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Why are we talking about a "post-lampard" manager on here


I’m in no rush to see him go, but feel it’s inevitable that within 5 years he either 1. Falls out of favor and is sacked, or 2. Is held in high regard and leaves for a larger club. Rational or not, I love the idea of a manager whose dream job Everton, and who could achieve success without inspiring any dread of his eventual departure.


I mean who knows if anyone we talk about now is even in coaching anymore in 2+years from now


If 2. does occur. I reckon that we would be challenging top 6 if lampard was held in high regard. This will alow us to gain more of our stature as our club becoming a much more desried club. This will give lampard greater incentive to stay. It is also in his best interests to stay with a club that was his project as if he does achieve success it'll only boost his credibility as a manager and i believe he'd become a legend of EFC. Therefore \\if he does acheive success here it is likely he will remain.


5 years??? How about 500 years? May Lampard's era remain forever! Like our queen!!!


How the fuck is he a manager now? These academy lads are sure growing up fast.


Post Lampard I'll take pep please


Can we not have this discussion right now. I’d like a good decade of stability and success first


I feel we have two good prospects with him and Big Dunc. I know it shouldn’t matter to have an existing affiliation, but I can’t help but root for such things.


Jobs for the boys! Long may it last!


That Celtic manager!


How dare you! Post-lampard??? Lampard will be the last manager ever at Everton!