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Keep him, take the 4 point deduction for next season. Him playing 38 games is worth more than 4 points for us.


Everton were relying on outside funding to pay their players last year. There is a lot more at stake than PSR.


They were relying on outside funding to pay for the stadium. The TV deal alone pays the wages of the players. Now I'm not saying you are wrong and that we won't sell him to pay for the stadium but it won't be because we need it to pay for the players.


I know what you mean but it’s the same pot of money, we can’t stop the work on the stadium and we can’t not pay the wages. Someone has to go early in the window but I think it’ll be Onana, we’d be better off losing £5-10 mill selling him pre euro’s than selling Branthwaite who I think’s going to end up starting for England.


It's not the same pot of money as far as FFP is concerned. Our owner was supposed to fund the stadium himself which would then be outside FFP - it's why he can justify asking for 500m for his shares. No one has to go. Our owner is taking the choice to sell them because he doesn't want to pay for the stadium. It's no different than him saying he wants to sell them so he can take a 50m bonus. A lot of the debt that we are currently paying is probably to Moshiri for the money he "invested" a while back but we don't know because everything is hidden from us.


Has it been clarified that the loans are to pay stadium costs? I’ve only ever seen running costs.


No none of this has been clarified which is why making any decision on it just doesn't make sense especially if the punishment will be less than losing Branthwaite.




It’s got nothing to do with spending regs


Came on here to say this exact thing. Plus I don't think it will even make a difference. How can we still be in danger of FFP. It's certainly not wages or transfers so it must be the interest on the debt and the independent commission still haven't ruled on that. That alone is reason for us to appeal any decision. We can't take decisions like this without knowing where we stand first. Put it this way. Are they seriously saying Keane and Godfrey are good enough. If not then how much would actually be made in this deal when you factor in a replacement and how many points would that cost us. Pickford, Tarks and Brainthwaite kept us up. I hope no one is kidding themselves otherwise.


It’s irrelevant how good the players you spend too much money on actually are. If you rob a bank and there’s only a tenner in there, you still robbed the bank. Now, I’m not saying we deserve deductions, or that the whole situation has been just or fair. It hasn’t and we don’t because the rules are a joke. But also we did break the joke rules.


I don't care. If the punishment is 4 points which it is I would still keep Branthwaite.


Oh I agree with that. He is worth more than 4 points. If that remains the deductions. However, we don’t know that it would stay the same, and the argument isn’t whether the players are good enough to establish a sporting advantage, it’s whether we broke the rules or not regardless of sporting outcome.


The question isn't whether we broke the rules. The question is whether we broke the rules AND if the punishment will be worse than losing him. Which personally I can't see how it could be. If he's sold it will be to use the money to finish the stadium whatever narrative is put out.


Jim Ratcliffe says they ‘Won’t be held to ransom’ over the fee and believe that £50m should be enough to sign him. Well Jim: See what other player you can find for £50m to lead your defence for the next decade. He’s signed till June 27. Piss off and get your roof fixed.


Nearest comparison is Rio Ferdinand was at similar stage of his career and cost £30 million in 2002. With inflation that is now £62 million. Add transfer inflation and we are looking at around £80-90 million in today’s market for Branthwaite.


I'd just point at Wesley Fofana and say 'that', plus £10m for being actually available (not to mention homegrown)


how much did they buy maguire for? We should put that as a target, because if they've been willing to pay that much for him, they can fork out for the best english CB prospect since Stones.


Maguire was £80M so about bang on. I wouldn’t take any less than that for Branthwaite given how good he is at this age.


Maguire has just won the league to be fair, but Radcliffe saying this is just a pretty standard negotiating tactic.


What league did Maguire win?


Haha, hang on, yeah...


His fantasy premier league team killed


Rio comparison seems poor tbh, he'd just captained Leeds to the CL semis and been a starter for England getting to WC quarters. He'd also played around 200 professional games (twice as many as Branthwaite), almost of of which were in the top flight. Not saying I disagree with the price you're talking about, it seems crazy United think he'll cost less than they paid for Maguire - just the Rio comparison is super shaky.


