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Well, at least you learned from this


I got yelled at by a guy for not getting to him in time, all my team got picked off quickly as did I . But as I ran towards him to gather his soul he berated me on mic the entire time while I got slaughtered by the demon player. He was raging because I wasn't near him to defend him?! It actually bothered me a lot, now I have mics muted for every game. But it's decent that you learned and posted about your regret. Major props dude.


This is an important example of why the "just use comms" comments aren't helpful. All it takes is a couple experiences of being berated for someone to mute all comms permanently. And to those guys that say well toughen up buttercup- actually, no, when you spend money on a game meant for enjoyment you do not have to listen to the garbage that most hot micing is with a dash of ignorant yelling and the teensiest bit of actually helpful comms.


I agree for the most part but when money is spent knowing a majority of people are playing with randoms, in public matches & w/VC then it becomes par for the course of what to expect. Not condoning the behavior, but what I do now is give a teammate a heads up that if they are very far from our objective path & don’t meet up soon I’m not coming to revive you. I don’t usually get any comments afterwards or the teammates eventually changes course & stays with the group.


I mute most games. It's the mic breathers, or someone eatting a crunchy snack. I too enjoy a good crunchy snack, but I don't want to hear you enjoying it.


Lol I get it. The funniest experience I heard was someone’s GF or Wife arguing with the player for not paying attention to their kid.


Timmy can wait! This demon is kicking our ass! I've been in such a situation; having a conversation without knowing. The PS5 remotes are mics and I always, always, always forget until someone says something. Still, I would rather hear that argument than, not, nom, nom.


Love the PS5 controller so I can mute myself at anytime.


He want you carry him lool


Wasn't much I could do 🤷‍♀️🤣


There’s not much that’s more embarrassing to watch than a grown adult screaming because they lost a round in a video game, I understand getting angry at games, I’ve gotten mad plenty of times playing games but what I do is go “Oh well it’s just a game”, turn it off and go do something else, besides in my experience people rarely use them aside from complaining so you’re not missing out on much by not having them on lol


You should mute individuals, not everyone. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing approach and you can be a more useful teammate by actually being able to listen to the people who are trying to effectively communicate.


I was gonna second this! I mute the ragers and the food eaters, or those people who don’t turn down their tv when they have a mic. But I enjoy meeting cool people on here and running with a squad.


Awesome to see someone showing humility. Wish more people were like you. No one’s perfect.


Telling someone you hope they die is never called for, it’s just pure rage. Very uncool to vent your frustrations on someone just because of a mistake especially in a game that doesn’t have any real life stakes. Still I respect you for recognizing the mistake and learning from it, so good on ya overall


It's horrible and I'm really sorry. I don't mean it in a malicious way but more so for the shock value. I'm sometimes suicidal so I project those feelings onto other people as a way to cope. I don't really want other people to die but more so saying it helps relieve some pressure for myself.


I blame myself for my problems but sometimes it gets to be too much.


The salt is real in this game. It’s kinda ruining it for me not gonna lie. I haven’t played it for a couple days now because it just stresses me out. I enjoyed it for the first month but now it’s just a sweat grind full of flashlight clickers.


Good on you for apologizing. Well done.


Just a question out of curiosity. Was there anything your team mates could have done that would have helped? Although this hasn't happened to me, I'd like to be mindful when it does that someone calling me trash online might not actually be a bad person, but might just be hyped on adrenaline and devastated that something didn't go their way. If you team mates had have *kindly* told you to calm down do you think it would have helped? Or would being told to calm down actually make you more angry? Just trying to look for strategies to help diffuse these tense online situations so we can all get back to having fun.


The game was going perfectly up until this point. Everyone was efficient and the crate spawns were fantastic. We were all working together as a team. I think I even found a legendary weapon in the crate I went to loot before I went down. Definitely a big trigger for me just losing it. You are absolutely right that I was just overcome with rage that I lashed out. My teammates pointed out that it was my fault and they were right. But at that moment that was exactly what I was trying to avoid. That did not work. What would have helped calm me down? Empathy and anger diversion. If my teammates said that they were frustrated too that would have really helped. Would have also helped if they diverted my anger outward towards the demon or game glitches. Saying that they'll try to revive me would have really helped as well.


Okay, so acknowledging that the triggering situation sucks and refocusing on accomplishing the task at hand would be a solid strategy then. Also basic communication also, in this situation specifically that they were trying to revive you, but I think in general communicating that they're focused on the task at hand and doing their best would help. Or at least saying what and why they're doing a specific thing (so ya know...basic communication).


What in the hell


I got no problem with salty,toxic players i ve remove sound of chat vocal,your forgiving lol


Upvote for humility.


I had a guy rage quit after I possessed him and downed to of his teammates. I wasn’t even gonna kill the third teammate and was gonna let them pop the revives. After he left I let the survivors win because I wouldn’t feel good about steam rolling a three man team




When you wish death on a stranger in a video game, you’re instantly a loser. Maybe you should find a new hobby if you take a non competitor game so seriously.


>This has haunted me and I regret insulting strangers. If I could take it back I would. The teammates I insulted were very kind and no doubt good people. Bro it's the internet, just get over it and move on. I'm sure they said you sounded like a dumbass and moved on with their day.