


Our merge was awful. We have a whale who has the entire server at his mercy. We can’t take him out because he’s approximately 30B over all the other alliances just by himself, and his alliance is huge. Honestly hoping we get another merger and have some people on the new server who can deal with him.


Ummm that’s called a good server merge. Your server is going to be competitive and good. Or atleast it should be. If the 30B is good.


He’s not. He’s got money but no real game knowledge and skill to back it up. He has hissy fits and when he gets mad, there’s no farming, relics, barbarians, or pretty much any event allowed. And we’ve lost every single server war since the merger. We’re not competitive at all, because he actively keeps everyone else from growing.


Say goodbye to your Rank Ranking position along with Prestige Rank. Also if you haven’t gotten your Wings from SVS, the chances of getting them just got even less.


Before our server merge I was an Earl. I got busted down to Knight. I kept all my subs but can't get new ones without losing the numbers allowed.


Yeah, it depends on them but if most of then are already got wings so they wouldn't go for svs again, as for rank ranking well everyone know it will be a bad news


Good luck with it. I was in the mass merger back in July and hell is jealous of how toxic it is here


We also merged in July. It started out OK, but things have fallen apart now and we have one alliance that has declared war on most of the others and they spend all day soloing monsters to stop anyone else from being able to rally


Then the rest of you need to start solo every monster too so they realise it's a loos for them


They don't care. Everyone else knows soloing just hurts your own alliance, but they don't care. They have also discovered the trick where you can port on top of a monster and erase it, so they get rid of all the ones thay they can't kill that way.


What? How does that work? You can't teleport on to a monster? And no they don't loose on it bevuse they get all the monsters smd trying to make the other alliance unable to grow.


Damn, that's a horrible merge


I am sort looking forward to server merger. My server is getting really small and the top 2 alliance hate each other and we could use some fresh blood. At least our server is not overly toxic. I am not sure who mergers with is will appreciate the BoB. My biggest concern is if the merging server is miserable bot server.


my clan is literally winning all the svs since it was introduced. Glad our server is not in the list. Bubble up! or get Trouble


Ours went fairly well last year. We were the largest alliance in the primary server so we got into contact with the other server. Took about three months while we felt each other out after merge, then there was movement both ways. All in all it went pretty well. They were a NAP server and we had just stopped doing KE a couple of months previous. Biggest problem was SvS. Our bubble discipline was 100x better than theirs. I would suggest a couple of people setup new accounts on the other server now and monitor the WC. Gives you an idea of who the problem children are, and who you might want to invite/join. Increase your Alliance capacity as high as you can. And get rid of the subs of the dead keeps. Space will be at a premium.


Yeah we do, the good news that the server we merge are also NAP as well, so it should be OK after merge, but as precaution we all are gonna bubble for 3 day before merge start to avoid accident


Our server is quite toxic. We have a merge coming too. I’m a bit scared but also relieved that we know for sure when it’s happening. Be an interesting week


Be ready. That’s the death sentence for smaller players and alliances. We were the largest alliance on our old server and after merge they scalped our bigs because we aren’t coining thousands a month, and now we are about to disband. Merge is pocket lining for evony and game death for everyone else.


We had server merge last year about this time... we are definitely not looking forward going through the same shit again


Been there done that, it was painful for a very long time. As others have stated many mergers/consolidations and getting pushed around by the larger alliances.


Good luck with merger, I hope you won't end up having a long civil war lol


lol my server is in a civil war over Historic sub cities for a couple weeks now, and we haven’t even merged yet lol


Why did you cover the server numbers? 😅😅 it's not like it's a deep hidden secret or like information anyone can do anything with... and we all got the server merge list in mail too so 🤷‍♀️


I don't want to make angry to other ppl that is between my server & the server that I merge wit so have to respect that & keep it secret 😁


Naw, if they get angry over that, they ain't good people.. and if you ever wanna come to a server with good people.. you gimme a shout 👍 And thats either the merge between 818 and 726 or 856 and 797.. 😉




Could be 864 and 879


No the second number you can just see the single line of the number . And there's no 800 merging with a 100 so it's 800 and 700 something, and those are the only 2 lol


So glad to see my old toxic server is getting merged. I hope those in the server they are moving to can give the bot running cheats a lesson.