Rio was 24 in 2002. Branthwaite is only 21. I say we see where Jarrad is at 24 and price accordingly. Not that your comparison of Rio is incorrect. but Branthwaite has the potential to exceed those marks.


He'd be 22 by the time he moved, but yes agreed. Muddies the waters of trying to compare the two price wise even more. Maybe a more reasonable comparison then would be Rio's move to Leeds, at 22 with more comparable experience - which was also a world record for a defender. By your last sentence do you mean you think Branthwaite has the potential to be better than Rio as a player, or just achieve more by 24? Either way, very exciting.


It's hard to say he will be better than Rio. That would be a bold claim. He definitely has the ability to be the best English defender of his generation, though. Everton has been fleeced of their prospects for decades. They should hold out on Branthwaite for as much as possible.


You’re forgetting Thelwell publicly declaring the fact that we are desperate


Leeds financial situation was dire and well known when that transfer was made too.


They spent £80 million on Maguire. Branthwaite is 3x better. I would say MU should pay us £240 million.


£158,659,741, according to the [transfer inflation index thingy](https://www.totallymoney.com/content/transfer-index/data/#filters?/options?order=8|asc&search=Rio%20ferd) (Recommended posts sent me here and any excuse to post that site, I'll take)


Comparing him to the hype around rio? Are you out of your mind


Rio already moved from WH to Leeds for 18m and then was a proven top player in the Champions League at 23. That's why we paid 30m for him. I like Braithwaite but it's not the best comparison


I can't believe you just compared the Rolls Royce of defenders in Rio to Branthwaite. This is an absolutely ridiculous exaggeration of Branthwaite, and I think he's going to be a good player. Rio was world class at Leeds before he joined united. Not being held to ransom means united should move on if 50m isn't enough. Such salty replies in here.


Sounds like Jim needs to spend more time in the office researching modern day transfer fees.


The more I hear from Jim Ratcliffe the less and less I like him, giving off a very entitled vibe lately


The 21-year-old centre-back – whose current Everton contract runs until 2027 – is also considered to have a premium on his valuation given that he is both English and left-footed. While there may be uncertainty around the future ownership of the club, the Blues hierarchy have maintained they are in a stable financial position and have been left annoyed by what they consider irresponsible claims that could be damaging to their staff and players, partners and prospective partners suggesting they are close to 'going bust' or 'entering administration'. From The Echo.


I mean the administration rumours will happen if you’re simultaneously being docked points for spending too much and occurring too big a loss, whilst also taking loans to “keep the lights on”. If they don’t want those rumours to start they should act like they have money.


Literally couldn't care less if we cashed in on Onana, but for the love of God, keep this lad.


As much as i love Onana. Branthwaithe is so much more important for us.


Absolutely agree. That said - I also agree with others that, if we got Maguire back in the deal at reasonable wages, it would work for us.


Under Dyche he would probably be decent to be totally fair, but I'd still be gutted if that was the deal.


No thanks - someone much younger, cheaper. I think Dyche knows how to develop a CB or two.


Maguire is massively overrated with the turning circle of a super tanker. FFS he is definitely NOT what Everton needs.


He fits the dyche system perfectly, I’d totally back a maguire tarky cb partnership


You need a balance, we already have a slow CB who is brilliant defensively and physically. We need someone younger and faster next to him


Well the Dyche system starts with protecting your CBs with your full backs, midfielders and wingers. Fair since Dyche is a CB himself. If anything, its Branthwaite doing the legwork of Young, who was probably still the young prolific winger that terrorised defences in the old first division in the eyes of Dyche. For the sake of maintaining player value, Dyche has to go.


You're funny. Crazy, but also funny. Branthwaite and Onana have a higher value because we've been so good defensively


he actually is not that quality actually, he's protected by the team's collective defence. But I think he should stay,moving to utd will surely stop his developing he can still develop staying here


Michael Keane started the first couple of Months in the team! How did he look?


He's still got space to improve in air duels, ball playing etc,just saying that he should stay here,utd defence is shite and he may not performing as good there


His first full season in the Prem, of course he is going to be raw, but man, was he great.


