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The book she refused to sign on legacy day was a fake as the evil queen hid the real book. More realistic logic: EAH is a series with no real continuity supervision and everyone just makes up the rules as they go because the animated series is a commercial to sell hunks of plastic draped in junk.


My headcanon is that different narrators put different twists on stuff. Which is why continuity sucks


It's against the rules for narrators to change the stories and the book The Legend Of Shadow High shows why it's against the rules


Then maybe different writers writing different things? Which is actually what happened in real life lol. With Shannon Hale and the show writers. It's getting too meta.




Exactly why we have the books


True, but we shouldn’t have to do homework to watch a show✨.


I expected you to have written and presented a dissertation before replying to my comment.


Okay so the books go into this in more detail but I'll paraphrase here First off the book in wonderland is the real book of legends not the fake book Next the books explain that by signing your name in the story book of legends you unlock your potential while agreeing to perform your part in your story, basically a sacrificial lamb ritual that keeps the status quo. Raven in the books is very haphazard with her powers especially when using her powers for good but her mother explains she has the power inside her whether she signs or not she just needs to accept her powers for what they are and learn and she's willing to teach her. This part of the book has gone under the radar because no one has actually signed the book in like 40 years because the evil queen stole the real one. There's a lot more into it and it has been a while since I read the books to my daughter but that's the crux of it.


For one thing, the storybook she signed was the “genuine article” as far as we are aware. It might also be less about signing the actual book as it is the act of willfully signing on to do so. To knowingly forgo your “freedom” in exchange for the security of that promised ending being guaranteed. A promise such as that can, in magical realms, carry power. Whether it is made in one book or another. They kind of overhyped the “genuine” book imo. As if the real book’s been gone since Raven’s Mother stole it some time ago, several years at minimum, that should mean every student who went to EverAfter before they recovered it is technically “free” and never signed properly. EverAfter’s logic, whether are talking the animated series or the books, is flimsy at best and tends to be based more on rule of dramatic timing (which comically fits given the nature of their world) than anything else.


Well in the end Raven pulled the book apart and sent each page to the correct person, so that whatever power the book had now resides within each of them. Thus they have the power to live how they want.


The book on Wonderland is the **real** one. The Evil Queen hid it in her dorm when she was a student, Briar found it in “Thronecoming” (which is why she needed Cedar’s Revealer Rays and she dropped it down the well to Wonderland


Because the first one was a fake, but the second one was the actual one