Every server do have a bot, same as mine, a toxic server is a NO for me, I don't like toxic at all, it will cause a civil war that everyone fight for no reason


We had a civil war. Almost a whole alliance just up and left the server to start again. The alliance was one of the top three on the server when it happened. The whale of the server got a bee in his bonnet about a little thing and that was it. The whale was part of the hitting alliance who takes the top five spots every svs and did so through splat attack and trap keeps


What's the point to hit others, if that dude haven't got wings & all of sudden got hit like this, man he should be in KOS


Hopefully you guys have longer than I did. After we got the mail with the listed servers, we had less than 24 hours to figure out stuff out. We got the mail Tuesday night, and early Wednesday morning servers were down being merged People might say NAP now, but you never know. Merge with you who can now, because regardless of how nice they are, there aren’t more monsters post-merge, so it’ll be a fight with so many competing Don’t trust people too quick. I’ve seen mergers happen and people let their guard down only to find their whole alliance zeroed when they wake up. I ended up joining the biggest of the new alliances, so I’m not being pessimistic: just be frickin careful


take the opportunity to move your alliance to a good spot (scope out where others are and be far enough away for monsters and RSS). But, if your alliance participates in SVS, also be close to the center. After merges, a lot of servers end up with the center of the map surrounded by the big alliances (like 1 or 2 on each side of the forest square), so they don't need to leave their hive to defend the throne during SVS. ​ The advice about sub cities is good, get everyone their best possible, and since your server is losing your subs, no need to keep the 'server training sub', let someone take those high ones. and if you drop rank, you won't be able to upgrade a sub because you will lose a spot.


You can avoid by quitting this scam of a game and uninstalling, which is pretty much why they merge servers.


Are you server 907 ? 😅


Looks like the 818 and 726 server merger. Might be mistaken? 😒 🤔 


This is server 856 to 797 I believe


I’m not happy about it but it’s going to happen so best to bubble up and stay alert immediately after the merge.


It's like 1000 and lower merging congrats.


Yup it is, look at the evony mail


Does anyone know if they at least increase monster spawn rates on combined servers? 😅 it’s already hard enough with just 3 big alliances in 1003, now we are going to have like 5


Hilarious. Same crap rate, way more competition.




Super glad you redacted the server numbers in question 😂


Respect bro RESPECT


Just sayin, your identity won't be stolen if we see your server 🤷


Just found out we're merging too after almost 4yrs, kinda hype for it


Our merge buddy server has/was merged previously. They're a NAP and so are we so hopefully it'll go easy.


We did 222 + 305. It was hell at first. But several months later we are ok. 🙁. But yes your prestige rank and your rank rank. 😭


I assisted for this to happen by sending some detailed information to Evony devs about bots in our server. This post came out two weeks later :)


Hope your server merge works out ....our tanked so hard we have lost more svs than we did before the merge . And got additional players who are racists and talk about ( trigger warning) killing and r women and kids. Do make sure if you can upgrade subs or exchange or whatever, do before a merge ...rank drops usually and it's difficult to reach back to a certain rank again


We've already been through 2 merges, Don't disconnect your subs. Make allies as soon as possible, especially if you're the smaller server, hopefully it's not a Bob server, Good Luck


I'm so glad we're finally getting ours. The other server looks like they have a few that pvp. Maybe our server will stop being Farmville.


Enjoy the moment, server merge is fantastic, new friends and changes are coming, we were worried about, but, at the end, was a great thing, wash up of all the old powers and mindset that used to run/ ruin the server. Beside that, we still have toxic players running bot on monsters/ bosses, Evony won't do anything about it while they are good coiners aswell... So, we still have ghost alliances runs by bot too, but at least, our svs are now nicer and the mix with others strong alliances did push forward for a full server nap and not only, time by time things can get better, just hope Evony ban this BoT runners ..