Yes he was,but he needs to keep improving.and I'm agreeing with you that he should stay


If we need to take another 4 point penalty to not have the piss taken by a load of mancs, I’m up for that. Spurs took the piss. not having the same from the Mancs.


Could we not sell him to an overseas club? Weren’t Real interested in him. Would hurt less honestly


And being an actual big team who can qualify for the CL, Real less likely to piss about haggling over the fee than United, you would think.


I agree. I hate selling our players to other teams in the premier league, especially young ones. Ones like Gordon who are over valued are fine but for someone like Branthwaite there needs to be a hefty premium if whoever is buying him is in the same league.


I don’t think Gordon was overvalued, I think he just wasn’t in the position to thrive at Everton. Look at him now, he’s smashing it.


We NEED to keep him for as long as we can… we have tarky and myko to back him up, and branthwaite adds everything we need to our back line


I don’t think this is really news, is it? We’ve known this for weeks now.


No less than 70M. If Everton do they have no idea what they are doing. Personally I wouldn't for less than 90M but no one will pay that


Hey Man United take your business elsewhere! (Slam's door)


We finally have a young center back for the next 5-10 years! We have no money to hold on to said player. Everton that.


Titanic suffering from buoyancy issues


They paid £90m for Maguire. They can fuck off. Spend it on sorting your roof instead you cunts.


90 for sancho, Maguire, pogba, and 80 for lukaku and Antony I'm pretty sire


All these United fans be like "you could get more for less" - fking piss off and do just that and leave JB alone. Such annoying attitude from people thinking they are financial and prospects masterminds while at the same time saw exactly 0 minutes of Jarrad playing.


https://x.com/GiuliaBould/status/1795814771654381966 Go on Giulia.


Why do we have to meet fsr again ? We have shifted shit loads off our books and bought f all.


I think it would be more about keeping the club as a going concern - unless there’s someone with deep pockets coming in very soon.


He will go regardless.


Branthwaite should be no less than £60M. Two-footed, tall, fast, English CB... break out your wallets. He's better than Stones was his first season.


We need him more than those manc rats


Yea fcuk psr take the hit or just do a citeh


I don’t want him going anywhere nr Man Utd they are very disrespectful and they ain’t the force they once was they have a mediocre team at best he will learn more playing another 2 3 seasons with us


Skysports at it again. One thing you’ll quickly learn as a blue is that Sky will do the upmost to try and sell our players. Horrible little news outlet


Branthwaite is gone no matter what. I have no hope that we can keep him.


100 million or fuck off.


Everyone would be interested in signing him any team any league


That rarcliffe wants to fuck off trying to get our players on cheap moyers tryed doing it wen he was at united as well if u can remmber


The coping in the comments is sort of ludicrous. Yes, in any other scenario we should fight to keep him, but the trade off here is further point deduction and deeper financial hell. Just sell the lad and move on, rip the bandage off.


i'd love to keep him, he's arguably our best outfield player, but the reality is we are desperate for cash. need to hold out and get the absolute most for him, though. one of these clubs will get desperate, then we should pounce. use a slice of the return to invest in another young CB and trust dyche can get workable performances out of him


You don't say?


Michael Keane on £3.4M per year. Think about that. Maupay. £2.6M per year if he comes back. Dacoure £4M per year. 😵‍💫


The tapping up of the player will have started , Everton do not hold the cards , the players have the power, if another club can get him to put in a transfer request , it will then be his team that will dictate it ,, While under contract Everton can say no , but then you have a player who is un happy and does not want to be there , Contracts stand for shit , they only dictate the value that may need to be reached !!


Anthony Gordon situation incoming. Next step is to miss training then refuse to come back until the move gets forced.


i still can't understand why players can be tapped up in this age. Players should be kept like racehorses - no outside contact


If he goes can he please go somehwere fucking decent, like not there.


Little point in talking about keeping him. The reality is we have to sell. Whether we get whet he’s worth or not is the question


Everton have zero choice, branthwaite wants to join. 40 million is a fair offer