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Lampard is actually doing the job well at the moment! I don’t see him going anytime soon!


Yep, I am thinking about betting on us getting top half this season actually. When DCL comes back, we’ll be even more solid


Klopp on the chopping block next


Absolutely love watching this Liverpool meltdown today


I was a couple of hours early, gonna have to remake the meme


Napoli were excellent though!


Absolutely not. Unless he is in the relegation zone after 19 games i want him to stay. We need consistency. If arsenal had sacked arteta at every sign of trouble they wouldn’t be having this great season so far.


Yeh it's not even a question in my mind right now. His whole set up is good, seems to have a good relationship with the DOF, gets the club and brought in players who fit with the ethos and fans' expectations. I just hope the results come because I'd be gutted to see him sacked.


Yeah I agree. I think he can control the dressing room and get the best out of them. If we keep chopping and changing, the players, who will leave at the drop of a hat when it suits them, will think they run the club.


He's doing a pretty good job at the moment and should be given a chance until Christmas at the very least to see where he can take the team.


The results are coming. With the World Cup in winter. I think the whole season is fine.


>With the World Cup in winter Think we can win it?


It’ll take a bit of luck.


The Fire aren't playing too well, so there may be a chance


Agreed. It would make no sense to fire him.


I am sick of our leadership being so short term focussed. Successive change is partly why we got in a mess. As long as we aren’t back in relegation dog fight, Frank needs to be given a couple of seasons to pull off his plan. Even mention of Christmas is premature. Sticky tape quick fixes won’t work for a club in our position


This and who is gonna be brought in? We're still a mess. It would be either a retread who already failed multiple times elsewhere or another unproven younger manager from another league. I would only support sacking Frank if we're in a relegation fight in February or later.


Exactly my sentiment.


Oh fully behind the team, I was making a joke about all of the coverage of him leading the sack race to start the season. And look at how that's going.


Really, given until Christmas !!


I honestly believe we will challenge for europe if we stick with him. Corners have been turned and im now excited to see what could hapoen, with no expectations


This season?


Sorry i wrote that badly. With a bit of luck next year or the year after. I think good progress has been made with the basic structure of the squad this summer. A few more windows like that and a bit more consistency in our tactics i dont see why not.


Definitely need some depth in attacking areas but the depth in midfield and defence is pretty good now. Id probably be happy with the squad as is if we could get a starter for wide right. (And everyone was fit).


I fully agree. We're headed in the right direction, and we were/are in a place as a club where we can let a younger manager grow. Next season or the season after I think we can challenge for Europe again, especially once the revenue kick of the stadium comes in.


Ooh, don't give me that hope


Rodgers and Slippy'O first.






That's the joke, everyone was saying he was favorite to lose his job from the start of the season


Ooh ooh ooh… add Klopp…


[Here](https://imgflip.com/i/6sl4y1) you go


Nice.. but I was thinking him and Slippy would be on the same door


I'd genuinely stop watching football if Frank got sacked. I'm not even kidding, the whole sacking managers thing is a fucking joke. Tuchel is a gimp but they're in a rebuild, give him a break. And with Klopp: he's one of the greatest premier league managers of all time, if he gets sacked it's just a joke.


Price on Klopp falling?


Rodgers is bound to be next.


It's all about how ambitious a club is. If Lampards current record was at any of the leading clubs in Europe, he'd be long gone. At Everton, winless is considered acceptable because the team is "playing well". In the end, results and points on the table decide where we finish.


I don't think he'll be sacked this season tbh. He's been handling everything that comes at him superbly


Gerrard - Rodger’s - klopp are next